Zach is loving Little People these days and already playing with a LP nativity. He loves to play with them in his crib before his nap, but lately they have been doing more harm than good by distracting him from sleeping. So before one of his naps, I hid all of them except an angel. No reason for this, it was the only one that was left after I'd hidden all of the others. I put the angel in his crib so at least he would have one of his LP.
I usually do not check on him during his naps, but for some reason this day I did. This is what I saw...
Zach placed this angel right in the middle of his crib facing him.
I know Reese is not an angel, but it was as if GOD said, "See, she's here in your home. She's watching over her big brother Z."
So neat of the LORD to do.
Three months ago today Reese came in our lives, and we will never be the same. I'm so thankful GOD chose Jason and me to be her parents. I love her I love her and can't wait to hold her in my arms again.
How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with You.

Oh Katie, how precious!! Praying for you guys today! (and every day)
Precious!!! God is so good. Reese IS watching over all of you and will always do so. I love you!
Sweet Katie. that is precious! Funny how God uses such small details in our lives to speak volumes! Thinking of you and praying today!
Praying for you!
Summer :0)
Ohh My Goodness! Katie, that Can NOT just be a coincidence! I do believe there was meaning to that! What a sweet moment! That Z is one special little boy! Keep your sweet head up!
Awh...I love how God uses the small things that give us comfort and hope. Sweet! Thanks for sharing.
God has set his throne in heaven; he rules over us all. He's the King! So bless God, you angels,ready and able to fly at his bidding, quick to hear and do what he says. Bless God, all you armies of angels, alert to respond to whatever he wills. Bless God, all creatures, wherever you are—everything and everyone made by God. And you, O my soul, bless God!
Psalm 103:19-22 (The Message)
Thinking of ya'll and praying for you today, my friend. Love you a whole lot!!!!!! xoxoxo
That is so sweet! I believe!!!
How sweet :)
How beautiful!
SO precious, Katie.
I'm so thankful God brings us joy even in the smallest details.
Ah, I smiled so big when I saw the angel on the bed. So precious! Praying extra hard for you guys!
You do know, as long as she is in your hearts, she'll always be in your home. How tender of God to let you see that today with your eyes. He loves you! With love, and as always, praying.
I know you do not know me, but this story is so precious! I admire your strength. I know it comes from the Lord, but it is amazing how you haved turned to God in this time of need instead of away from him. You are an inspiration to us all.
Completely precious!
oh how sweet! what a gift! so glad you decided to check on him!
soooo sweet!! I am so glad you got that today!!
what a precious picture! i am in tears because of the work of the Lord. praying for you.
That was easily the sweetest thing I've seen today. Zach is such a doll. That just makes me wanna squeeze that kid!
That is really amazing! Thinking of you so much today!
That is so cute...God planned for you to check on Zach...and to see that angel looking over him.
Still praying for you!
Lisa :)
Brought tears to my eyes......
What a sweet Zach, what an even sweeter God.
I loved reading this put such a smile on my face :) It is clearly God at work with a little help from Reese! I am so sorry that her gravestone came in wrong...Precious Reese deserves the perfect one that you picked out, and she will get it. You and your sweet family are still in my thoughts and prayers.
That gave me the goosebumps!! What an amazing story!!
AWESOME!!!How sweet is that!!!!!
Amazing. Absolutely no words. Thought of you this morning on Reese's 3 month birthday. Still praying daily for you. Love the little gifts He gives in the tiniest packages!
Wow I love this post. Little people Big God huh? I love u.
Katie that is so sweet that Z placed the angel up there like that, and your right, its as if God is reminding you all the time that Reese is still looking down on ya'll. Praying for ya'll daily, love in the Lord.
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
Love it. :)
Reese IS an angel and that is sooo awesome that Z did that and GOD lead you to find it.
oops...i meant led.
That is so sweet. What precious reminders there are if we only stop to notice.
That is so sweet!!
Just checking on ya....and praying too!!
I love how God does things at just the right could call it the very "nick of time"!
I got chills when I saw the picture!
I have neat!
I believe Reese is an angel...God called her home way too early...but she will be waiting for you at those Heavenly Gates! I lost my brother to cancer over 11 years ago...God called him home at the age of 25...but I know that he is up in Heaven...watching over his little sis still!!!!
