"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy."
Psalm 126:5

"I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."
Jeremiah 31:13b

Thank You, Lord, that Your heart is breaking with mine. You know my tears, and You promise to bring laughter. Thank You for the promise of comfort and joy.
Thank You for knowing the number of every hair on Reese's head. Your love for her is even greater than ours could ever be. Our loss was truly Heaven's gain!
I have no words to say...but I just said a prayer for you.
What a beautiful post. You are so right. I am praying for you.
I am keeping yall on my heart!!
Praying for you all. What a lovely picture of Zach laughing. I think one of my favorite sounds in all the world is a child's laughter. It reminds us that there still is innocence left in this tough world.
Thank you so much for sharing- I know how personal these photos are and yet at the same time what a joy it brings you to share Reese with the world! I know others have said this before, but you have such a TREASURE in all the photos you have of you and your sweet girl. I was so sick and Tatum's death was such a suprise, getting out the camera did not even cross my mind. Oh, what I wouldnt give to have beautiful pictures of my baby girl.
Praying you feel His arms wrapped tightly around you.
Praying God's strength and love washes over you today.
Zach is precious. Such a total "boy". Reminds me of my own when they were little. About 18 and 14 years ago. Enjoy him every minute you can. The time flies by way too fast.
And may both of our tears bring more joys....
Somehow, though we cna not maybe conceive it all He is going to accomplish this verse in our lives...
That in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance and in all knowledge. I Cor. 1:5
We will be enriched through the deaths of our children.....
thinking and praying for you!!
Psalm 62:1-2
God is my rock - praying for you!
Beautiful post and I love the picture of Jason and Zach!!
Still praying for you guys!
Praying for you! The pic of Zach laughing is really cute... I don't know you at all but I find myself thinking of your family often and have even cried over your loss. I hope God heals your heart and eases your pain.
I think about you and your sweet family everday....I have no words but I know that God's love is great and that his arms are wrapped around you and your sweet family on this journey. May you feel the comfort of all those who are praying for you...
In his love,
I don't have any words. I am sitting here crying for you and what you have had to endure, what you have had to let go when you didn't want to. You have an amazing heart and you can clearly hear the courage and the strength the Lord is giving you to get through the days. Thank you for shining for Jesus in your darkest days and showing the world we have a hope in Him. Not all is lost here, there is something better waiting. Praying for you constantly.....
What breath-taking pictures. The last pic illustrates such joy that in such a time of sorrow people were able to take joy in Zach and the little girl that has touched all of us in such a profound way, even those you've never met.
Continued prayers
I know you only through a friend's blog but this morning as I sat in church singing "In the Garden" all I could think of is your family and Reece. If you don't know the song...please take the time to google. I feel it will give you comfort. Your family is in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Oh man, shouldn't have read this when I was emotional already....
Beautiful moment celebrating her precious life!
Love you, friend!
My heart aches for you, Katie. So thankful we know a Lord that will carry you!
Only God can do in a heart what He is doing in yours. Thank you for continuing to share the story. I love you and am praying for you.
Miss B.
I love the post. It is really powerful.
And I love the new look of the blog.
This is a beautiful post, I am praying for you and your family :)
What a beautiful post! You are daily in my thoughts and prayers. Your new blog is perfect. May you continue to feel the peace of the Lord.
There are no words.... I am still praying for you all often.
I pray often for your sweet family. Although the seasons change and time moves on we will not forget Reese. Take comfort in knowing that some day you will be with her and this time forever! Brenda
I don't know you but I know that God, Our Savior has given you such a strong heart and soul. Your family is so beautiful and strong! I cannot imagine what a pain you must feel with each passing day. You are an inspiration! I truly am touched by your blog. Last Sunday I was scrapbooking photos of my son, unknowingly taking for granted all the moments I have with him. (As I read your blog I stopped, went to his bed, kissed him softly, and yet again as I do everyday, I thanked GOD for him.)As I was scrapbooking the tv was on and as my show went off a church service came on. I thought about changing it because afterall I had already been to church that day, but something told me to leave it there. The pastor said...
"Don't focus on what you are going through, focus on what God is taking you to!" I'll never forget those words. This is the second time this week I reflect on his teaching. You see God wanted me to hear those words. Katie, know that God is using these days as a stepping stone to the life he already has planned for you down the line, every today is preparing us for our tomorrows. God has a plan for your life that is rich with blessings we have yet to know! Reese's life was short yet she has a legacy that will last further than your lifetime. In her two days on this earth she fulfilled God's plan for her life! You one day will know the answers to all your questions, but in GOD's time. Not our own! Stay strong dear Katie! You are an inspiration to many! And your strength is a beauty that you may never see yourself! Just know that today you blessed my life, and today I saw your beauty! God Bless you and your family ALWAYS!
In Christ,
Oh Katie...
still lifting you up.
Katie, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and have not gotten up the courage to comment. I think I left one to just let you know I was sorry for your loss. I just passed my own "anniversary", and this was a hard one. Seeing the pictures of Reese's little casket brought a flood of tears today. I just posted my own little casket on my blog last week. That was the part that brought the worst pain for me. I have so appreciated all of your verses the past few weeks, and how you have shared your heart with us. I didn't have the courage to do that early on. This momma, even after 13 years, really needed that! I have been praying for you, and will continue. I'll also continue to read, and am here if you ever want to talk about our girls. Heaven is sweeter because of these darling baby girls... Love to you my Sister in Christ. You are being held up by many prayers!
Love, Kathryn
I am praying for you. Know your sweet baby girl is safe in the arms of Jesus. I love the verses you post, they have encouraged and reminded me so much of Emma, who is with Reese in heaven.
Thinking of you and praying earnestly.
Beautiful post! I am praying for you.
Hi! I came across your blog through a friend of a friend...you know how that works.
I just wanted to tell you that even though we are complete strangers, I think about and pray for you often. I, too, experienced such a tragic loss. I lost twin girls unexpectedly and remember the sadness all to well. I am so so sorry you have to experience this. Just wanted you to know that I was praying for you all and will continue to keep you close in thought and prayer.
As I looked through these pictures with my eyes full of tears and got to the last picture of him being throwing in the air made my heart melt.
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