You know you've lost a baby when you pray you will be able to bring your next one home from the hospital. Few women know the pain of coming home empty-handed to a closet filled with newborn baby clothes ready to be worn, a baby book waiting to be filled in with all the "firsts," and a diaper bag filled with all the essentials that will not be used.
Thoughts like this probably never cross the mind of a mom who has never lost a baby and is pregnant. Why should they? They are against everything we feel in our hearts as moms. It's against everything normal. I never had thoughts like these before Reese was born.
My heart now is filled with so many desires and prayers. That next time I'll be able to walk out (or be wheeled out) of those hospital doors with a baby in my arms. Our third baby. GOD's baby. Wow. What a day! It gives me butterflies in my stomach and chills all over just thinking about this.
I also think about the moment the nurse places our next son or daughter in my arms. I remember with Zach and Reese. Now I look forward to this day with as much anticipation as I did our wedding day. I just don't think I'll ever let go. ; )
My mind continues to wonder about the main events of this day. Our third child's birthday. I think about when Jason and I will first hear his or her little (or hopefully loud) cry. Reese never made a sound, but what a shout her life made and continues to be.
I want this day to be filled with joy and praise, not worry or fear. Tears of happiness and not of despair. A day and a baby covered with prayer.
Only GOD knows the exact day, the hour, the minute, (and everything that may happen) but we are thrilled to announce our next baby should arrive in July.
July 28th is my due date. One month before Reese's due date last year August 28th.
Is GOD good or what!?
Thank you thank you thank you, Jesus, for this gift of life. Laughter. Redemption.
Are you jumping up and down, crying tears of joy, and praising the LORD yet!?
I am. ; )
We're also holding our breath and clinging to hope. Here we go...
Be at rest once more, O my soul,
for the LORD has been good to you.
Psalm 116:7

1 – 200 of 404 Newer› Newest»Praise God! I am crying tears of Joy for you Katie, I know how you've longed for this day. What a blessing!
I have never commented before I don't think, but I did e-mail you once. I am so excited for you all! I also wanted to tell you that I am 26 weeks pregnant with my 3rd daughter and we are thinking of naming her Molly Reese.
Congratulations, again! I know this is a blessing.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! As I continue to pray for you I will now be praying for your pregnancy as well.
Oh Katie! How good and faithful is our Lord. I am so thankful for your most wonderful news!!! With tears of joy from one Katie to another.
Hi Katite - I've never commented on your blog until now, but I've been following it for quite some time. You have been such an example to me, and I just wanted to congratulate you and Jason. God is good and is so faithful. Thank you for your testimony.
Blessings from from Rogers!
Oh my gosh - I have been following since Reese was born and I am in tears right now!!!!! God is GOOD - and I will pray for you and with you every day for the next seven months and beyond!!
Oh my goodness! I am a lurker but I had to "delurk" to wish you congratulations! What an awesome God we serve!
Congratulations, Katie! I'm so happy for you!
Katie! My heart is so full of happiness for you, Jason & Zach!!! GOD is GOOD!!!!!
Oh Katie! I'm soooooooo happy for you and I promise to pray for you and the baby every day until you come home with him/her in your arms. I can't imagine how pregnancy must be after going through what you did but I'm praying for complete JOY and peace for you through this time!!!
SO thankful!!!!
I am beaming with joy for you. God is Good!!
What a time to start following your blog-- Congratulations to you and your family! God is good.
I HAVE been jumping up and down, crying MANY tears of THANKS and praying for this precious baby!!! I love you sweet sister. God is good.
Praise God!
Congratulations Katie! I'm praying for you.
Congratulations, Katie! How exciting! Yea!
what a great day this has become! Congratulations!
I am so excited for you and your family!! What a blessing for you! Congratulations!
Thank You Thank You! I will be thinking about you as you go through this pregnancy :)
How awesome is our God! So happy for you both!! Congratulations. :)
Congratulations! I am soooo happy for you! Praise GOD!!!
Trying to hold back my tears! You will have many people praying for you all in this time. So happy for you!
So, so thrilled for you. Prayers for peace during your pregnancy and a beautiful, healthy little one in July.
