Ok, so I'm excited. I recently saw this idea on Jennifer's blog, and LOVED it. I know random things make me smile these days, but whatever works right now I just go with. ; ) Anything to do with Reese I love so it makes sense.
I am starting a name gallery for Reese, and I would love your help. This is another way for us to memorialize her sweet life by writing her name in any way or on anything. An example would be writing "Reese" in the sand. Be creative! I am going to do this, too, and probably won't ever stop. I love seeing her name.
If you think of us and "write" Reese's name somewhere, take a picture and please email it to me. I am going to start an album for her name gallery.
Zach helped me with this first one. ; ) Kind of.
Reese's bedding material is finally here! Wow, I know. I did try to be the prepared mom, but when I ordered it this spring it was on back order for several months. We are not going to have any bedding made of course, but I still wanted the material.
After Reese died, I began to see many things that the LORD allowed this summer to almost help prepare us for what was ahead. Not having her material available or bedding made was one of those things. This material could be a very sad reminder that Reese is not with us, but it's also a sign of hope for me.
I would love to have another daughter and use Reese's bedding. Just as if we have another boy I would use Zach's crib bedding. It's all in GOD's hands, but just a little dream of mine.
Thank you for your tears, prayers, hugs, songs, words, cards, emails, phone calls, and texts. GOD's presence is so near to us because of your love and commitment to Him. You daily refresh my heart!
Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
Roman 12:15

Such a GREAT idea! I just love it! I would love to write Reese's name in a creative way...now ill just have to think of one! I think I might do the same for Emma - I know I would enjoy looking at all of the different ways!
Thanks for sharing the idea - and ill email you soon when I think of an idea!!
Praying fervently for you!
Love the idea!! I'm going to think of a cute way to have Reese's name.... oh, something is coming to me!!!!
I love that. You are such an inspiration to me and to many! Thank you for blessing me today!
Such a great idea! I can't wait to participate!!!
Did you see the book she made with all of the Stellan name photographs? I thought that book was incredible, too! I will be sending you an email with picture attached soon. Thank you for allowing us to share in this precious event! We still pray for you and your family everyday.
Just wanted you to know that your blog is such an encouragement to me. I really love the way the Lord is using you to impact so many peoples lives.
Keep your hope alive--God will restore what was lost! Believe God for your next little girl! (I'm only speaking this from experience!) Looking forward to seeing you (hopefully) this weekend, even if it's just for a minute.
You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
I just ordered a new camera lens that arrived today, we will be adding to Reese's name gallery very soon. It's such a sweet idea.
That is a really neat idea. I will have to think up something!! You continue to amaze me with your strength!!!
Hi Katie! Praying for you tonight...I definitely want to do something special for the name gallery!!! And I think it would be SO cool for your future daughter to use that material!
I hope you will share some of the creative pictures you receive with us!! I would love to see them. Praying for you tonight!
Ok, so it's way too late to be up checking blogs, but I am so excited about yours, I just wish I could pick up the phone or sit down over lunch and talk to you right now. I love the way God confirms the things we "think" we're hearing from Him in and through the lives of those we "meet" along the way. It's going to take me a bit to put what I have to say into written words, but hopefully I can soon :) Love you in Him, and as always, praying for you and dreaming with you knowing all the while that He can and does do more than we can even imagine!
That is a really GREAT idea.
I pray that God warms your hearts and continues to heal the hurt.
Thinking of you!
and i'll think of a neat way to write Reese's name.
Have a good day Katie!!
I love the name gallery idea! I'll have to think of something good!
What a great idea! I would love to write Reese's name in a creative way.... Oh I think I just came up with a few! Hmmmm better go write these down before I forget!
Still praying for you sweet Katie....
The Lord does work in mysterious ways sometimes. I love your name gallery idea. Reese is a beautiful name and will look good written any which way there is.
Bless you and keeping you in my prayers.
Such a wonderful memory!!!!
What a cute idea! Also, would love to see the fabric/material if you feel like posting. ;)
Hi Katie,
I still think of you and Reese daily....I love the idea of the name gallery and will think of some way to write her lovely name. I love my little girl's name (Karsen Grace) but I love Reese too!....I will be happy to participate and send you pics. Continued prayers...and big (((HUGS))) from us!
~Heather in NC
p.s. I love that you plan to still use her fabric. I cant wait to see it.
