Sarah and Richard made a video honoring babies who are in Heaven. It's just perfect. They are siblings who have a very special place in their hearts for those of us who have lost a baby. They wrote babies' names on flower petals shaped in a heart. To see the video go here.
Reese's name is in the middle to the left.

Such a beautiful gift. Thank you!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Jason with Reese. It takes my breathe away. He used to do the same thing with Zach when he was a baby. It's like Jason is simply taking in the sweet smell of Reese and her soft skin. Savoring every second. A father's love. Stunning.
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.
Psalm 28:7
That picture is precious and breaks my heart at the same time. I am still feeling your pain so much and hope for you to stay strong.
What a precious picture...what a precious moment~
She is beautiful!
I love that picture. Reese is so beautiful in it! And a father's love for his daughter is so special.
I kind of picture God doing the same thing to you right now. I hope you feel it.
Reese is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen..she is perfect, and that picture is just so priceless!
That is so beautiful Katie. Y'all were on my mind last night, I just sat and prayed hard for you, that's all I knew to do! I hope your doing good!
Hi Katie,
Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures with us. The rose petal one is so beautiful, and the one with sweet Reese and her Daddy is priceless. I love it. Continued prayers for you and your family.
(((BIG HUGS))) (ya know the kind that hurt your ribs)...from Heather in NC :)
How beautiful. A father's love is so incredible and beautiful. It also captures our Heavenly Father's love for us.
Beautiful picture. It reminds me of My Father's love for me. And for Reese.
Thank you for sharing this!
What a precious picture! My heart breaks and aches for you guys when I see it!
I love the photo of the rose petals with Reese's name on it! How precious!
Hang in there sweet Katie! :0)
Katie, thank you for sharing the photo I sent you. I am truly honored that you like it. Your darling Reese is remembered and loved in every corner of the world. I am hoping to meet with Carly soon and hopefully write her name at Christian's seashore.
And the picture of your husband with your daughter is perfect, just like Reese.
Lots of love Katie xxxx
I haven't commented in a while not because I don't have a thought about each of your entries, but just don't ever seem to have the right words. Tonight will be no different, but I just had to tell you that you are in my prayers daily. That picture of Jason and Reese is PRECIOUS. I thank you for your continued honesty and bravery and incredible faith. I love being able to share in this journey with you and hope that one day I will have a well thought out and encouraging word to offer. Until then know that you are loved and prayed for often.
I am still praying for comfort for you and your family. The picture is just beautiful.
What a picture.
The hardest thing a father ever had to do, I'm sure.
For Dave, the hardest and most shattering thing he had to do was give Janie away to the man from the funeral home who came to get her. The thought pains me to this day...
But God is so faithful, beyond our thinking, really. He promises mercies new every morning and beauty for ashes.
Thank God for Jesus Christ.
LOVE the pic of Reese with daddy... something to treasure forever!!! Daddy's little girl... beautiful!!!
Dear Katie,
The photo of Reese and her Father brought chill bumps over me! A beautiful portrait of a Father's love for his child!
That picture takes my breath away, too. Praying for you tonight, Katie!
I read a quote over the weekend that reminded me of Reese. Perhaps you have it and maybe have even posted it, but here it is:
"Even the smallest of footprints can leave a giant impression on our world".
I think that is just what Reese did.
Wow, what a precious thing those siblings are doing. Definitely got my emotions all stirred up. It is so sad that there are so many people out there with emotions so similar to you and all of us standing in your corner. You are so strong even if you don't feel like it at all times. I still think I would be curled up into a ball in a corner. My heart breaks still and I pray for healing for you and Jason. I so wish when I cry tears for you that I'm taking some of your pain away.
Lord please heal my dear friend. Let her have joy in her life again. Please Lord give her peace and answer the unknown for her. Hold her and let her know she is never alone. I pray that you protect her from satan and the thoughts he wants her to think. She is an amazing mother and friend. Please COVER her now. I ask this in Your name.
Praying for you and your family! Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful picture of a beautiful moment.
That picture speaks louder then words!!!!!!!!
That picture instantly filled my eyes with tears. It's like you can see his love wanting it to spill onto her to wake her again, to will her to live. What a precious treasure in that photo, but even more precious that you go to sleep and wake up to a man with a heart like God.
BEAUTIFUL - love the photo of daddy and daughter - as heart breaking as it is - it is also such a beautiful memory of the two of them together. So sweet. Big hugs hun! :o)
So beautiful and precious. Oh what a fathers love.
Love the flower heart.. and love the picture!!! I've been home with a sick son so I have been missing my blog updates (but catching up on my side business!)! Looks like a great time at the pumpkin patch..
Beautiful picture of Reese and her daddy!!
Have you read the book, "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn? I really enjoyed it and look forward to the day!!
Praying for you daily!
OH Katie, that picture is just beyond words. WOW. Such a treasure. You and your hubby are such precious parents to Reese & Zach. I'm praying for you guys...
aw! i had to steal your picture for jenn at the blue sparrow. she didn't get it and brystons name is on it at the very bottem left! how neat!! the lady that did this sent jenn the email but she never got the picture....thank you!!!
I love the petal heart; what a beautiful idea! Just curious,are the Audrey and Wyatt who's names are also on it Audrey Smith and the Wyatt who's mom is fighting to have a birth certificate for him? I realize you prob. don't know but I thought I'd ask just incase! :)
The picture of Reese and Jason is so precious! ♥
The petal heart is my favorite....
This picture of Reese and Jason is just perfect!!
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