My Mom and Dad came up this weekend for the big game. Zach was a great entertainer for them as always. ; )
We went to Reese's Garden, and of course had to feed the ducks. By now Z and I know all the little "groups." We know which ducks get along, which ones do not, who hangs out together.
One little group of about seven ducks always run up to us like they have some juicy gossip to share. Then they bustle away after they are full of bread. Hilarious!
Little man & me

My dad is a marathon runner and had to check out the latest five finger shoes at a local running store. The shoe saleswoman called it "natural running."
Fits like a glove...the newest trend in running, I guess. ; )

Go Hogs!
Dad & Mom before the football game
What weekend would be complete without a trip to see the chickens!?
I continue to be blessed and amazed by the words and thoughts you share with me. Thank you for opening your hearts and pouring into me Jesus's love.
Look, I am about to do something new;
even now it is coming. Do you not see it?
Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness,
rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19

So sorry about those hogs!! We go to church with die hard hog fans and they were...extremely disappointed. They'll win next week! Thinking of you today!
What wonderful pictures....
Zach is looking cuter every day!!!
You and Little Man are so precious! Glad your parents were in town. I hope you have a good week!
Cute weekend pics! I am liking your shorter new hairdo in the pic of you and Zach! Hope you do too! :)
Be sure to come by tonight around 9pm (Eastern time) for the announcement so you don't miss out. I promise-it good-really really good.
Its So Very Cheri
Sorry about those hogs... I've heard from other blogs it was a close nail biting game... That pic of you and Zach is precious... I like your comments on the ducks... They probably run up to ya for the food or they are gonna chase ya... They do me... Ha! Ha! I like that funny Hogs hat on Zach... We are big Steelers fans... and as of right now the game is tied... Pop over to my blog and you can see us all dressed up in our Steelers gear... It's quite a site... I'm glad your parents came to visit... And OMG that pic is so funny with the chicken... Zach looks like he doesn't really know what to think of that thing... That chicken kinda looks creepy but then again chickens and ducks creep me out...
Summer :0)
OK, between the five fingered shoes, you and Zach learning the "duck trends", and Zach in that silly hat checking out the chickens, I'm really giggling to myself right now! What a joy to know that it's still the same, but "molded by God" Katie who is not afraid to blog about the "normal" along with what God is teaching you through suffering - if that makes any sense? What's comforting to know is that God is in the "normal" too! OK, my blog comments are getting way to long :)
Just thinking of you!! Sorry about the Hogs! Red Raiders lost as well. Love the pics of your big man, what a cutie patootie!!!
So fun to see your mom on there!
Great to see pictures of your precious parents.
I agree with Ashley! Perhaps you see more in the ordinary than meets the normal eye.
Reminds me of what someone said about C.S. Lewis ~ "You can tell what he thinks about everything by what he says about anything."
Praying for you,
Ms. B.
Glad you had a good weekend. Sweet photos. And I can't imagine running in those strange things! Not that I run :)
I love it! I am sorry yalls team did ours:( Other than football it looks like you guys had an awesome weekend!! Those "shoes" are a hoot! I have never seen anything like them. Thanks for sharing all your sweet pictures! Hope yall have a great week!
:) jess
Sounds like a fun weekend. Your parents look so sweet! Funny about those ducks!!!
hehe, my husband has had vibram fivefinger shoes for over a year and LOVES them, I think I'm going to get a pair too!
As a Georgia dawg, I must say what a great game that was! It could've gone either way for sure. You're going to have to beat the girls off with a stick one day your Zach is so handsome.
I am a Bulldog fan and our game was close. Sorry about your hogs! Get 'em next time! I am just getting back to the swing of things after my trip. I will blog about it this week! Great place to go relax! Your little man is so handsome! It is so refreshing to see you getting out and blogging about happy times. I know you still hurt for your little Reese, but I can imagine going to the "Garden" makes you feel closer to her! Who knows? Maybe she is sending the ducks to greet you. We believe every time we see a penny on the ground that it is from Heaven and my Dad. We just look up and smile. Little things keep you going. When you see the ducks next time, just look up and smile.
I love that you can go see those baby chicks. That you can see the wonders of new life growing to fulfill a purpose - even if it is thru chickens. I love that Zach finds them interesting. Oh, to see the world thru the innocence of a child's eyes and not know pain, huh?
Wow, even though I'm not a football fan, I do feel sorry that your beloved Hogs got beat...
I betcha I could call them Hogs with the best of 'em, though! After all, I do have that "Mommy Yell" occasionally!
Your steadfastness is a blessing and an encouragement. Keep on.
Too funny about the "groups" and the "gossipers with their full bellies" - HA! A disappointing loss for the Hogs Saturday night but I'm sure it will get better. Hopefully we can get our defense better by the next game. :o) Big hugs!
looks like you had a great weekend. I have to say thoes feet things on your Dad are funny looking! but I bet they keep your toes from rubbing blisters on eachother..
Have a great Monday
still praying and thinking about your family!
Oh my word, those shoes are hilarious!!!!
It's so sweet to see how special "Reese's place" has become for ya'll!!! And the duckies have to make it all the more sweeter!! :)
Okay, the pic of Z with the 'lunch lady hat' on is so funny!
So what did your Dad think of the running 'shoes'? My S-I-L is a marathon runner...wondering if she would like these.
Love the scripture from Isaiah. I needed that one today...thank you!
Those shoes are HILARIOUS!!! DId he buy them??? Glad you had a busy weekend. Can't wait to hug your neck in Dallas!
You look great,Katie. Zach is great therapy for you! I am still praying for you and your family!
Just thinking of you today. Loved the photo of the natural running shoes. I have not seen them until your post. Let me know if they were a go! When I run I raise money for Free Wheelchair Mission. You can google it if you want as I believe in their mission. Anyway this other runner who I do not know also runs to raise money for them and he runs barefoot! Yikes! I myself am a New Balance gal with lots of cushion!
Hope you are doing well today.
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you guys today.
Love,Renia (Michigan)
I think you need to get Zach some of those running sock things. Maybe it will cure him of always needing to wear socks - hilarious! Hope and pray you are able to smile more and more. Praying for you Katie. And I love the ring of cards - you are such a doll to treasure and thank other people right now. So many people love you dearly!!
Katie, you should tell your dad that Kyle wears those 5 Fingers to run in, and he LOVES them. I refer to the ugly shoes as "monkey feet," but Kyle has worn them for over a year and loves them. He has even ran a few 10K's in the last month, and he had no problems with them. They do take a little time to get used to though :)
Zach is just adorable with his little lips all pursed together in the picture. So cute! We think of you guys often.
I am sure those shoes are perfect for running. I have to admit that they freak me out! There is a guy that wears them to my workout class and I am so distracted by them. LOL!!!
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