Thank you for your prayers for us this Thanksgiving week.
Thank you for letting us into your lives. You give me hope through Scripture, prayers, and sharing what GOD is doing because of Reese.
My sweet friends who have babies in are all heavy on my heart as we feel so many of the exact same feelings. I prayed for each of you yesterday. I know it was a day full of bittersweet emotions. I can't even describe how painful yesterday was for me.
One of my BU roomies did this word cloud a few months ago. I tried to post it then, but I couldn't. Somehow I figured it out. ; )
Isn't this wonderful? She said she loves how the word life is bigger than death. Me, too.

I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD
in the land of the living.
Psalm 27:13
Thinking of you today Katie! I know the holidays are hard as probably every day is. I can't imagine how you must feel and how much you must miss Reese. Praying comfort for you today.
How beautiful is that word cloud! I have never seen one before! You should get that framed! I thought of you and prayed for you yesterday! I know how extremely hard the holidays are going to be on you or any day for that matter! I pray you get some sort of comfort or peace during this difficult season! Just know that I am with you on this journey my sweet blogger friend and I hope how soon you get some peace!
Summer :0)
You are always thanking others for praying and for being such a blessing to you. I just want you to know that your posts always touch my heart and though I haven't been through this loss, there is always something in your writing that speaks to me. Thank you for always sharing your heart.
Love that!
I will continue to hold you close in my prayers during all of the holidays!
Been thinking of you these last couple days. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. I can't begin to fathom how much you miss Reese but hoping you find comfort.
Love the word cloud... I have a thing for words! It's beautiful!
I know I am one of many that comments to your posts, but I wanted you to know I was thinking of you yesterday. I am grateful for what God has blessed me with, but was ready to get the day behind me. I was thinking how Reese and Rebekah were walking the streets of gold yesterday...what wonders they are beholding.=)
How sweet!! Your choice to wake up every day and find joy in living is amazing. I know that God will give you the strength to go on!!!
Praying for you Katie...and that you will feel the joy of our Lord now more than ever during the holiday season. I hope your Thanksgiving was full of goodness and love! Have a great weekend!
I love your word cloud. :) I haven't commented in a while, but I do read every one of your posts...and I always thank God for giving me other moms like you, who are walking this road of grief beside me. Your words bless me so much.
I was praying for you and the others that walk this path as well yesterday. Somehow we will survive this holiday season. I love the cloud! Did you go to college in Boston? If so, we must have been there at the same time!
Hi Katie. I love the word cloud. That was so sweet. I just took a moment and read it for you and the others who are having a hard time right now. I know it comforts you to see her name being held up by God! Amazing. Keep your sweet head up!
Thinking of you and your family this Thanksgiving weekend Katie! You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Katie, I thought of you on Thursday. Sent up a little prayer, hoping that your day was filled with laughter and joy! And what a great verse! I love it! And I love the word cloud too! It is incredible!
Those things are so cool! You should frame it and hang it somewhere so that all who enter your home can see!
Continuing to pray for you!
I love the word cloud. How precious - and so thoughtful of your friend. Arent those friends the best??!!
I am sure Thanksgiving was difficult, missing your sweet Reese. Along with the other difficult days. Know that I have been thinking and fervently praying and will continue to do so.
God Bless you, friend. May Jesus bring you comfort and rest this weekend!
Katie, I read every single post, but rarely comment. I think about you and pray for your family all the time. I can't imagine what you are going through and what you are feeling. I can't imagine how tough Thursday was for you. I pray that the Lord comforts you in a mighty way, the way only He can. For we both know He never leaves nor forsakes us. Just know that there are people lifting you up and praying for you during this time and you are not forgotten about. Blessings to you and your family and may the Lord lavish His love, mercy, grace, and blessings on your family.
Katie, this is so neat. I'm glad to finally see it. Love you sis.
Your blog has really blessed me the past few months. Praying for you guys!
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