Of course, Zach had to try on his duck costume for Halloween for a practice run. Isn't he the cutest ducky you have ever seen!? Love it.
A woman recently emailed me with something GOD placed on her heart. She had been reading about this precious family. She felt GOD gave her the image of this sweet new mom rocking Reese in Heaven. What a gift GOD gave her to pass on to me. I am so thankful she was sensitive enough to His voice to respond. Isn't He good like this even in the midst of heartbreak and tragedy?
Sara didn't have a lot of time with her baby girl, and I didn't get enough time to hold Reese. This vivid picture blesses me so. I will never forget it. Even though I would give anything to be the mom rocking Reese, I'm happy this mom can hold her. What a beautiful picture in my mind!
The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have...Am I not sending you?"
Judges 6:14
Your nieces are so cute!
And I'm pretty sure he is one of the cutest duckies I have ever seen :)
What a sweet lady...I'm sure your sweet Reese is getting loved on by many.
What a beautiful family. I also have read about Sara's story. It breaks my heart. What a beautiful picture of Sara rocking Reese. I can only imagine what a wonderful place Heaven is :) PS: Zach is one cute duck!
That is one cute Ducky!
I am speechless today, but am so grateful that God always has the Words (the Bible) and that He promises to comfort us and carry us. I think of that verse, I think, it's in the Psalms about how good hears us even when moans are all we can get out... I'll have to look that up and comment again with the exact verse. :)Please know that I am praying for you and your family!
So glad that you have such a loving and supportive family to surround you in your darkest hours. I have not read about the girl you posted about, but what a beautiful image of her rocking your Reese in Heaven! I am sure she is one of many rocking that beautiful baby girl of yours in Heaven!
Zach sure is a cute duckie!
Here's the verse I was trying to think of - Romans 8:26
-" In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."
I'll continue praying for you and now also for the Friedmans and the Sullivans - again I'm just speechless.
O.K. I do believe Zach is th cutest ducky I have ever seen! I'm lovin it!
I read about Sara's story. That is such a tragedy! What a beautiful picture of Sara rocking Reese.
I am glad you had a great weekend surrounded by family and friends. Nothing is better than being surrounded by people you love.
Summer :0)
I've stumbled on the story of Sara before but never thought of it in that way. I hope someone shares that thought with her husband - hopefully it will be comforting to you both in some way.
We still pray for Baby Reese every day....and for strength for all of you.
Yes I agree. Zach IS the cutest little ducky I've ever seen! I have been following Sara's story as well and I think of you and her family often. Praying for peace in your heart tonight. We sing a song at church sometimes called "No Tears". I love it.
1. No tears in heaven, no sorrows given.
All will be glory in that land;
There will be no sadness, all will be gladness,
When we shall join that happy band.
No tears (in heaven fair)
No tears, no tears up there,
Sorrow and pain will all have flown;
No tears (in heaven fair)
No tears, no tears up there;
No tears in heaven will be known.
2. Glory is waiting, waiting up yonder,
Where we shall spend an endless day;
There with our Savior, we'll be forever,
Where no more sorrow can dismay.
What a great image of Sara holding Reese! I have been following their blog for while. I hope you share this with him.
Your family is so precious...just like you!
I loved watching Abby at the party. She is just the cutest little girl! I have no idea how Mandy ever tells her no! :)
WOW! That gave me chills about Sara and Reese!! Thanks for sharing that! And I do love Z's duck outfit!
I have been following that blog as well, I hadn't thought of it that way, but what a sweet image. Two that never had enough time on this earth with their loved ones~finding love in Heaven while they wait for you!! (outside of God's love, of course!) Love your little duckman...he is precious!!! Cutest duck I've ever seen!
great pictures!! Z looks ADORABLE in his duck costume!! :)
I read all about Sara and I feel for her sweet husband. And how sweet to think that she is rocking baby Reese in Heaven today! A great image!
ps. I'm still in idea mode about the plate...but it's coming along!! :)
My friend told me about that sweet family. I could only imagine what her husband must be feeling...then I read your post and the thought of that sweet Mom rocking your Resse...Only the Lord! It just shows us He is in control and places people right where they need to be. If we only knew the big picture...what a sweet day that will be! Blessings to you my friend~
Your duck is too too cute!!!