Congrats! God is sooo good! We are sooo excited for you all! YAY1
I'm so filled w/ joy for you today. What a great way to start off my week! I'm so happy for you Katie, although we are just Blog Moms, I feel like you are a dear friend. I will enjoy reading about your pregnancy updates and can't wait to share with you this gift the Lord has brought.
Congrats doesn't even begin to describe this feeling, Rejoice! God is Good.
Congratulations! What amazing news!
I have never posted before, but I am sitting here with tears running down my face as I read your latest post. I am so thrilled that you have been blessed with baby #3. I have prayed for you and your family and I will continue to do so. Oh what wonderful news!! What a mighty God we serve who loves us so much! Congrats!!
SOOOOOO happy for you both!!!
CONGRATULATIONS, Katie! That is such AWESOME news and such a blessing for you and your family. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers and will follow your pregnancy with extreme excitement and happiness for you and your family. Big hugs and congrats again! God Bless You! xoxoxo :o)
I just came across your blog and I can relate to this. Everything you said is SO true! I gave birth to a still born son Dec. 18, 1999. With my second pregnancy those same questions went thru my head. Would I be able to take him home...I did! I am so happy for you and I will be praying for you and your family! :)
Oh wow, I am THRILLED for you!!! I have been following you for months after reading your story on Kelly's Korner. This is WONDERFUL news! CONGRATULATIONS!
Praise God!! He is so good! I'm really happy for you guys and will continue to pray throughout these next few months!! I can't wait for you to hold this baby in your arms!!
OH I am SOOOO happy for you! I have followed your blog since Miss Reese was born and have hoped that you would be blessed with another baby to fill your arms in the near future!
First time commenter....all I can say is PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy for you and your family and will be praying for your pregnancy and and healthy baby!!!
God is so awesome!!
I've been reading your blog since early last summer and I am just so excited for you! I will be praying for you and your family everyday!!!!
GOD IS HOLY AND GOOD! I like so many others am crying tears of joy for you as well as tears of hope. I recently started reading your blog and have been touched by your faith in God through everything. Congratulations.
Congrats on your pregnancy! How exciting!
Congratulations!! So exciting!
Congratulations to you and your family. I have been following your blog through Kelly. You are such a strong and great woman. I am so happy for you and your family!!! God is good!
Katie! I am so happy to hear this awesome news. How wonderful to be blessed with another pregnancy. I am excited for you, Jason and Zack. I will be praying for you. I will continue to pray for your heart to heal more and more everyday, but also pray protection on the new life growing inside of you now. May the Lord keep His hand you and baby #3! Can't wait to give you a hug and congratulate you in person!
Praying for you & your precious family! I am so happy for you!!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family! God is so good!!
I have never met you -- but I am so excited for you! Pray for you so often and will keep your pregnancy in my prayers.
God is good. All the time.
That is so exciting Katie!! Congratulations~
Praying for a happy and healthy nine months for you and baby and a lifetime of memories to go along with that. Wow! What an awesome announcement! I am sure Reese is already so excited to have a younger sibling!!
I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED AND HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! I was reading the post thinking "is she saying she IS pregnant,or just talking about it?" I'm so glad I can now pray for you about such a happy thing!! ♥♥ But right now I think I might cry! :) is amazing the ways the lord works. I am so happy for you and your family to be blessed with ANOTHER sweet baby!!!
So happy for you Katie! I am not going to try and compare my situation with you but I too lost a baby in 2007, my first son, and when pregnant with my daughter that was what I pleaded with the Lord. I wanted a "take home" baby. And the Lord did provide and even at the age of 2 I have not let go. She is my everything and I think I am more than entitled to hold her a little longer than normal. Will be praying for this pregnancy that everything will be well with you and God will anoint you with peace.
God Bless,
Katie, as I was reading your post I was crying as I had a feeling that's where the post was leading and it was such a touching post. Congratulations on such a blessing. I'm praying for a healthy mom and baby. God is good and all knowing. You've been through so much and I know God will bless this little baby. I'm so happy for you and Jason. I know baby Reese is watching over you and baby.
i'm sitting here holding my new baby girl and after our miscarriage earlier this year..i remember thinking those same thoughts.
i'm so so so happy for you..i will be praying~!