What a great way to memorialize her! I am definitely going to be on the lookout for an opportunity to do this! I would love to see the material you picked out for her bedding. I bet it is beautiful just like her:)
Continuing to pray!
I am so on this!!! =) I love that you have the material now!!!
Cool!!! I think I have an idea! :)
I am smiling this morning regarding the fabric and thinking of God and his perfect timing. May God continue to bless you and your family today.
Just wanted to say hey. Hugs to you. Praying for you!
I love this idea! I will definatly be sending you a picture(is it ok if I send 2...or 38?? ;))
I think this is a beautiful idea. I have wanted to comment on your blog for a while now, but have never been quite sure what to say... I think you are beyond amazing and it just breaks my heart that you are having to go through this season of sadness. Please know that you are in my prayers - and that you are such an inspiration of true faith...keep clinging. Just keep clinging.
BTW, have you seen the website www.frecklebox.com? They make personalized books that write your child's name in different places (flowers, sand, ants, etc).
Thought you might want to check it out.
I cannot wait to create Reese's name for you. I love this idea!
What a very neat memory for you to keep in honor of your sweet Reese! I will be thinking of a creative way and will definitely forward if I think of one.
By the way, what did you use to make the one you postedo n the blog....those look really fun and I think my son would like them!
Thanks - Stacey
Wow, I had much to catch up on! Katie, you've probably heard it over and over, but what you write goes straight to the soul and energizes the Spirit within. I sat here and cried many tears as I read evrything since the video post. Tears of joy, tears of sorrow, tears of awe at how closely you cling to the Lord through such intense pain. Tears of sadness, now looking back and realizing I had just become pregnant when Reese graced this world with her sweet face. I plan to write your birthday on my calendar and pray for you that day in particular. You are amazing to "watch" -- a perfect example of all the promises God fulfills through trials.
-Dawn (FitzRandolph) Esparza
Katie - one of my best friends lost her second child at 30 weeks, on Easter Sunday 2007. Her first is now 4 and she is due December 4 with another son. She has endured several miscarriages (early stage) both before her first, and in between her second and third.
You remain in my prayers and thoughts daily. Your steadfast faith and devotion to the Lord during this absolute low is inspiring and reaching to others in ways you cannot imagine.
Still praying for you and your family! I admire your strength, faith, and hope in the Lord! Praise HIM!
Katie, Thank you for you sweet message! I think of you the same way- it is amazing to see women using the most troubling times in their lives to glorify God! I would love to add to reese's name gallery- i need to think of something REALLY good first!!!
What a great idea, Katie!! I love the first one too! Hoping to add to Reese's gallery soon!! Hop yall have a great weekend!
:) jess
I love the idea of Reese's name gallery. I'll definitely be participating in this. :) And I think it's a lovely idea to use Reese's material for your 2nd daughter.
Have a wonderful weekend, Katie!
WONDERFUL idea, Katie!! Reese is such a beautiful name! it would be great name in anything!! :)
love in Christ,
What a great idea! I will keep my eyes open for unique ideas! I love it! Hope every day lifts your sweet spirits a little more! Hug Z from all of us!
Wonderful idea!!
love love love you!!! :)
I'm wishing I was near some sand to write her precious name. I can think of so many ways...
While God writes her name on our hearts, we will be looking for ways to write her name in our own way.
I have to tell you how happy I am for you to talk about another sweet baby. It's in God's hands, but I totally think you'll have another one, and you should use her fabric. She would love to know she got to share something that was for her sister.
I had started making bedding for my 'daughter' (lilac toile and pale green silk) when I found out she was a he! So, it was not to be. I only got as far as the bedskirt, so maybe next time? I'm still saving it.
You are constantly on my mind. God reminds me to pray for you often. May He bless you as we compose her name. : ) Holly
precious idea! as I sit here typing this, I have tears in my eyes for you and your loss, and at the same time I am laughing at my 15 month old, bald headed baby girl as she hits herself in the head with my camera and say 'ow' every time!
Reese'e name is forever written on all of our hearts. can't wait to come up with an idea to send you- you amaze me and I pray for you often.
That is a great idea.
When we lost our first baby to a miscarriage we planted a tree and it was so weird when we moved from our home that was one of the hardest things to leave behind.
LOVE the name idea, I am on it!!! Praying for you daily and think about you constantly. I pray you have a good week know that you are always surrounded by prayer and support.
love you
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