Pure cuteness...

His socks...I know. Don't ask, just laugh. ; )
Thank you for sending me pictures for Reese's name gallery. I love them, and can't wait to share!
A few of you asked me about the Blessing Ring, so I went to Hobby Lobby and took some pictures if you are interested. They are so easy to make.
Silver and gold rings in the jewelry section
I choose three or four different ribbons, cut them different lengths, and tie them in between every ten or so cards (hold punch the cards to get them on the ring). That's all!
Earlier this week I wrote about our grief mixed in with daily life. I am also experiencing joy in the midst of our despair. It's because of Jesus I know. I can be mad at our situation, and feel His understanding. He knows and cries with me. I can praise GOD with all of my being, and know He is still aware of my hurt. It breaks His heart to see us go through such pain. Only He can handle my waves of emotions, although Jason does a wonderful job. ; )
Someone recently emailed, "I have cried myself to sleep at night thinking of your pain and prayed as I cried, that my tears could be a substitute for yours that night, that you could feel peace, and find rest. I hope they were answered."
Others have told me similar things, and it always amazes and humbles me. I wonder why anyone would ever bring my grief upon themselves and hurt for me. Who wants this kind of pain in their hearts if it doesn't have to be there?
I believe at those times you are feeling burdened for me, at that same moment I feel lighter. Peaceful. Comforted. You are being a substitute for me. A protector. A support.
Your prayers are being answered! Thank you, Jesus.
I sought the LORD, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4

I attended a Ladies Retreat this weekend and thought of you as we discussed faith and how prayer is essential in our lives. Our study was about the woman who touched Jesus' cloak and was healed.(Matthew 9) I have never studied this passage at length and was amazed at how God's word speaks!!
"Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.”
22Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed from that moment."
You are such a beautiful person in so many ways. Your gratitude is so kind.
I am praying for you.
Z is too cute...socks and all!!!
Your little boy is too cute! Also, thanks for sharing how to make the blessing ring. Still praying for you!
Katie- It is too bad we live so far away, we would be such good friends. Before your post about your blessing ring, I had actually already bought five silver rings and am planning to give them as christmas gifts. You know,,,,because i am crafty,,,,without a job,,,, and love giving unique gifts! ( did i mention cheap too??))
Z sure does have his own adorable style with the sox, so glad you share pictures like that. Thanks also for sharing the info on how to make the blessing ring, can't wait to make my own instead of the boys cards being tucked away in a box.
Hope you continue to get stronger each day. God bless to you and your family.
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
Excellent post. I think for our families the joy will always be tinged with sadness. Today for example we had an excellent day at the pumpkin patch with friends. Every time my son laughed though I just thought of how we should be sharing this day with Oliver as well and how he will be missing each and every Fall when we celebrate. It is so hard because it is the joyous times that they are most missed because as parents we want our children to experience that joy.
You have been on my mind and in my prayers for months. It's so hard for me to not want to fly to your house, hug you and do whatever I can for you. Though I know the hug from a complete stranger might actually bring comfort, I know your pain is still there.
Why do strangers want to take your pain away or the pain of others away? I think it's how Jesus works through us.
I'm so sorry that you have had to experience this loss and the pain. Nothing will ever replace your loss. Reese will always be on the minds of so many. It's sad that this is how we're brought together. But at the same time, I'm thankful that I was guided to your blog and am to pray for you and your family.
You are such a beautiful and faith-filled woman. You can't even begin to know what you have brought into my life.
Have a good night. I'm praying for your family.
What a fashion statement! Z has it right though, if your in jammies anyways might as well go all out and get the warm fuzzy socks! HA!
Thanks for showing the blessing rings... that helps in my search for them since we don't have a Hobby Lobby where we live!
Summer :0)
You come up a lot during my quiet time. I take time each time to pray for you and your family! You are so strong and I'm so proud of you!
Z's socks crack me up!!! I think it is too stinkin cute!!!
He is adorable. Keeping you in our prayers!
I am still in awe of the wonders that the Lord is doing through your situation. Each time i read your blog, I know there is movement in it... if that makes sense. What a TESTIMONY! I'm praying for peace in your family tonight.
Ps- Zach is too cute and reminds me all to much of my new-to-toddlerdom little guy. They are handfuls.. of blessings! :)
That pic is so cute. I'm glad He is holding you up and blessing you.
Zach is really cute with his green socks!!! He is precious!!!
Happy Sunday!!
We are your brothers and sisters in Christ. We feel what you feel, even when we don't have to. I, personally, feel like that is part of our duties as fellow believers. We love you that much, Katie.
picture is hilarious!
So glad you are finding some happiness in your daily life. Love the picture...too cute. When he is a senior in high school (many years from now!) you will have to put this in with his senior collage page!!! My Z fell asleep once while he was out driving his electric car around the big oak tree in the front yard!!
With love,
That Zach is too cute! Love those fleece socks...can I get a pair?
Isn't it awesome how others can come along side and help carry you along? It's an amazing testament of Jesus' love and the love that he puts inside us to love other people. There have been times in my life where I could not have made it if it weren't for those walking beside me and holding me up.
Psalm 34 is one of my favorite chapters!
I like this scripture too:
"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
John 13:34-35 (New Living Translation)
Hi Katie, you and Reese were in our prayers at church. Have a blessed Sunday!
I am so thankful that we can help share some of your hurts and burdens. Zach looks so cute and hilarious! Hope you have had a good weekend, Katie. I am praying for you.
I LOVE this picture of Z man, it actually reminds me of YOU! I remember in college you ALWAYS had to have on your house shoes, even if it was 100 degrees outside-like mother like son! i also had a dream the other night that i came to see you and we had the sweetest visit about life and reese, i woke up in tears because it felt so real. i hope soon i can see your sweet face, love you friend!
it's adrianna signed in by james's account:)
Just wanted you to know someone in PA has cried for your family many times. I continue to lift you to our awesome God....I am greatly touched by your honesty and love for Jesus Christ. May God continue to hold you close and bless you.
I LOVE the blessing ring--thank you!
Zach is so cute!!! Love the socks.
It really is a privilege to pray for you.
Green socks are cool!
You are precious.
I am still praying...
LOVE the socks! I have some like that (much bigger) and they are so cozy! Hobby Lobby has become my favorite store lately. Thanks for sharing your ideas about the blessing ring. That is a wonderful gift.
Thanks, also, for sharing your life with us. I believe I am a better person in many ways because I know you.
It hurts us to see others hurt. I think we're called to have compassion, so we try to walk in your shoes, and it's a lot to try on.
Your sweet Z is precious-he looks warm and comfy! : )
Katie, I do believe God does allow our fellow believers to carry some of our grief. I pray this for you often.
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