I have never commented before, but have followed your story for quite a while. I have prayed for you and wept with you many, many times. I am now rejoicing with you as well! I will continue praying for you and your precious family. Congratulations!! :)
tess in indiana.
Okay, I can barely see my keyboard to type this because I am crying happy, grateful tears for you!!!! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!!!! Sending you so much love and prayers!!!!
Crying tears of joy for you and your family. Congratulations. And as you celebrate Reese's one year birthday in August you will have your new baby to hold and squeeze. What a blessing this child will be.
I have never commented before but I have been reading for a while. Praise the LORD! for this new blessing! Congratulations to your family!
Praise the Lord! Praying for you during this pregnancy! Praying that the Lord will calm your heart's fears, because we know His faithfulness abounds! Very exciting!
I have been following your blog since right beore Reese was born. I just want to congratulate you on your pregnancy! I am 26 weeks pregnant myself and you have given me things to think about and not take things for granted! I hope all goes well just trust in the Lord that it all will go according to his plan! Congrats again i am so happy for you!
Good heavens I wish I could give you a HUGE HUGE HUGE hug right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah yeah yeah!!!!!!!! That is such happy news. I am another quite follower of your blog and have cried many tears for you over these past few months. There's no better way to celebrate love, life and loss than to look forward and embrace another new little miracle from God! We will continue to cheer and pray for your family and this new addition from Iowa! Congratulations!
very super excited for you guys! Yes, GOD is good, all the time.
Oh my goodness I'm so happy for you! I'm sure your 3rd baby will be as just as beautiful as your 1st and 2nd babies!! I can't wait to follow your pregnancy!
Congratulations- I am very excited for you.
Although circumstances are a little different, I understand your fears and prayers. I am 10 weeks pregnant with my 7th (have miscarried my last 3). I have the same fears that I will never make it to the next stage of pregnancy.
I will continue praying for you. And again I am very excited for you.
First time commenter - been reading since last summer when you were in the hospital (sick).
God is GOOD!! I pray that you will be able to enjoy this pregnancy and have peace throughout it.
Praise God! I just recently started reading your blog and actually for the first time this morning read back to when Reese was born.
Congratulations to your sweet family...I'm also a Baylor grad!
I KNEW IT!!! And yes, I am jumping up and down, crying tears of joy with you, sweet friend!!
God is so good. He is faithful.
The prayers of so many have been answered.
EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK! Katie I have goosebumps! I am SO excited for you guys. What a blessing and answer to prayer! We'll definitely be praying for you guys... for the peace that surpasses all understanding! God is good and all His works are faithful!
Yahoo! Whahoo! Yippee! We are SO, SO happy for you guys! I told Kyle and he wasn't too surprised, which makes me think Jason told him already. I am very, very happy for you all, and I'm praying for smooth pregnancy! I just told Kyle that is would be awesome if you two were able to get pregnant on your little beach trip...God already had this planned! Congratulations!!! (please excuse the multiple exclamation points. I guess I'm just excited!!!)
Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you!!! I have the same butterflies in my stomach thinking about what it will be like to leave the hospital with my baby too! After you don't get to, it really puts a different perspective on things. I pray for a wonderful pregnancy and a healthy little one! Will you find out the sex?! Oh----so excited for you!!!!!
katie. i am at work, and i am CRYING SO JOYFULLY! i cried in complete sorrow for you when i first read your story. i cried that the Lord would deliver you again into His joy. i'm so incredibly happy for your guys. CONGRATULATIONS!!
"I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage." -psalm 27:13-14
OOOOOHHHHH Katie! I was reading the post (wiping tears so I can type now) thinking "Is she trying to say what I think she is trying to say?". I just kept reading and thinking it was coming...and it did! Yay! I know you are beside yourself with excitement. You will be ok. Allow yourself to be excited. I know Reese is. I am so happy for you and Jason and Z. Praise God! This is certainly a reason to keep your sweet head up! You will never forget Reese, but you deserve to have this. Do not forget that. It is what she would want. You are a good Mother to Z and Reese and you have plenty of love for this little blessing!
