I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving with family and friends. Jason and I were surrounded by our families for a few days, and it was nice to be together although the actual day was very difficult. I'm so glad it's over. One big holiday to check off my list of "firsts" without Reese.
Her marker came in before Thanksgiving, and the stone is much better. Thank you all for being concerned about this!
Zach and Abby were hilarious together. They chased each other around every day saying, "Zachy" or "Abba."
It's for you, Abba.
Shannon, Cody, Jason, and I went to a candle lighting service last night in honor of Reese. The roads were lined with candles at the Memorial Gardens, and we also had a candle placed on Reese's marker.
It was a stunning sight.
Reese's name was called out along with all of the other people who have passed away this year. As I heard her name Reese Catherine Rowe being "officially" called, I thought to myself how much I love hearing her name. Then I thought about how we will never hear her name spoken at her kindergarten, high school, or college graduations. Never see her walk across that stage.
I try to imagine how beautiful her name sounded on the lips of GOD in Heaven when He called her home. I almost wish we could have heard Him. He must have been so pleased with her life.
I will always be so thankful I am Zach and Reese's mom.
This is what the LORD says—
He who created you...
He who formed you...
I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.
Isaiah 43:1

I know it must have been heartbreaking to hear Reese's name at the service!!! I really have no words of comfort other than to encourage you to continue to cling to His word as you have been doing. His power is mighty!!! Praying as always!!!
Si glad you were surrounded by family.
She has a beautifuul name :)
One of these days (and I really believe it will be very soon when our God returns for us all) you will be able to call your baby girl by name and she will know exactly who has called her.... God will reunite the two of you once again.
I can not even begin to imagine what it felt like to hear her name. Those pictures are amazing and what a memory you now have. I am glad you where surrounded by family and love and support!
Oh Katie... once again I am so sorry. And, it was beautiful, when He called her name.
The pictures of all of the candles lit brought me to tears...as did your words about her name.
Lifting you up right now.
What a beautiful post...
I was also glad to get Thanksgiving over with it, but I am grateful for what God has blessed me with even though I don't deserve it.
Have a good week..
Wow. Reese Catherine Rowe's name on the LIPS OF GOD. Do you know how cool that sounds? THE HOLY ONE, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA calling Reese's name. Wow.
I love you. I wish I could take all of your pain away. One day, sweet sister, one day. All of those painful tears will be turned into tears of sweet, sweet joy.
I can't imagine how extremely hard it was for you not to mention heartbreaking! I bet it was real difficult to hear her name called out! The Memorial Gardens all lit up looked stunning, and I love her new marker, very very beautiful!
Praying for you as always!
Summer :0)
So sweet! Love the lights. Love your blog. Love hearing about your sweet angel baby.
I am crying for you. Keeping you so close in my prayers.
Love the pics of Z and Abba!
The candle lighting looked beautiful. I know what you mean, I just cant hear Bryston's name enough and yes I bet it was a heavely sound when God called out our angels names. *HUGS*
I am glad you were surrounded by friends and family. I thought about you and prayed for you on Thanksgiving. :)
I love Reece's name, too. So beautiful. I never thought before really about God calling her name when He called her up to heaven, but what an amazing thought.
I am on my knees praying for you tonight, Katie. I cannot imagine how hard the holidays are, but this I know: God knows and has each moment in His powerful and loving hand.
Wow, I have chills. Reese Catherine Rowe is a stunning name! Of course, I'm partial--my real name is Katherine.
ps. love the verse.
What a beautiful stone - it is so important to have a stone that you are pleased with. I know that it was a big decision for us, as I am sure it was for you.
Lips of God...wow. That's all I have to say.
Much love to you as you guys celebrate this holiday season without your Reese.
Oh my, now I am in tears, again. I cannot imagine your feelings of loss, but can only imagine not having one of mine on this earth~and that takes my breath away. I love hearing Reese's name...I think it is beautiful, just like she was, and her mom is. I am continuing to lift you up daily and will continue to do so. May our loving heavenly Father continue to hold you in His capable hands.
You always have such a beautiful and powerful scripture on your posts. It's one of my favorite things about reading your blog.
How were you able to even drive those illuminated streets without breaking into a million pieces? Every time I crest the hill at Janie's place, I feel as though the breath is knocked out of me.....
I loved the part where you wondered what Reese's name sounded like on God's lips when He called her home. I often wonder what it was like when she went to Heaven. Did Jesus come for her or does He have an angel for that???
Anyway, your post was gorgeous. Every tear you cry and every fissure on your heart the Lord hears and sees, and all of the grief you bear right now is not for nothing.
Hang in there. Hold on.
