I have been working on a blessing ring to display all of Reese's cards. I was going to make one for her anyway, then after she passed away and the cards started coming I knew I still had to make one. ; ) It's a visible reminder to Jason and me how many people love us and are praying for us. It's hanging in our bedroom so I see it every day.

I first saw one several years ago in a store and figured I could easily make it. Buy a ring, add some ribbon, hole punch the cards (and I'm not crafty at all so it had to be simple!). Zach also has one in his room. I hope one day when he reads his cards he will know how adored he was before he was even born.
My words fall short sometimes as I try to explain how GOD is using His Word to encourage me. He has been laying on my heart the perfect wisdom that went into making Reese inside my body. Reese was one of GOD’s spectacular creations! Just like you and me. She fulfilled her life’s purpose in just over 48 hours. I am so glad GOD’s words stand as truth and are always enough.
…everyone called by My name and created for my glory. I have formed him; indeed, I have made him.
…by Him everything was created, in Heaven and on earth…all things were created by Him and for Him.
Colossians 1: 16
Katie, what a wonderful idea. I am sure you have received many cards and what a great way to keep them in your home. I believe that Zach is blessed more than most to have such a wonderful, thankful and caring mother. I know you cherish every moment you have with him, no matter how small (feeding ducks and watching their ways). Thanks for sharing your days with us. You are such a blessing.
How neat is that blessing ring.... I love it... Thanks sooo much for your sweet comment....
Summer :0)
That is such a wonderful idea andan adorble way to keep her and the prayers and thoughts you have gotten, present in your every day. I love that you have also mad one for Zach for all the cards he has gotten so far in his short life, so many times we stuff the cards we get back into a drawer or box. I may just have to pull my 2 little Boys cards out and make them each one.
Pray you have a blessed day.
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
A blessing ring is a sweet idea! Prayers for you today and know that the body of Christ is encouraging you and your family!
Once again Katie, I am so thankful in the scriptures you share, even in the midst of great sorrow, His is BEING your Rock. Once we begin to see, meditate upon Who He is, His Person, and Character, it is peaceful because we know way down deep that He has done this for our good and his glory. Isn't it neat how He is taking you back to the beginning of creating Reese to show, but He's showing you not only about her, but HIM!!!! Even after 2/1/2 years it hurts but the grace is so deep, its like the grace swallows up so much of the pain and we can keep putting a foot in front of the other....He is doing that in you, I can hear it by the Truths you share.
Praying daily for you....
What a wonderful and special way to display Reece's and Zach's cards.
Continuing praying for you and your family!
That blessing ring is a great idea! I am sure it is a nice reminder of Reese, but also a nice reminder of Him and all of the people (whether you know them or not) who are praying for you.
Continuing to pray,
What a beautiful way to display all the LOVE for her!!!! :)
Wow. That is really neat. I've never seen or heard of these rings. What a great idea!
I tell ya. Keeping in mind how valuable to God we are is so tough. I think it's the mind-blowing realization that the creator of the universe made us, loves us, and mapped our lives. It's almost sometimes more than I can grasp. The comfort that comes in it knowing that NOTHING I experience was without His allowance and that it was written into His plan before time began.
Praise Jesus that you know Him and are seeking Him continually. It will carry you. You are a blessing.
What an incredible idea, Katie! :) love those verses!
I love that idea. Thanks for sharing it. May God bless you today with His presence so near you can feel it. Love you and still praying for you daily.
I have been following your blog and praying for you both! So to make the blessing ring do you just add a ribbon for each card or how do you do that?
Hi Katie - what a great idea! I never know how to display the "keepsake" cards (such as cards from my grandmothers that I was very close to that have passed away). This is such an easy way to keep Reece's memory alive and close to you and your husband and Zach. Continuing to pray for you and your family. BIG HUGS! :o)
oh my goodness that is such a wonderful idea! mind if i make one too? as time goes by it's nice to be able to remember that people love and care for you. thanks for sharing;)
so thankful that the lord is speaking to you through his word about just how specific his plans are for each one of us. reese's life is and forever will be filled with purpose. the lord is using her in mighty ways, even as she stands in his presence.
-jess visser
Katie, I love the idea of a blessing ring. I may just have to make one for all of Kate's cards....
You know we may never know this side of heaven why our little ones lived such short lives but one day we will know and understand....
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12 (NIV)
I am also including way it is written in The Message.
"We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!" 1 Corinthians 13:12 (The Message)
Isn't it amazing that Reese has accomplished her task? She has heard the words, 'Well done'. Like my dear friend's daughter Sheena, God's plans did not include college and marriage for Reese. He had other plans for her. And she has finished well. Her legacy will continue to live on through you and what God lays upon your heart to accomplish in her memory.
I love the idea of a blessing ring. I would love to make one for each of my children and their families. I am not too crafy either. I can visualize what I want to do but.........
I love the whole idea of a blessing ring. We gave one to my Daddy when he was so sick with cancer. But the blessing rings are also great for many other events too. :) I love your blog!