Yipee! Congrats! So happy for you! Thank God for such miracles! Now you will have 3 beautiful children!
Praise the Lord!
I have chills and tears for JOY!
I have read your blog for a while and I ache for you. I have two children and it when the days are hard and looong, nights too that I am reminded of you and your loss. I pray that your heart would have peace. I am suddenly grateful.
I will be praying for you all...this is just awesome!
Katie- I don't comment on your blog very often, in fact, I think the last time was when Reese was born. I have continued to read your blog since then, and have just been in awe of your strength, courage, elegance, and grace. I literally had tears streaming down as I read this post- I am overjoyed for you and your beautiful family! Please know you will be in my prayers during this journey! Congratulations!!!
God Bless XOXO
this brought tears to my eyes!!! congrats katie!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!
Could you please send me your address (
Oh, tears are falling. For months, you have been in my prayers. I think of Reese so often. Yesterday while at the aquarium, there was a Reese there and I thought of you. I look forward to the day you get wheeled out with your third baby. A blessing. A gift. I know that this pregnancy will not be one without worry so lean on everybody for support, because God has sent all of us to help you through this time with listening ears, carrying hearts and shields of prayers.
Congratulations to the Rowe family.
I am rejoicing and am soooooooooo excited for you, Jason and Z. I will cover this pregnancy in prayer!!! God is good...all the time!
Thank you Lord for this third child for Katie to carry! May she bring the baby home and be able to love on her/him as much as she wants to!
Congratulations to you all! Praying for you!
Oh, Katie! Praise God!!!!!!!! I am so thrilled and thankful! I love how you wrote this post. I will be praying for you and baby #3 daily!!! God is so good. I'm getting up to jump up and down and do a praise dance, now! :)
Congratulations...I was wondering as I read your post if you were about to make such and announcement! We are rejoicing wth you!
Congratulations! I'm a long time reader, but this is my first time posting. Praying for you and your beautiful family! I am so happy for all of you!
I just read your post right at the end of my I have to go in and see my one year old patient with wet and puffy eyes...I am not sad, though...I am thrilled for you!!!!!!!
Oh, Katie, I am SO happy for you guys!!!! My heart if filled with praise to our ALL KNOWING and WONDERFUL God!!! HUGS!!!!!
Happy tears, happy tears...
I love how God can knit someone you have never met into your heart---you and your beautiful family are in my heart! I rejoice with you and praise our Heavenly Father for blessing you with your third child!
Oh, happy day. Happy day!!!
I don't think I've ever commented, but I've been here reading since you were so sick while you were pregnant with Reese! I am SO happy for you...something told me you were pregnant after your post about the recent trip. I'll be praying for you and baby:)
Definitely crying tears of joy :) So happy for you all. Saying prayers everyday for your sweet family!
Congratulations! It did bring tears to my eyes and a smile on my face! I have followed your story and have prayed for you and precious Reese! I will pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby and that you will have peace and comfort throughout!
God Bless!
I seriously have chills I am so excited for you!
I am so, so very happy for you! What a blessing. I just can't express how joyful I am for you. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Congratulations Katie! Your name crosses my mind frequently and now with thoughts of a new baby, I'll be praying for peace throughout your pregnancy.
I am SO EXCITED for you! Congratulations!
I have been praying for you and am so happy to hear of your pregnancy. God is so good! I will be praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy and delivery! You will be blessed.
Praise the Lord! I'm so very, very happy for y'all. I will be praying with you also. God is so very good.
P.S. Can't wait to follow along with you during your pregnancy! Hooray!!!!!
He is very good.
I am a lurker and I had to say...I am SO SO SO excited for you! I will be praying for you during this sweet yet difficult time!
Oh wow, congrats! We'll be praying for you and the sweet baby in side of you!
What an absolute BLESSING!! God is so good and I'm just sooooooooo happy for your family. What a wonderful time this will be and please know that I will be praying for you.
Again, soooooo excited!
God is so good! I am crying tears of Joy for you and your family. I pray God's blessings for your family and your health! How amazing!
Totally got teary eyed. I'm so excited for you all, beyond excited
CONGRATULATIONS KATIE!!! I am so thrilled for you!!! :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you guys! These words just don't seem big enough for this awesome news! I am still and will continue to pray for you as you begin this new journey!
