If you are interested in making your own Blessing Ring, I thought it may be helpful to tell you I found the ring at Hobby Lobby. There are gold and silver ones in the jewelry section.
When I was a little girl my Dad would joke with me about school saying, "All you do is play play play." It was true, but I always denied it. ; ) I am reminded of this as I watch Zach play every day.

Zach & his friend Madison
Aren't their smiles great?

A calm moment
Zach is actually trying to "scooch" Madison off the trampoline. That's a boy for ya.
A little drawing by Zach at MDO ~ I thought it was precious!
Oh, the simple life. If only I could go back to those sweet days. ; )
Thank you for sharing with me how Reese has made you appreciate your children more, love on them more, squeezing in all the time you have with them each day. I can't ask you enough to please treasure all the little (and big) moments you have with your babies because I cannot. Do it for me.
Hearing how your hearts have been effected by Reese's life gives me such joy and allows her sweet presence to live on.
You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Psalm 32:7

What do you do for the ring? Punch holes in the cards recieved and put them on it? It sounds neat. Zach is adorable by the way!
Bless you. When I get bogged down with my silly, everyday tasks and want to complain, I think of you and your struggle. What do I have to complain about?
Thank you for having such grace. It inspires me daily.
Zach is so precious!! We continue to pray for you and your family daily for the loss of baby Reese! She has been an inspiration for SO many people and I know that makes you a proud Mommy :)
check out my blog, I tagged you in a award... if you are up to it feel free to pass along!
I think you need to do a breakdown of the blessing ring!LOL! Sorry I still have questions. So you just put a bunch of different ribbons on it then in between the ribbons you punch holes in the cards and put the cards on it. So the ribbons serve no purpose but just to look pretty on there?
Still Praying for your family!
Zach is just too cute!
Always praying for you...
Sweet girl.....
Oh I wish I could hug you through the screen, because you truly inspire me! Or at least the strength you are able to show through your blog is just amazing to me! I know it is hard, and that you still need your time to cry, but how you glorify God during this time is powerful to say the least. Such grace!
Your son is absolutely precious, OH that smile in the first picture of the two of them....such a handsome little one! :)
I will continue to pray for you and your family. As many others are too! :)
God has placed you on my heart this morning as you were in my dream last night. I am praying for you and thinking about you. You are SO loved!
Zach looks like he is having so much fun!
Hmmm. I might take a stab at making the blessing ring. Thanks Katie! Glad you enjoyed your few days away. I love those little breathers too!
It looks like they are having so much fun!!! I hope I could go back to this time of my life too.
Aww! These are such cute pics.
How cute of Zach and his little friend having fun! I like the one where he is trying to nudge her off the trampoline so he can have it all to himself! Ha! Ha! Such a boy huh!
I think I am going to try and make a blessing ring for Kelcee! Now the ribbon part, do I just like add a cute swirly piece of ribbon every so many cards? I'm not to crafty sooo we will see how it turns out....
Still praying for ya'll
Summer :0)
Enjoy these sweet, simple days. Believe me, you'll look back on these days as just that.
Love that drawing, too. Precious.
I thought of you Sunday as our pastor talked on people around the world who are truly persecuted for their faith in Christ. He said the suffering in our life helps us truly understand Christianity and what Jesus went through for us.
Jesus went through so much unjust suffering. I know you are going through the same. I hope you realize you are walking down a road and Jesus is holding your hand through this suffering because He has been there.
I am inspired by how you have kept your faith through this. Most would have a hard time praising the Lord through this.
I gave your blog an award! Check it out at www.jarodandpaige.blogspot.com and follow along!!
I love when they make pictures like that and say "It is you Mommy, can't you tell?". Sweet moments.
I do cherish little and big moments more because of Little Reese and of course, you. I think about you so much more often than you think, as do most of these fellow blogger Moms. Your story has touched me so deeply not only because it is heartbreaking, but also because of your Faith and Strength in words. I look forward to all the Bible Verses you post daily. Stay strong and Cherish every moment.
Katie- I KNEW IT!!! I could absolutely kick myself...... I saw you in Vegas at the Bellagio but I wasn't sure if it was you and didn't want to seem silly, ha. I wanted to go up to you so bad. I was staying at the Bellagio Hotel, and actually saw you all taking that group picture in the hotel. Man, I could soooo kick myself!
Awww.. such a sweetie pie! Yes, life was SO easy back then and we had no idea how GREAT we had it, did we?! Big hugs! :o)
Hey Katie,
Just wanted you to know I love ya and I'm praying about you! I admire you so much and even though this is tough, you are one STRONG woman! I know the Lord is covering you and will continue to pray for healing.
I love seeing these pictures. It reminds me of the time when I was little and didn't have a care in the world.
I love her name, but I may be biased because we share it. :) (wink)
My favorite sound in the world is a child's laughter. The peace and joy cannot be replicated!
Zach and his friend are having fun! I have noticed that your little man always has a smile on his face. You and your husband are really amazing parents! Continuing to provide Zach with a loving and nuturing home despite your grief. That has to be sooooo difficult, I can't imagine, as at times you probably just want to be alone. May God continue to bless you and grant you peace and strength.
As for the art work so cute. I finally bought an Art Portfolio off of Amazon to keep my daughter's artwork in. I noticed Michael's, a craft store, carries one in store, too. Just a thought because our fridge was out of control with magnets! :)You can't just throw the creations away.
Your Zach and that little Madison are both so cute!
I think of you so often...and, yes, it is often as I'm rocking my 13 month old daughter to sleep at night. I've thought about telling you that many times, but it's hard to know if that would be helpful or painful. I know nothing can make you hurt any more than you already are...
So thank you for giving me permission to tell you that Reese has impacted my life...she has made me even more grateful for my sweet girl we waited 2 years to get pregnant with.
Before I heard about Reese, I always looked at Brooklyn and thought "I can't believe you're really here!" but now it's even more powerful to think and say those words to her, because I know that not everyone gets that chance.
I think of you often and am praying for you...
Thanks for sharing about the Blessing Ring... Such a sweet idea! I want to make one someday.
I just had to share that my son (he's 8 1/2) still says "scooch!" Precious... I don't even correct him because I love all of the cute words that my kiddos have come up with.
I also wanted to say that you are an inspiration and huge encouragement to me.
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