So thankful for the HOPE that we have as Christians...that death is not final...that one day we will be reunited with our Heavenly Father and our loved ones who have gone before and had a personal relationship with Jesus!!! I don't know how people go through this that don't have Christ!
I know God is and will continue to use Reese's life in you guys and through you! You never know how God will allow you to minister because of this...God actually called me back to nursing school and I am now a pediatric oncology nurse...or in other words, I work with kids with cancer for several years! I continue to stand amazed at what God has done...don't understand all the "whys" but know I can TRUST Him for His complete and perfect plan! Sending you all hugs!
A sister in Christ,
How sweet and precious, Katie - it's like he thought of Reese automatically and knew that she was the angel watching over him during his naptime. I am sending you and your family lots of love and hugs and prayers. xoxoxo Trac- :o)
OH Katie...this is too precious! What a sweet gift for you on this day! Praying for you!!!
So glad God blessed you with that special moment to comfort your heart!
How awesome! Our God is so good! And what a perfect message to recieve on Reece's 3 month mark. *HUGS*
Wow Katie! Reese is with all of you and she especially likes her big brother... who wouldn't?? God is marvelous and he will keep showing you signs of love and hope. God Bless!! Angels are watching!!
I have been reading your blog for quite some time (just came across it through a prayer request when you were in the hospital) and it has changed the way I think and look at things. I find you to be truly inspiring, you have such courage and faith that it just astonishes me. Your post today gave me chills (most of them do) but today it was so sweet to see that.
You are so special!!!
Oh, how precious! I am in tears right now~thinking of how much God loves us and cares about every detail! Praying for you today, Katie. Blessings to you. :)
I am in tears. For you, for Reese, for Z, for your family. But I am so encouraged DAILY by your strength, your perspective and the beautiful way you allow your grief to be melted away by the Holy Spirit. You ARE the strongest person I "know" Katie, and we've never met. Your words convey such a deep faith and love of the Lord that I find myself in amazement. I want you to know that I make it part of my daily prayers to hold YOU up specifically. I want you to know that I pray daily and specifically for you for another pregnancy, I really, really pray for you to have another precious girl. Thank you for sharing yourself and your story, you have no idea how much your eloquent way of writing about your grief brings me closer to God in a way I never experienced...
What a sweet gift! It took my breath away....I really do believe, and I am so happy that you are so "open" to believing too! I really think that when those moments happen....sometimes we don't see them because we are not "open" to seeing them. The fact that you are open to seeing them, and believing them and then sharing those moments with quite a testimony. THANK YOU!! I have chills....Continued prayers from our family to your's! ((HUGS))
Heather in NC
LOVE it! So precious!
That is the CUTEST little picture! Reese is definitely an angel is she is watching over all of you!
What a beautiful reminder from God. He is good!
Thanks for sharing such a special thing! singing praises to our Father with you!
That is so sweet!! Love is everywhere.
Praise God that HE is always in the details...big and small!! Isn't it amazing that he NEVER does anything be coincidence?? Praying for you and your sweet family today....may the God of hope fill you with peace.
What an amazing story. I'm glad you always have your heart open to hear the precious messages He's sending. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that is precious. He knows she is watching over him.
I don't even know what to say. That is so precious!
Hugs to you!
Hi Sweet Katie! I keep coming back to look at this picture! It, along with others you have posted, has moved me so much! I showed my co-workers! Of course, I have already shared you with them, so they knew. I believe you need to print that picture and hang it in the room with Z! Just a thought. That moment was all about him, you know! Keep your sweet head up!
What a sweet, sweet story. And so sweet of him to have placed the angel there. God knows just what we need, huh?!
that is so beautiful. Reese is and always will be an angel to me. She with be with you forever and ever.
Oh my word, I'm in tears! I've followed your story since Kelly posted about Miss Reese on her blog. I stop by frequently and think of you and your family often. It is amazing how people you do not know in real life touch you differently and I continued to be amazed at the strength and faith that you exude. This is such a sweet and heart warming post... angels are indeed in our midst!
Such a precious moment. Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment.
How unbelievably sweet. Brought tears to my eyes.
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