After Reese died, someone gave me the devotional book Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman. The selected verse on August 11 (Reese's birthday) said, "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in GOD my Savior."
Habakkuk 3:17 - 18
A friend of mine also shared how much the LORD has spoken to her through Jeremiah 30 during a difficult time in her life. I checked it out for myself this morning. Incredible.
"...for the days are certainly coming...when I will restore the fortunes...
I will bring you health and will heal you of your wounds...I will certainly restore the fortunes of Jacob's tents and show compassion on his dwellings. Thanksgiving will come out of them, a sound of celebration. I will multiply them, and they will not decrease. I will honor them, and they will not be insignificant.
I will invite him to Me, and he will approach Me.
...until He has completely fulfilled the purposes of His heart. In time to come you will understand it." vs. 3, 17 - 19, 21, 24
These verses are so rich, and there is just nothing I have to add to them!
This week has been much better than I expected being on "our own" again. It's nice to get back into full time "Mom mode," but at the same time it's very strange because Reese is missing. She will always be missing.
Zach and I are staying busy. It's hard not to with this little guy. ; ) He is growing up right before our eyes and gives me such joy despite our pain.

Don't ask me why, but he is really into socks these days. He has to have them on at all times! Yes, he is also holding a pink duck. It's actually Reese's rubber duck, so it's really sweet.
He is watching Jason on the mower and waiting for me to take him on a "Vroom vroom."
Just hurry Mom. Let's go!
Cute pictures - my Zachary is absolutely obsessed with shoes (pronounced "shoosh")! That's the first thing he says in the morning when we go in to get him...he actually went to bed with Crocs on a few nights...we tried to substitute those with socks but he wouldn't go for it so we had to go cold turkey with bare feet - it was rough at first but he's used to it now. :)
You still have "strangers" thinking of you and praying for you in Ohio. Your strength is truly amazing and inspirational! I hope each day gets a little "easier" for you but my heart still breaks for you.
Hi Katie. I am new to your blog and read about your precious Reese. What an absolutely beautiful name and what a beautiful baby.
Your story touches my heart particularly because 34 years ago on June 17...our daughter Annetta Lynn was born. She only lived a few hours. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to have the time with are so blessed to have such lovely pictures. I watched the you tube site.
Losing a child makes heaven so much sweeter. I am so thankful that you have your wonderful Zach.
Joy will come again. In my walk with my Saviour, I have had many times of great sorrow. In fact, at this time, I am battling cancer. That was not in our plans either....but my Lord is so faithful to me and even in this...there is such joy, as I am sure you have already experienced.
Blessings and prayers to you and your lovely family....Ceekay
Zach is too cute!!! I am lovin' the socks!
I love reading your blog and I am honored to pray for you.
Hi Katie!!! Just checking in on you!!!! Still praying for you all! Your strength and faith is just so amazing! We serve such a MIGHTY GOD!!!!!!!
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I have been praying for you family. How is Zack doing? I've been praying for a peace that sur-passes all understanding in his little spirit....grief is so hard and I'm just wondering how your little guy is handling it.
Tell Zach I always have to have socks on my feet too. Odd since I grew up in a tropical climate and the hardest thing for me to get used to in the US was panty hose....
It is amazing the things that the Lord allows into our lives, sometimes very small things, to remind us that He loves us. Even when He has permitted us to go through those valleys. For some it is a Scripture verse. For some it is a song. For some a tangible object. Often when we most need reminding that He does have a plan for us.
I am going away to a quiet place this weekend. I will be praying for you.
Dearest Katie
I am following you on your journey and keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. I am glad you are sustained with prayer and those who love you.
I can't imagine how much you miss your sweet Reese.
love from the shores of Western Australia
Katie- Someone acutally sent me the same book when I lost my daughter. I clinged close the all the words of encouragement- it has so many devotionals that just seemed perfect for how I was feeling the day I read them. Praying for your family!
Streams in the Desert was such an encouragement and helped me when the Word of God was LITERALLY life to me and getting me through the pain of infertility. It's so cool how the verses and commentary for each day are exactly what God has for you and what you need that day.
Praying for you, Katie.
P.S. Zach is absolutely adorable!!!
What a precious boy!! I just heard Footprints in the Sand by Leona Lewis... I immediately thought of you!!! AMAZING!!! I thought it might be of comfort to you. I went to Youtube and played it. I'm pretty sure the song will be a comfort to you!!! Praying for you and your family!!!
Zach is precious! I'm glad that you've got him to lift your spirits. What a gift! Hang in there.
Thank you for sharing those verses with us, they are beautiful! Nice to know HIS words are there to find comfort in. Praying for you!!
