Saturday, July 6, 2013

Handmade Baby Gift Giveaway

I have a fun giveaway for ya'll this weekend! 

Morgan from Twomoellers is giving away three burp cloths to one of you! She also makes bibs and has the cutest materials for baby gifts. She sent me a set and they are so soft. And no this is not a hint of any kind!
Morgan is also offering a promo code for 10% off any purchase from now until August 1st. The promo code is KATIESKEEPERS10.

There are two ways to enter.

1. Leave your name and email address so I can contact you. 

2. "Like" Morgan's fb page and leave a separate comment letting me know. 

I will announce the winner Tuesday. 

Good luck!

Within your temple, O God, we meditate on Your unfailing love.

Psalm 48:9


Unknown said...

Would love to gift this to my friend, who's expecting her second child! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Also liked her FB page! Thank you!

Poohy81 said...

I liked Morgan's facebook page. These are adorable. I have a few people in mind to gift them to.

Poohy81 said...

Johannah Sirois said...

Ohhh I LOVE these!! Would love to win them as I am expecting a baby girl =)

Johannah Sirois said...

I liked Morgans facebook page! These are so adorable =)

Beth said...

This would be a perfect welcome gift for my sweet, brand new granddaughter (born yesterday, july 5th)

Danielle said...

I'd love these for my new baby girl!

Danielle said...

I liked Morgan's Facebook page as well. How darling!

Unknown said...

I have a friend who is having a baby girl any day! I would so love to be able to give these to her!! They are precious!

Unknown said...

I also liked Morgan's Facebook page!! :)

Carrie said...

So precious! I would live to win.

Leslie said...

These are so precious!
Leslie @

Leslie said...

I like her fb page too!

Andrea said...

Thanks for the opportunity
Aenglish519 at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

I liked her FB page as well
Aenglish519 at gmail dot com

Jane said...

Just found out my daughter is expecting :) What a sweet first gift this would be.

Jane said...

I also 'really' loked Morgan's FB page. So cute!

Christy said...

These are precious!


Christy said...

I liked Morgan's facebook page!

Becky said...

With a grand baby being born tomorrow, and one in November, I would love to win this! Both little girls.

Becky said...

I also liked Morgan's page on FB. We had some Moeller's go to our church here in Indiana!

jeeper said...

We have good friends and they are due any day. This would be a great gift to add the the blanket I am knitting.

Colleen said...


Kathleen Villar said...

I liked Twomoellers FB page. :)

Kathleen Villar said...

Due with #3 next month. These would be a cute addition to his nursery. :)

Kathleen, lkvillar(at)gmail(dot)com

Lindsey said...

These burp clothes would be perfect for our first baby coming this December! -Lindsey

akellett32 said...


Sally said...

I would love to give these as a gift to my sister who is expecting!
My email is

Sally said...

I liked Morgan's facebook page as well. Thanks!!

Val said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Val said...

I am expecting baby boy #2 in October and would love these!

Kat said...

I love the cute prints!

Kat said...

I liked the FB page.

Sarah said...

I love the fabric she uses!!

Melissa said...

So cute! Thanks for hosting : )

mrs.mommyy said...

would love this is beautiful

Erica said...

So precious! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Early dot erica at gmail dot com

Haley said...

Love to win! they are so cute!

Melissa said...

Melissa White

Thank you Katie!


The Cheramies said...

Would love this for my 4th baby coming in less than 8 weeks!!

The Cheramies said...

Liked on FB!!

Amy said...

i would love to win! poor baby girl #3 barely has anything that hasn't been through two big sisters already ;-)

Amy said...

i liked morgan's page on FB!

Sarah Condon said...

I would love these-- just had a baby boy!!

momltd said...

Adorable---adopting a baby in September and need to order some--thanks for the promo code!

momltd said...

Forgot to say I liked her FB page---so many cute things! :)

Molly said...

These are so sweet! My friend is expecting her first baby next month, and this would tickle her to tears..what a great giveaway...and thanks for the generous code. Molly Bussler (

Molly said...

Following Morgan's Facebook page (Molly Ann Bussler) and I want to thank you for the scripture from Psalms....makes my heart rejoice. Molly Bussler (

bp said...

Thanks for sharing! I like the colors!
preciousmoments2004 at gmail dot com

Kelli and Mark said...

Would love these burp cloths for my 7 week old! Cute!

Kelli and Mark said...

I also liked her Facebook page!

Ashley said...

Having a little boy in November!

Ashley said...

I also liked the facebook page!

Hope said...

I would love to have some of these burp cloths! I have a 2 week old baby boy,,,it's been 17 years since we've had a baby boy in the house..we are still adding to our baby items!

Tara said...

I would love to win for my brother and sister-in-law.

Karinny said...

How nice!

The Trombly's said...

So cute!

The Trombly's said...

Liked her FB page as well! :)

Julie said...

Would love this! Expecting our first child in a few months! (Julie)

Julie said...

also, liked Morgan's facebook page as well! :)

Dustin & Kate said...

I'm pregnant with baby #3 and would love some new cute burp rags! ~Kate

Shannon said...

Thanks for the giveaway! s 2 hartman (at) yahoo . com

The Salisbury Family said...

This would be awesome for my twins that are on the way!

xoxo'sfrom42420 said...

Love your blog!! Would love to win the burp cloths. I have several baby showers coming up soon for friends.


Ryan and Jessica said...

I liked the cute facebook page!

Ryan and Jessica said...

Such darling designs

Jay & Janelle said...

Adorable! Janelleklosterman @

Unknown said...

Would love to win this for my friend who is due any day now!

Dianna said...

I would love to win these! Thanks for hosting! My email is diannacline

Julie said...

These are just adorable!

Unknown said...

So cute! Would love to win!

Unknown said...

Also liked her FB page!

AndreaC said...

These are adorable!
Andrea - Andrealconroy2(at)hotmail(dot)com

Courtney said...

I have an obsession with burp cloths. :0) love them!

~Shari said...

I would love to win!

Unknown said...

Cute! -Hannah (

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire said...

These are so cute! E-mail address is

Claire Hood

Claire said...

I liked Morgan's facebook!

Tarryn said...

So cute!

m&msmommy said...

With Baby #3 on the way and burp cloths not really being something you "keep" for another child ;) I"d love to win these adorable ones! :)

gomez6281 at gmail dot com

Kelsey said...

Kelsey M

I am expecting my first baby in September....winning would help check one more thing off the need list!

M Thome said...

I liked Morgan's page. My email These are soo cute!!

The Conway's said...

Would love to win these for our little one coming in September!

Katie said...

Would LOVE to win!


Katie said...

I also liked Morgan's facebook page!

Sue said...

So adorable. Wouuld love to give these to a friend who is having a baby.

Emily said...

Those are adorable! Would love to win! :)

Erin said...

Brad & Rachel said...

Rachel Hawkins

Brad & Rachel said...

I liked Morgan's facebook page!

Anonymous said...

So cute!
wiliamson.kellylynn @

Laura said...

Laura -

Laura said...

Laura -

Unknown said...


Shane and Whitney said...


Would love to win!

Shane and Whitney said...

I also like her on Facebook!

Karen said...

Karen said...

I liked her on FB too!

The Rohman Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Rohman Family said...

Oops! Had to delete my last comment...forgot to leave my email address. Thanks for the giveaway!

Nicole said...

We are adopting again! We would love these!

Sara R said...

So very cute! I'd love to win for my baby boy, due in 6 weeks :)

Unknown said...


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