" I try to imagine how beautiful her name sounded on the lips of GOD in Heaven when He called her home. I almost wish we could have heard Him. He must have been so pleased with her life. "
I'm not sure if you thought of this off the cuff or had pondered the words, but either way, the imagery and love for your Reese Catherine Rowe was beautiful.
At least thinks Frances Kimbrough Gossett. ;-)
love you dear katie, praying for you over these weeks to come.
Absolutely beautiful Katie..... what a sweet weekend!!!!! :)
I have been praying continuoulsy for you and Jason. You are both an inspiration and God has amazing plans for you. My heart aches for you during this holiday season, and every day. I pray that He will carry you through and fill you with a peace and joy that only He can bring you during this time.
Her name is perfect, as is she. Continue to rely on Him and lay your worries, anxiety, and pain at His feet...
I know this is not a happy time of year for a lot of people and for you, it's got to be incredibly difficult. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
'Reese Catherine Rowe'...what a beautiful name indeed. I know that God has already used her short life in so many incredible ways...her name will NOT be forgotten and will be spoken out loud through many people's lips throughout your life. God has a special plan and purspose. Right now, you are exactly where He wants you to be, Katie. Rest assured, that HE is right by your side and walking each step and day out with you. And...sometimes he is carrying you. Rest in HIS arms and find comfort that you are not alone.
I love the lined candles at the Memorial Garden. So beautiful. Reese's light will always shine brightly!
2 Corinthians 1:3-5(The Message):
All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.
Blessing and love,
Just wanted to let you know God often places you on my heart and I say a little prayer for you and hug my baby girl a little tighter. Praying for your heart to continue to heal. Praying for you during this Holiday season as you miss your beautiful baby girl. May you feel His peace knowing although you miss her terribly she is having a wonderful celebration in Heaven this Christmas season.
Hugs and Prayers
Rachel in PA
Beautiful post. Praying you through these holidays. Reese has a beautiful name, and her Mama has a beautiful heart.
still praying for you~
Reese's new marker is really pretty-very simple but very pretty. The candles are so pretty too.I know that the wonderful pictures of Reese's name can *never ever* take her place,but I am so glad you have them. ♥
Oh Katie, I can only imagine how hard it must be to think about not getting to watch Reese grow. I still cry reading about your pain. But, your faith always encourages me. It gave me chill bumps to look at the beautiful pictures of the lights and reading about Reese's name being called out. Oh what a beautiful picture of God calling Reese home. We prayed for you guys extra on Thanksgiving. We, too, had the sense of loss and someone missing at our Thanksgiving this year.
I can only imagine, all the pain you are going through. You're faith in unbreakable and you are such an inspiration to so much out there (including me).
Hi Katie,
Praying for you.....This is a difficult month, so I know with you too in thinking of all that Reese "would" be doing is not an easy place to be in your mind. We must keep our "minds" on Him and He will give perfect peace. For me,as I think of Joel and him being checked into the hosp on Dec. 3, a pity overcomes me for him still, of all that he endured, so little and yet so brave, so innocent in not knowing what was going on with his little body. We both know they are whole now, but the emotions still feel like billowing waves, don't they?
Thanks, Katie, for stopping by my blog the other day. Your sweet comments are a blessing to me. Reese's marker and the lights were beautiful! Your testimony is always so encouraging to me. God is using you...Please know that I'm praying for you.
I haven't commented recently but want you to know that you have remained in my thoughts and prayers as we entered the holiday season.
One of the things I was most thankful for on Thanksgiving was the opportunity to get to know you (through cyberspace) in the past few months. While you have been taking things one day at a time, your faith and transparency have strengthened so many. Many more than I imagine you know about at this point.
Know that your baby girl has made a difference in the lives of so many. And that you and your family remain in the palm of His hand.
Many blessings to you, my friend!
Hi Katie. I am so happy to see that they fixed the marker. It is beautiful. I love her name too and as much as it hurts to hear it, it probably comforts you to hear it because she was and is still a part of your life. I am thinking about you and praying for you extra hard this month. Keep your sweet head up.
What a precious thought, to picture God Himself speaking our babies beautiful names, knowing them so fully and loving them so deeply. That is true comfort.
Katies, this touches my heart so much and I'm in tears for you. I know it hurts and we all hurt with you!
Oh Katie,
I am so sorry for your loss. Your devotion to our Lord Jesus is such a great testament to the power of His love, the power that His love gives our continuing, everlasting lives. Your darling Reese is in His arms, being warmed by His smile just as He is by hers.
Praying for you guys during his holiday season. Your angel is the true reason behind Christmas - God's Son's birth gave life and love to all who live in His name. Your family exemplifies that.
In His Comfort,
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