Has the LORD ever brought something back you wrote to someone else to let you hear His heart for your life? It's just like Him!
The other day I was looking at Westin's baby book Shannon has created for him. I came across an email I had written to her Nov. 11, 2008, right before I became pregnant with Reese.
I wrote, "In Bible study this morning, the LORD brought you to my mind again. We were reading Psalm 130 and verse 7 says, 'O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.'
When I first read this, I automatically think redemption meaning salvation, which is one definition of it. As Beth talked about this verse though, she said that GOD redeems anything in our lives...relationships, hurts, pasts, etc. I was thinking how one day GOD will redeem these years you have been waiting to get pregnant. That He does not look at these years as loss.
I will now think about redemption in a whole new way in my own life, too..."
A devotion the LORD used to impress on my heart about Shannon at that certain point in her life came back around to me but with a whole new meaning. Wonderful yet painful at the same time. Because Jason and I know truly know what deep loss feels like now, we must persevere to trust that Reese's life will be redeemed completely.
We believe GOD is a GOD of fullness not emptiness. We know GOD does not waste our tears. Our heartache is not in vain. He never wastes a life. He is a GOD of completion. Thank you LORD for always working (especially when we can't see).
He who watches over you will not slumber...
Psalm 121:3

God's redemption is sweet, even when the pain that he is redeeming us from seems overwhelming. Praying for you!
Wow ...so true!
Thank you for that wonderful insight! Our God is amazing!
I really needed this...Thanks so much for sharing...These years of waiting to become pregnant and my hurt have not been wasted...There is a plan! Thanks so much for sharing this...
I am so comforted by this verse and your interpretation of it.
I am working hard on understand his time for everything.
You have a wonderful way of interpreting His word!
Powerful! I am in tears at your closing verse - God loves us so much - he never even sleeps. Instead, He is always watching over us - even on the tough days! I hope many happy days are ahead for your family.
thank God for His great redemption for He has indeed redeemed us greatly! it is always beautiful to look back and see how God takes our pain - the ashes - and turns them into beauty while turning our mourning into joy!!!
I've been reading your blog for a while now. I want you to know you are such an inspiration to me. Your love for the Lord and a passion for His Word is truly AWESOME!
We serve an amazing God. May His redemptions fill you heart more and more each day!
I gave you an award over at my
blog. I love your faith and your blog.
Check it out.
def true and needed to hear (or read).
Amen!! :)
Beautiful words, Katie! Hoping that you have a great day today.
Prayers for you and hugs to you~
Great thoughts! I hate waiting and not being in control, but I love knowing that the Lord is teaching me and letting me grow through a period of waiting.
That is really good...
It reminds me of a verse, a dear friend recently shared with me, in Jeremiah 31:3 ~ The Lord appeared to us in the past saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness."
If you read the whole Chapter in Jeremiah 31, it has to do with "restoration." I think it ties in with the "redemption" theme. So cool!!! It was really encouraging to me and I hope it blessed you.
Take care...
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