Congratulations! I have been following your story and pray for you and your family constantly. I am so excited for all of you and couldn't be happier for you!
My due date is July 29th...maybe we will have babies on the same day! :)
Amen! Congratulations. I'm crying tears of joy and hope for you from here in the Pacific Northwest. May God be with you every moment of every day as you await the arrival of your new baby!
Praising God with you and Jason over this wonderful and blessed news!! You have been in my prayers continually and I celebrate with you!! Blessings and prayers to you both. Love and hugs,
Amber, Mason, Anna Kate and Grace
OH KATIE!! Congratulations!!!!! What a blessing. I will be praying and thanking God for his hand of restoration on your life!
Congratulations! I have been following your story and been praying for your family! This is wonderful news!
Jason & Katie,
With tears of joy -- I send my warmest congratulations and am thrilled for you. I promise my prayers for this little one and for both of you!
I have never commented before, but I wanted to say congratulations! Thank you Lord for a perfect pregnancy, healthy baby, a flawless delivery, and thank you that this baby will have a long, successful life on earth!
I just got chill bumps all over my body! Praise you Jesus for being faithful!
OHHHH I am so excited for you. I just got chills all over!!! You and your family are definitely in my thoughts and prayers!!
God is good all the time! I will shout it from the moutain top, praise God. Oh, I am so happy for you and your entire family. This is wonderful news Katie. I have followed your journey and don't think I have ever commented, but this was the time.
You know, I kind of saw a glow in your eyes in the picture of you guys at the restaurant on your recent vacation. I must know, did you know then?
I will be praying for you. Praying you will enjoy this pregnancy as much as the last 2. You are blessed, truly blessed and oh so deserving sweet girl.
as a mom who had to leave her twin boys at the hospital and walk home empty handed (almost two years ago) i know exactly what you are feeling..its a scary road...
and this past september we brought HOME our fourth little baby and relished in God's goodness.
praying the same for you...
OH MY GOODNESS I'M FILLED W/ GOOSEBUMPS AND "GOD CHILLS"!! I've only read your blog for a short while but think about you everyday and this is soooo amazing and wonderful! Shelby was born June 12th! amazing that God has blessed you and giving you such joy right now!! this baby is truly a blessing from God! congrats!
God is so awesome. I am so happy for you, Katie. Words just can't say....
I have been following your blog for some times now. I want you to know that I praise God for all of your babies. I pray that soon (6 months) we will all be able to laugh and smile and jump up and down with joy. Congratulations.
Congratulations Kati, I am SO thrilled for your wonderful news!! I will be praying for this sweet new addition to your family :) You deserve all the happiness that comes with a new baby on the way!
My heart is leaping for joy with you and your family. How wonderful that this baby has an angel to watch over him or her. God bless all 5 of you!!! Our family will be praying for you!
CONGRATULATIONS! praying for you still~
I don't know that I have ever commented on your blog before today. I have been following your story since Reese's birth.
Congratulations on this wonderful blessing!
I am currently pregnant with our third baby - due July 19 - our babies could have the same birthday!
Blessings to you and your family.
I know exactly how you feel, as that was how I felt when we found out we were expecting after losing our son. Praise God, we brought a healthy, full-term baby home 9 months later!
I've been reading your blog since Reese was born, and I have prayed for you since. I will continue to pray for you, and your newest blessing.
Oh My Goodness! I am so excited for you and your family! What an exciting time and what a true blessing! We will continue to lift your family and your little one up in our prayers! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Katie, so happy for you and your family, GOD is good !!
I am thrilled for you! I have been following your story from Kelly's Korner. This is such WONDERFUL news! CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh, Katie! Congratulations!! What a blessing this little bundle of joy will be. I am so thankful God had this in his plan for you! It is amazing at his plans He has for us. I look forward to following your journey to July!! I will be sure to share this with my friend, Stephanie, who have you have blessed so much with your words since her loss.
