A few very rare pics of my son when he is still and quiet...
Eating chex mix and chillin' with his buds (please notice his socks and get a good laugh for your day!). He has to have them on at ALL times.

Relaxing in his chair

All ready for Bible study this morning

After Bible study Zach and I fed the ducks at Reese's Garden. I think this duck got on his nerves. ; )

A friend of mine sent me this verse Sunday morning, and I have claimed it as my "Fall verse." I enjoy doing this for different seasons in my life, and this one is perfect.
What joy for those whose strength comes from the LORD,
when they walk through the Valley of Weeping,
it will become a place of refreshing springs.
The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings,
they will continue to grow stronger!
Psalm 84:5 - 7
He is such a cutie!!! I really like the verse.
Very nice verse!
We like to feed ducks, too. One of the ducks let the boys chase him the other day....he went around in circles, it was so cute.
Zach is so cute! I love the socks....does he dress himself?
Great verse. And I LOVE the socks! That literally made me laugh out LOUD!!! So cute!
Incredible verse, Katie!! And what a great friend you have who gave it to you!
Looks like you and Zach have an wonderful time! :)
ps. I got this verse in an email this morning: Ephesians 2:10.
what great pics Katie!! he is tooo cute! I especially love the "mr cool" look in his recliner!! thats great! i love the verse too (as usual:))! thanks for sharing!
:) jess
Z Man is so handsome! He's going to be a heartbreaker for sure!
Saying prayers for you...
He is too cute!
I can't blame Z for needing socks! I am the same way! Hate to be barefoot! I need to get some cool socks like his!!! I love a little boy in "little man" clothes! He looks so cute all dressed up for bible study!
What a beautiful verse and sweet promises.
Zach looks so little next to Chandler! I love the socks! That cracks me up! He is too funny. I'm so glad you have him to make you laugh!
That verse is so fitting for you! I look forward to what the "spring" brings for you and your family! Love y'all!
I wonder if Zach will give me the "eyes" when I see him again. I'm gonna kiss him no matter what. Love you sister.
He really is a doll, going to be a real heartbreaker when he gets older :)
what a doll! thanks for sharing that verse...love it!
jess visser
Hi Katie,
Yes we do release balloons on each bd. Sometimes I think its more for me than the rest, but I know Josiah really enjoys it. After Joel died, some folks gave us some of the Willow Figuines and it really blessed me, especially the one of the mother holding a small child, and then we also received three of the angels holding a little boy, so I designated one of those each to our girls someday. I bought a curio cabinet that I keep them all in, and also I have our last family picture in it, and on one shelf I have Joel's JD tractor he got for his last bd. To some it might seem silly, but its just a way to feel like your still doing something for them.
I am so thankful you stopped by!! By the scriptures you are journaling, I know your spirit is trusting and leaning on Jesus, yet I know the soul, the emotions are so deep, and tears warm.....He will guide you and me through this....He is faithful would be my testimony as we are walking in the midst of our greatest trial. Hope we can keep in touch!!
zach is so darn cute! i have to admit...he is even CUTER with his socks ON!!! what a wonderful verse to cling to.
Loving the socks - kind of like his momma and her house shoes! HA! What a great verse for you to meditate on - I love that you choose verses to focus on during seasons of life.
Those socks crack me up! Thanks for the laugh on that one! Ha! Ha! I liked the pick of Zach eating the bread and the duck looking at him like "whatcha doin" too funny! The bible verse is sooo beautiful! Thanks for sharing... Hope your "spring" comes soon for ya...
Summer :0)
Zach is so cute! Great verse and don't you just love bible studies. I always look forward to BSF every Monday night. Praying for you and your family.
Wow, I love that verse. I don't think I've ever noticed that one before.
Katie, just be thankful it's only socks with Zach. My youngest had to wear her snow boots all.the.time! - even in the middle of summer. It wore me out :)
He is such a handsome little man!!!
Beautiful verse!! :)
Katie, he is way too cute! He's such a little man. The socks CRACK me up! Noah is like that with shoes--the first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is put his shoes on with his pajamas!
Katie, thank you so much for your sweet comment. I feel peace today. I had a rough night last night with "understanding why" life has to be like this and compared to your pain I should shame on me. God got a hold of me this morning and I trust Him and that He knew Sept 16, 2009 would be the day for our final result to having bio children. So, I'll post later today with the results. Thank you for praying for us especially while you are in the midst of your own storm. God bless you!
Love the verse and I love your little man in his Sperry's!! So so cute!!
aZach is such a cutie, Katie! He is absolutely adorable and I love that he wants to wear socks all the time. I also love the verse you've claimed as yours for the fall. I recently began writing scripture on note cards and have found that it really helps me through the days and weeks - oh, how I pray this verse will help you continue to heal. Thank you so much for continuing to share your life - all of it :-)
Zach looks so adorable, especially in his socks! My little man is getting to the point where he wants his shoes on ALL OF THE TIME! His little feet stink so bad when we finally take them off :)
The socks are stinking HILARIOUS!! Can't WAIT to see you in a couple of weeks!!!! YAY!!!
LOVE him! LOVE his little cheeks, LOVE his Sperrys, LOVE the socks, LOVE his little attitude with the ducks! He is too precious!
Re. the chair pic, Zach looks like he's kicked back in the club house after 18 holes of golf. :)
Praying for you, sweetie.
Ms. B.
I am laughing out loud at the pic of Zach and the duck that got on his nerves!
He is so cute! I love the one with the duck getting on his nerves... I had to laugh! ;) What a beautiful verse!!
Zach is such a cutey pie!! You are SO strong Katie, I am still praying for your and your beautiful family everyday!! Take care :)
Love the sweet pics of Zach! Cant wait to see you tomorrow morning at your hair appt!!
He is just so handsome! The socks made me think about my little boy! Now, he wants to only be barefoot! Ha! I am loving Z's own little club chair! So cute!
Still thinking about you......and praying for you.
I have enjoyed reading your blog, your Zach is so cute. After we lost our little girl it seemed like I saw everyone with a little girl that was suppose to be Molly's age, it is even hard sometimes with our little boy that we just had because every time he does something new I sometimes wonder if she would have done it the same way.
I also understand about wanting her to have the best flowers and monument. We take flowers out to her for her birthday, and I make a new wreath for her for every major holiday and also for her birthday.
I love that verse Katie! I "borrowed" it for my Facebook status..that is beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm praying for you!
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