We're back! Jason and I took a little trip with some friends for a few days. The internet access was limited, so now I’m trying to catch up a bit. ; )
We had a wonderful time. I felt completely comfortable and didn’t have to put on a brave face when I was upset or just wanted to be quiet. I missed Z like crazy! I’ll post some pics this weekend.
My heart is so full. This week I realized more than ever that Jason and I are walking “Hurts.” I know many people are. I am grateful to have friends who are walking hurt with us.
I feel “light” at times just to go to a deep anguish no human should have to feel. I know good is coming from Reese’s life. I hold onto that. I am incredibly blessed by those who share with me how she has influenced and changed you. My mind never imagined Reese’s influence to go beyond my family and close friends, and it’s up to GOD however He decides to use her precious life. I know she has forever changed me.
Reese has been in Heaven for six weeks. I’ve said this before, but thank you for choosing to be with us. You do not have to read my words, but you do. Putting a piece of my heart on our blog hopefully helps our friends and family know where we are and how to pray for us.
When I cannot pray, I know and feel someone praying.
When I am crying, I know someone is crying with me.
When I need encouragement, I receive a card in the mail, an email, a text, or a phone call.
When I feel weak, someone is praying for my strength (which must be constantly!).
When I need to see GOD’s hand, I receive flowers, a book, a gift from both friends and strangers just because GOD placed us on their heart.
When Satan threatens a disagreement between Jason and me, someone is praying for us to be one and to stand together through our pain.
When I just want Reese with us, I know her life has already and still is fulfilling GOD’s perfect purpose.
My family. My friends. You are making an eternal difference in our lives. Anything I say that sounds strong is not me. On some days I feel almost back to the old Katie. Other days I feel like the pain is greater than it was six weeks ago. I do have my close-to-brave moments, but I am one weak and tired in a heartsick-kind-of-way Mama.

I received this in the mail while we were away. Isn't it wonderful!? It has Reese's birthday, weight, length, her full name, and a verse printed on it. The amazing thing about this is I had one made for Zach and was still going to have one made for Reese. I knew this would be hard, but I want to do one for all of my children. The friend who sent this to me did not know I was going to have one made for Reese.
GOD continues to be faithful during my darkest days. When I can't see Him or feel Him. He is still working.
I am comforted by this truth, that when we suffer and die for Christ, it only means that we will begin living with Him in Heaven. Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, He remains faithful to us and will help us, for He cannot disown us who are part of Himself, and He will always carry out His promises to us."
2 Timothy 2:11, 13