Zach started Mother's Day Out today. ; )

He was not a happy camper when he woke up.
As Z was eating breakfast, I was thinking several things...
I can really get a lot done when I wake up an hour before he does!
Why didn't I pack his backpack and get this lunch together last night?
Will Z take his nap? Sit at a table with other kids while he eats his lunch?
Most importantly...what will I do?
I have only looked forward to this day for months. ; ) It was going to be just us girls ~ Reese and me. My first thought was to come home and cry all morning by myself. BUT I was feeling ok, so I wanted to be productive and get out. I also had plans to meet some friends for lunch (which was perfect and just what I needed!). GOD is so good to always know what we need, isn't He?
Z & me

When I put his backpack on him, he actually fell backwards! It really wasn't that heavy, he is just not used to carrying anything. ; )

This afternoon I came home to cheery bouquet of flowers from a friend. The card said, "When I think of Reese I think of bright and beautiful."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:28, 38 - 39
I'm so proud of you Katie! I know today was a milestone for you and the family and you did so well and stayed positive! Your family is still in my prayers every night! Z is adorable!!!
I have been reading your blog since your beautiful girl was born. I found you through Kelly Stamps and I'm so glad I did. I just wanted to let you know that there is another mom in NY praying for you, Katie! You are a beautiful inspiration to us!
I'm glad you had a nice day with your girlfriends ~ there is nothing like some good friends and lunch out sounds wonderful.
Praying for you,
That was a BIG DAY! You and Z are just precious. Did he enjoy his day?
The flowers are beautiful just like Reese...
Yeah for Zach's first day of "school"! He looks too cute with his backpack on. I'm glad that today went well for you. Praying for you!
I hope Z had a good day at MDO. I just went through the first drop off day at MDO last week. Let's just say there are still tears in the second week on the drop off. It's so hard! Zach's backpack is darling!!! Love it!
Zach is such a cutie with his big boy backpack! I love it! He looked like he was having so much fun this morning when I saw him. I hope that continued throughout the day. I'm so glad you had some fun plans today. I know that helped. Love you, friend!
Those flowers are gorgeous and that boy is so handsome!!! :) I love his backpack. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten up before Connor and thought "Why don't I do this more often??" But I just LOVE to sleep in!!
Praying for you and hoping you have a great evening!
Katie, I love that verse! It's my absolute favorite!! It was my theme verse when my dad passed away 3 and a half years ago.
I hope Zach had a great first day, and I'm so glad you were able to get out and enjoy yourself! Zach is so cute. I am cracking up at all the toothbrushes on his high chair tray ;)
I am so happy to hear that little Z has started mother's day out, for him AND for you. I cried the first time I took Davey and on Wednesday I cried AGAIN because it was Jonathan's first year and Davey's last before he starts K next year. I praise Him that He surrounded you with friends and you didn't go home to be alone. Draw strength from Him each day and HE WILL sustain you.
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
What a wonderful friend! A perfect end to the day, and you really are a Christian inspiration to us all!
You amaze me...and I know it's through Christ's strength and the support of loved one's that helps carry you through....
I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30
I hope Zach had a good day and that you did too! I am not looking forward to my little man growing up and going off to school! Wish he could stay little forever!
I hope your first MDO out was wonderful! I love Zach's back pack. A. did not wake up happy this morning and he carried it to preschool where he got a "yellow" for his behavior.
Way to go, Zach! You're a big boy!!!
Katie, I'm proud of you, too!
Miss B.
Loved Zach's cute back pack... What a milestone... Good for you to get out and have lunch with friends... You soooo needed that... That was so sweet of your friend to send flowers :0)
Awwww...Zach is so big!! And those flowers are just beautiful!!
I am totally inspired by you!!You are amazing! Zach is a cutie patootie!!!
I know I haven't commented in a while,but I have been thinking about and praying for you ALOT.Thanks so much for sharing your pictures of/with Reese;they are so very sweet.I hope you will have a wonderful weekend.Give Zach a hug for me! ♥
I love that pic of Z when he woke up! He is such a cutie and getting bigger by the day! Always thinking of you!
I think of bright and beautiful when I think of that sweet baby girl too! Not to mention her mama!
Praying for you, sweet Katie!
awe, so glad you had a great day with friends. Your in my prayers.
I wondered how you were doing today without Zach. I figured it was going to be time for just you and Reese. I know God has other important plans for you. I still think of you right when I wake up every morning and pray for you then and throughout my day. You look beautiful even if that doesn't match how you are feeling. I think it's awesome you had lunch with friends. Keep doing things like that katie!! I can only imagine how hard things like that are but it must help. Praying for you daily...
What a big boy!! Hope your day with friends brought you some comfort!! Still thinking of you and praying!!
Oh I have those same thoughts. I still think often oh how my life would be so different with Emma here. I am so glad you were able to get out with friends with lunch - it so helps to have that support and encouragement.
Such a nice friend to send the flowers, I "enjoyed" the ones we received as well.
Hope Zach had fun at MDO!
Sounds like today was a big day for you both and I'm so glad it was a good one. :) That is too cute that he fell backwards with his backpack! LOL
Katie, what a big day for you and Zach. I'm glad you got out and got just what you needed for the day. What a nice friend to send such a sweet gesture. Looks like Zach had a fun day.
Aw. Hope his day went better than his morning! The picture of the two of you together is absolutely adorable! You are often in my thoughts and prayers.
I am glad you had a great day!! Did he like his first day going to mother's day out? Such a cutie!! Love the back pack. Sofie started kindergarten this year and Arianna started second grade. It is hard not to tear up just thinking about it. They grow up so fast!!!!
Still praying,
Love that picture of Zach in his high chair. What I love about it is the food and the toothbrushes. Hilarious.
I'm glad you took what was sure to be a very hard day and made it a positive one. I'm sure it wasn't easy. God is with you every step of the way.
What a big day for you and Zach!
I thought about putting Gracie in MDO program butwe just weren't ready for it. How old is Zach? I'm glad you stayed busy ane were able to meet up with girl friends.
Do you have a MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers group near by? It is a Christian based group for Mother's that is wonderful.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I really do think of you through out our days. My girls are truly gifts of Grace & Faith, hence their names. I had a really difficult pregnancy with Grace and a long start to my pregnancy with Mary Faith and I really believe that we wouldnt' have either girl without all the prayers.
Still praying for you all through out the day and the night. I often pray for you a lot while I'm up in the middle of the night with Mary Faith, so know that even if you are awake in the middle of the night, prayers are still going up.
Love that scripture!
You are so loved! Blesses my heart!!
I rmember my X man's first day of MDO. Grandma had to take him because I just couldn't do it. He had a blast and told me all about it the entire way home and then through dinner that night!
Hope you had a great day with friends. Know you are loved very much.
That is the EXACT VERSE I was thinking about you yesterday! That song that uses that verse had me in tears singing out to Him. I was thinking of you the whole time and just kept remembering "nor life, nor death ....nothing can separate you!" Nothing! Hallelujah! PTL!
Zach is adorable. I'm glad you had a good day.
Such a big day for you and little Zach. I am glad you are getting all the support you need with so many people around you.
Big (virtual) hugs
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