That's a great idea Katie. I still have all of Madison's cards as well. My sister bought me a lovely hope chest about a year after Madison died, and it is at the foot of my bed. Everything that touched her, or that we got because of her, is in that hope chest. That's where I keep her cards now. I love it...
This blessing ring is such a beautiful idea!! What a great way to keep those special thoughts and prayers and cards!
What a great idea and such a visual way to honor sweet Reese! Thank you for sharing with us.
I love that! I will have to make some of those.
I am going to e-mail you later. I have a song to share with you. It reminded me of you and Reese.
I always love reading the scripture that you share.
Praying for you!
What a beautiful idea! I've never heard of a blessing ring before! I'll have to gather all of B's cards and make one. Your words are always so uplifting - you are a blessing to so many.
Hmmm...I wonder if I ought to do that with Janie's cards?? They're just sitting in her memory box, up on the shelf of the hall closet...I may have to look into that. It's a good idea, the girls would really like to see the cards all the time!
God is perfectly wise and all things that He does are good and true and perfect. It's good that you're so willing to acknowledge that.
I want you to know that I think God is so pleased with how you are being such a bright light for His Name during this sometimes dark road He has you on. I think He knew that He would shine brighter in you during this hard time.
Keep on, keep on!
I love the blessing ring! Such a great idea. I check your blog often and I am so encouraged by you. I pray that God continues to be very real and close to you. You are an inspiration!
What a wonderful idea. It is perfect.
As I've said before, you have been an inspiration in ways you can only imagine.
I am truly inspired by your unbreakable faith.
I love the blessing ring. I'm going to do that for A with all the cards people have sent. Wonderful idea!
I've never heard of a "Blessing Ring" before. What a great idea and visual reminder of so many caring people and their love for your family and Reese. She will never be forgotten!
One of my ALL time favorite verses:
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)
Love that idea, Katie; such a beautiful, visible reminder of how we are to encourage one another!
It is amazing to think that Reese fulfilled her purpose! I believe that.
Your words are reminding us of the Truth. Thank you.
much love,
Ms. B.
I love the blessing ring idea! What a beautiful reminder of Reese and everyone who cares for you.
During our wedding ceremony, our pastor told us to really study our wedding rings as they were placed on our fingers. He told us to always remember whenever we looked at them that they weren't just symbols of our love and commitment to each other, but that they also served as a visual reminder of God's love for us. Just as a ring has no beginning or ending, God's love never ends. He urged us to think of that whenever we had troubles--and unfortunately, we all have troubles from time to time. ;-)
I hope your blessing ring reminds you daily of God's neverending love for you.
What a beautiful display of Reese's love.
Thank you for sharing your raw emotions everyday, I still enjoy reading your blog and continue to pray for you.
I made my own Blessing Ring last night in honor of Reese :)
I LOVE the blessing ring. What a wonder idea and even better reminder of people praying for you right when you need to be reminded! I love that idea. Oh, and I am not crafty either but I kind of wanna be! =)
thats a wonderful idea Katie! I enjoy reading your blog and draw a deep comfort at your strength that you possess. Just know that even though we dont know you personally, we love you just the same! Thanks for constantly being a reminder to us in blog land that you/we/I can overcome anything!
I continue to check in on you and your family...I cannot imagine what you are going thru, as you hit each new day, new month, new season without Reese. You continue to be on my mind and in my prayers.
You do not know me but I have been following your struggles for a while now. Since you posted about the Blessing Ring, I thought today would be the appropriate time to share with you a poem that I found after dear friend of mine lost her baby to SIDS. If you have not read it, I hope that it will provide you with some peace. Please know that you remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Little Angels
When God calls little children
to dwell with Him above
We mortals sometimes question
the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache compares with
the death of one small child
who does so much to make our world
seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to His fold,
so He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so He takes but few
to make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult
still somehow we must try.
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be “Goodbye.”
So when a little child departs,
we who are left behind
must realize God loves children
Angels are hard to find.
What a wonderful way to show how much Reese is loved. :-) Thinking about sweet Reese and praying for you daily Katie. Sending you a great big hug from Ohio!
Katie, just checking on you. You haven't posted for two days...not that you don't have a life to live. I just wanted you to know you are prayed for. I'm sure with all the ladies here that care about y'all that you are prayed for continuously without a moment being missed. Hugs to you today.
What a special way to display the cards for Reese. I love it! Maybe I could try that but I am not crafty either. Evie's cards are in a bag in a closet. You have made a special keepsake for your family.
Oh what a wonderful idea!!! I have never heard of this before - I love the "Blessing Ring!" I pray for you throughout my day and thank God for strengthening and sustaining you through His precious Word. Your story - Reese's precious life - is drawing so many people closer to Christ. God bless you!
I have loved this idea since the day of your post & have waited over 2 years to be able to do the same for our special little girl. Thank you so much for always sharing! I linked to your post on my blog.
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