In a heart stopping moment today as a Mom I thought of you. My 2 year old disappeared from our shopping cart in Lowes and when he was finally placed back into my arms after being missing for 10-15 minutes I sobbed. I sobbed because he was found by the grace of GOD and because YOU popped into my mind. I lost my baby for just a short time, but you have lost your baby until you see her in heaven.
I praise God that you are getting comfort in His word and through the support of loving friends.
This is a song from a favortie group of mine called Watermark (they are no longer producing music so she could be home with her children, she finally was blessed by God's grace to deliver a child).
Glory Baby
Glory Baby, You slipped away
As fast as we could say baby, baby
You were growing, what happened Dear,
You disappeared on us baby, baby
Heaven will hold you before we do
Heaven will keep you safe
Until we're home with you Until we're home with you
We miss you everyday, miss you in every way
But we know there's a day when we will hold you, we will hold you
And you'll kiss our tears away, when we're home to stay
*We can't wait for the day when we will see you, we will see you
But baby let sweet Jesus hold you, until mom and dad can hold you*
You'll just have heaven before we do
You'll just have heaven before we do
Sweet little baby, it's hard to understand it
Cause we are hurting, we are hurting
But there is healing, and we know we're stronger people
Through the growing, and in knowing
All things work together for our good
And God works his purposes
Just like he said he would, just like he said he would
I can't imagine Heaven's lullabies
And what they must sound like
But I will rest in knowing
Heaven is your home
And it's all you'll ever know, all you'll ever know
Daily layng it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
Thinking of you today...praying for peace to flood your heart and mind.
I wanted to share an experience which I felt was absolutely Providential. I hope you think so too.
I have been reading your blog for these past few months and I checked in this morning to see how you were. My heart was heavy as I tried to imagine what you must be going through. I thought of you and your family off and on as I mowed the lawn and worked on other chores. Around noon, I went for a walk with a friend to try to cheer myself up. As we walked, we came across pieces of colorful chalk scattered across the sidewalk. A few steps further we found a child's drawing. It was a yellow smiley face (probably a sun) peeking out from some clouds and a rainbow. Underneath the drawing someone had carefully signed the name "Reese."
It truly took my breath away. There are a few reasons I don't think it was merely a coincidence. First of all, I haven't walked with particular friend in ages. Yet today I kept having this nagging feeling that it was something I really needed to do. Secondly, neither one of us lives in or near this particular neighborhood (my friend had to drop off a package to someone and we thought that it would be a good place to walk). Finally, while the name Reese is absolutely beautiful, it's pretty uncommon in the small town of Nebraska in which I live.
I felt like God was encouraging me in my prayers for you and your family. I hope that in the middle of your struggles you feel the sun peeking through the clouds and know that there are many of us praying for you daily.
Thanks for your ongoing example of strength and faith.
I thank my God every time I think of you (Phil 1:3-11)
So sweet! LOVE the socks too!
still saying many prayers for your family!
I just want to eat your son up, he is sooo cute!
Don't you just LOVE toddlers and there little quirks!
Hi precious Katie,
You have encouraged me to love God's Word more and more. It truly is the rock on which we stand.
I'll keep praying for you and your family.
much love,
Miss B.
sorry...that last delete was mine. i was accidentally signed in on my husband's account.
anyway, i just wanted you to know that i have been reading for a while now and pray for you often. when i read this verse today, you came to mind.
The Lord is my strength and my song. He has given me victory.
Exodus 15:2
I am so blessed by your posts. Thank you, Katie for clinging to the WORD, for in it is life and life abundant! I know that is where you find your sustenance and you have encouraged me to find mine there, too. Much love,
Cristi (Clark) Harris
what a great little picture of Zach with Reese's ducky!! my kayle is into socks too..mostly ones that do not match with shoes that do not require socks aka sandals :) i am always so proud of her for picking them out that she often goes with a style of her own. i am thinking about you guys and am soo glad you are having some bright spots...even if they are socks:) :)- jess
Katie-- love the new blog changes---- SO cute! I saw these pictures and my first words were "they should not have to make caskets that small." I cannot fathom the burden your heart bears daily; thank you for sharing your heart with others. We are praying for yall.
You do not know me, so I feel silly, but...I found your blog from a friends and started at the present, and just worked my way back. I don't even know Reese's life story yet, but I am in a heap of tears and just in awe of our Lord and Savior and how He has been your strength. As I was reading, I came across this post, and we have three babies in heaven...This verse was on my sweet husbands heart after our second baby went to go be with the Lord. Of course our story is nothing like yours, but I just sat there and wept when I read this verse from Habakkuk! He is so sweet in the details...even when it is difficult trials. Katie, you are so strong IN HIM. He is your strength in the day to day and that is so obvious. I am so blessed by you and I don't even know you. I am blessed by Reese and have never even met her. Press on, sweet sister...and I will be praying for you. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!
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