Great pics of the family...glad ya'll had a good visit.
What a sweet image for you of that beautiful mommy. I am praying for you.
Zach makes the cutest duck ever!
I'm so glad that woman shared that vision of the Mom rocking your Reese. I know it doesn't take away your loss, but it's comforting to know...
God Bless!
What wonderful pictures.
Your nieces are adorable.
Zach is by far the cutest duck !!!
I am so sad for the Friedman Family. That is truly heartbreaking.
Z looks so cute with that costume on. It immediately made me think of the ducks at Reese's Garden.
How fun.... nothing like good times with family.
They're precious!! :)
I had the same thought about Sara and Reese. It is comforting to think this way. God is Good! That Ducky is ADORABLE!
That is a wonderful, comforting thought. I hope it does bring you some comfort to know the ultimate love that Reese will experience now and eternally.
I love the pic of the kids brushing their teeth in the tub! So Cute!!! Zach is one cute ducky!
Yes, it seems that there is so much tragedy in this world. Thank the Lord for Heaven! My best friend's mom suddenly died this year from an illness, and Lacey was sad that she would not get to see her children, but I told her she was in Heaven holding my Grace--she had such an active role praying for Anna. I've always thought of Kristi Winters Walker up there as well--as you probably know she died a few months after giving birth to her son so maybe she holds little Reese, too, especially since she knows you :)
I hope you do not mind but I mentioned you in my blog. Don't worry no one really reads it, but it's a place for me to remember my daughter Grace and to just write. Your family has touched my heart!
God was gracious to give me a similar picture when we lost our first baby to miscarriage. I had always had a difficult time with my grandfather's death; the morning after my miscarriage, God gave me the most vivid picture of my grandfather holding his great-grandbaby. He is so good to us. Thank you for sharing this!
When Samuel died, someone talked about the moms that had to leave their children too soon. Moms that are now in Heaven without their babies. I remember at the time smiling at the thought of Samuel being rocked be a momma that was missing her baby. It made me feel better knowing that Samuel had someone to rock him - even it is isn't me.
God bless you.
and her favorite color is red!
Hi Katie,
I so enjoy when you come for a "visit!" Thank you!
Keep drinking of the fountain as it will never run dry.
What an absolutely beautiful picture! Sara lovin' on Reese and our God taking care of all of us!
What a precious thought of Sara holding and rocking Reese...I pray for you every day. I have read Sara's story, and I am amazed at her husband's strength, just as I am amazed at yours!
When I was in college, I heard a song entitled "Leave a Well in the Valley" and some of the words were:
leave a well in the valley
the dark and lonesome valley
others have to walk that valley, too
what a blessing when they find the well of joy you've left behind
leave a well in the valley you go through
Every time the Lord brings you to mind, I pray...
Awww.. what sweetie pies! Love all the picts and the duckie costume looks so cute on Zach! ;o) What a sweet rememberance of Sara and the nice thought of her rocking Reese. Big hugs! xoxoxo
Thought you would enjoy this poem...I never pass a penny on the ground that I don't pick up and cherish.
Pennies from Heaven
I found a penny today
Just laying on the ground,
But it's not just a penny
This little coin I've found.
Found pennies come from heaven
That's what my Grandpa told me,
He said Angels toss them down
Oh, how I loved that story.
He said when an Angel misses you
They toss a penny down,
Sometimes just to cheer you up
To make a smile out of your frown.
So don't pass by that penny
When you're feeling blue,
It may be a penny from heaven
That an Angel's tossed to you.
~Charles Mashburn~
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