Thank you for your amazing words, prayers, and name gallery pictures. Each picture is perfect! You bless us each day.

Pumpkins and gourds

Her pics within letters



Outdoor letters (I'm sure there is a much more creative name than this, but I have no idea!)
Happy three months in Heaven, Reesie.
Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place
and gave Him the name that is above every name...
Philippians 2:9

These are all beautiful! Btw- I'm getting some great verses from your posts and they are so uplifting. Thanks girl! And thanks for your sweet comment a few days ago!
I love them all, but the first one is just gorgeous!!! Love you!
Missing Reese with you!!! I love seeing her precious name displayed in such beautiful ways!!
Wow...these pictures are AMAZING! They just keep getting better and better. God bless you in a special way today, Katie.
Isnt it so much fun? I love opening each new email and seeing how creative people are! Reece's name gallery is coming along so nice! *HUGS*
I love them all! I really like the pics in the letters! BEAUTIFUL!!
Summer :0)
Wow those were beautiful! I still think of you daily and wanted you to know your family is still in my prayers and always on my mind. Happy 3 month Bday Angel Reese, you are so special to so many people :)
I love seeing these! People amaze me, even Little People ;) Still thinking about the little Angel watching over Z!
And this is 3 months that she's spent in the presence of the Lord. I'm kind of jealous! Love you, Katie!!! :)
So, do you get a ton of pictures of her name??? I love the one of her picture in her name.
oh how precious..i just love the one of her name with Her pictures, perfect..just like her!
I loved the one with her pictures within letters. People are so creative!!
These are so beautiful. What a precious think to remember a precious girl.
You're in my prayers.....
These are GORGEOUS, just like your sweet baby girl. You're on my heart tonight, Katie! Praying for you.
OH wow, these are some of my favorites. Praying for you every day!
Katie found your blog through another. Praying for you.
I love that name...beautiful.
Love the outdoor letters. It just amazes me how loving people are to do this and send them to you.
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