This weekend was full of Fall festivities. Friday night we went to our small group's pumpkin carving fellowship. It was so refreshing to be with these precious friends. It was the first fellowship we had been to since Reese was born.
Cody, Shannon, me, and Jason
Beautiful friends (inside and out!)

Jason and I got really creative this year. The "R" stands for Rowe (or Reese). ; )
Yes, Cody is holding a!
All of the pumpkins

At the pumpkin patch Z picked out the medium sized pumpkin for himself and the little one for Reese.
Jaime made this cute Halloween bucket for Zach. I love it! She also surprised me with this little one for Reese. I will love getting it out and seeing it year after year during fall. Wow, such an amazing thoughtful gift honoring Reese.

Saturday we went to a little Halloween party. There was a monkey, jack-in-the-box, chicken, princess, elephant, ladybug, all sorts of fun characters. ; )
Love all the pics!!!! Looks like you guys had a great time. Love the "R" pumpkin and the kids' buckets. What a beautiful family you have.
GREAT PICs!!! I love the buckets on your front sweet and thoughtful. Lovin' your scarves too...sista...I need a lesson in tying one! Maybe you could video yourself and post it...I bet others need a lesson too! Love you:)
Yay! I am soooo glad ya carved the "R" in the pumpkin for Reese or Rowe! Very cute! I love the little pumpkin tins with your little ones names on them! Very special! Oh and you look so cute! I'm lovin the scarf! I could so not pull that off! How cute are all the little ones dressed up! Zach looks adorable and I liked the Jack in the Box one! Too funny!
I'm glad you had such a good weekend!
Hugs from WV
Summer :0)
Oh I'm such a dork! I just realized that was a real chicken he was holding! Ha! Ha! I was wondering why a stuffed one would be o.k.! Ha!
Oh my gosh. He looks SO stinkin cute!!! Love it and LOVE the buckets. Love the pumpkin, LOVE you.
Great Pictures! Praying for your little family! That duck is ADORABLE!!
Grat pictures
The pumpkins are really pretty.
And Zach as a little duck is so cute.
Very Very Cute pictures! Love all the little ones costumes!
Aww.. such a cute little costume Zach had! Love the buckets with their names on it and the R in the pumpkin, etc. Looks like you had a great weekend - what a wonderful fellowship! Big Hugs! :o)
Great pictures! You look so pretty in all of them - you are so photogenic! Zach is adorable as a little duck...he's a photogenic little thing, too....just like his momma! I am impressed with you pumpkin carving....the R was so straight and perfect! =0)
Have a great week!
What fun! Zach is a cutie peep!
Looks like a good time!
I love the buckets..too cute!
And you boy is just too adorable!
It looks like you had a wonderful weekends. I love the little buckets on your front porch. So cute.
ok, that pic of Zac holding the little chick is so funny! His face is priceless, and that poor little chicken looks scared to death--haha! It was good seeing you on Saturday!
Sooooooo precious, Katie!!!!!!! So fun, and I'm lovin that little bucket for Reese! Love you :)
Looks like a wonderful weekend. Isn't it great to have such awesome friends? What a blessing!
Ohmygoodness! That is a real chick Z has! At first I thought it was a little stuffed one but then you said he threw it down and it was okay. He's a mighty cute little duck and those tights are sooo precious!
Beautiful pictures...beautiful family=)
I love the buckets that Jamie made. Reese's is so little and sweet...just like her! :) I forgot to order one for Brody. I will have to make sure and do that next year. I think I may get her to make us a Christmas bucket to hold our Christmas cards that we receive. Any excuse for a cute bucket! :)
Had so much fun with you Friday night!! You are just a JOY to be around! Love you!
Your little "Duck duck" is adorable! Hope you all had a fun Halloween!
The carving party looks like a lot of fun! I really wanted to host one or at least carve a family pumpkin, but the rain didn't let up much around here to let us go to the pumpkin patch. Buying it at the store just didn't seem the same!
I am glad that you have sweet friends to surround you at this time!
P.S., love your leopard scarf!:)
You are living out the admonition to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.
And we are blessed to watch you.
I love you!
Ms. B.
Looks like you had a very nice Halloween. I love all the kiddos outfits. Z was super cute. That little chick was holding on for dear life huh...haha! Love the pumpkin, too!
You have an ADORABLE family! I love your blog!
I'm glad you guys had a fun time...
The pumpkins and bucket for Reese brought me to tears. How precious. My heart just aches for you, Katie.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39 (NLT)
Katie, I have been readin your blog for some time now and I just wanted you to know I am praying for you... things that you share and verses have blessed my heart. I am so sorry for your loss .. as some say ... loss. I like to think of it like she isn't lost. You know where she is. In her Heavenly Fathers arms. I can't understand your pain and don't have all the right words but I am thankful to have ran across your blog and your daughters life has impacted many I know. It has mine... I hope that even though I do not know you personally I can keep reading because I am excited to see what God is going to do in your life and with your family.
What a cutie puh-tootie.
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