Thank you for thinking of Reese and praying for us (and our new little one) as you go about your routines each day. We know life is going on all around us (even as my own body tells me more change is coming), and your thoughtfulness means so much. We love each picture for her name gallery!

Precious scrapbook page

Reese's name spelled with the letters from J-e-s-u-s
Mandy gave this to us at Christmas and said, "This is my picture for Reese's name gallery." ; ) The pic I took isn't the best quality (and I didn't plan this), but her crib is the glare in the background. It was Zach's newborn crib and will now be our next baby's crib.

Valentine candy

Sweet heart
Enjoy any sweeties in your life this week before Valentine's Day!
See, I have written your name on the palm of My hands.
Isaiah 49:16

Just precious, Katie! I love the one with the reflection.
Praying for you all. :)
We're snowed in here with about two feet of snow!
I love the print Mandy gave you!!! That's really neat. Praying for good weather this week!!!!
They are all great, but I LOVE the first picture!! She is just so precious! Hope your pregnancy is going well----from one preggers mommy to another!!!
Oh just precious Katie! I have been thinking lots about you lately sweet friend and you are always in my prayers!
I left you something over at my blog....
Wow what a Super Bowl....I'm EXHAUSTED!!
Summer :0)
That pic with the reflection of her crib is precious~what a happy accident! That print is gorgeous too! I still think about and pray for you all daily. Now I just have another praise/prayer to add to it :) God bless and keep you all!
Beautiful as always!!!!! Love you :)
I always love to see these pictures! The picture with the reflection is so neat!
I loved all the pictures. But your sister was really creative and she gave you such a nice gift.
Had to get caught up a bit again...and congratulations are in order!!! I have tears on my dining room table thanks to reading the last few posts (as usual!). :-) God is indeed so good to us, far beyond anything we will ever comprehend. May He continue to fill your quiver in years to come -- and to think, you have something most of us don't have in ours. A heavenly arrow, perfect in form and powerful in action!
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