My heart is leaping with JOY for you! All the thoughts you just mentioned, I've had them ALL. Our second pregnancy was just that... filled with happiness and yet fear after losing our first after she was only with us 10 hours. God had to remind me on so many days throughout my pregnancy that He is in control. Take it one day at a time. When you finally are leaving with that sweet baby, it is a feeling you will not be able to put into words. Praying for a happy, healthy addition to your sweet family.
I'm a long time reader, first time commenter.
This is so amazing! I'm so happy for you! I'll definiely be praying for you and your family.
Congratulations! I don't know if I have ever commented but that's just so exciting. Praying for you with this new baby!
Oh, Katie! I'm so happy for you and Jason and Zach! Congratulations to all three of you! I have been praying that you would be able to announce this exciting news...HALLELUJAH, THANK YOU, JESUS!
Blessed be the name of the LORD!
YES! I am crying tears of joy for you. Congratulations! I've never commented but have beena long time follower of your blog. I am so excited for you. God is good.
Oh my Gosh! Katie, I have been reading your blog since you were in the hospital before Reese. I pray for you so much! I can barely see through my tears to type!!! I am so happy for you all!!!!! Congrats!!!! What a blessing!
Congratulations!!! What a blessing for all of you! Praise HIS Name!!!
Dear Katie,
What wonderful news! Words can't express how happy I am for you! Congratulations!
I can't say Congrats enough! Many prayers for a happy and healthy 9 months and a third beautiful baby!
Oh Katie, I got goose bumps as I scrolled down and saw that amazing annoucement! Praying with you and for you!!
Oh Katie! Such wonderful news...Praise the Lord!! I have followed your blog for awhile now though I haven't ever commented...I can't wait to read about all the joy this new gift brings to you and your family.
Godspeed- Evelyn Wade
Katie, I just got chills reading your post. Congrats! I am so happy for your family and I will begin praying for everything to be perfect with this little babe. Praise God!
Definitely crying tears of joy!! What an amazing blessing. God is so good! :) I have been praying for you and your family since I found your blog through Kelly's Korner when Reese was born. Congratulations on Baby #3!!! :)
I am so excited for you all! When I first started reading, I was wondering (and hoping) that this is what you were going to announce. Congratulations to you and your family. Many prayers about this pregnancy!
Wow! That is great news! Praying for your new little one. Praying that you will be taking this little one home in your arms about 6 months from now. Praying for your physical and emotional strength as you go through this journey.
Praise God for your blessing! We do not know each other personally but you have been an inspiration to me, waiting to hear that news for the first time. We miscarried in July but I know He has great plans for our future, too. Congrats! God is good...May God Bless this pregnancy. Thank you for always sharing your true feelings...
Congratulations! What a blessing! I'll be praying for you and your new bundle of joy!
Praise God!!!!!
Yes, I am jumping, smiling and shedding a few tears.
Praise the Lord! He is so good. I will be praying for you during this pregnancy. Our third was our miracle baby after leaving the hospital twice without our babies.
Psalm 62:5-7: Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Congratulations to you and your family! God takes care of us always. I'll be praying for you, your family, and the new addition. Congratulations!
God bless! Congratulations. I am so thankful that God did not make you wait too long for another baby. I lost a baby and was able to get pregnant again right away. It doesn't heal, but it sure helps! I wish you all the best!
What a blessing! I am so happy for you... I have been following your blog for quite some time but have never commented. My husband's aunt is Gina Johnson, one of your mother's friends. She told us your story and I have followed you ever since. Congratulations!
Congratulations! This is such great news. My husband's birthday is July 28 - a very, very good day for a due date. :)
Such WONDERFUL news!!! Praise the Lord over and over! I will be praying for you and this baby so often as well as continuing to pray for healing and comfort. BLESSINGS to you in your pregnancy and beyond!
Katie-Congratulations on such exciting news!!! I have never commented before but I have been following your blog since Reese was born. You are such an inspiration and what a true blessing that our wonderful God has given you and Jason.
PTL I am so excited for ya'll! I will be praying!
Praise God.. that is so great... Congratulations... what a blessing
Wow...I think I may have commented once or twice, but I have to tell you how I hoped and prayed you'd post this some day soon! What wonderful news!
Oh I'm so happy for you guys! What a lucky little baby to be blessed with parents like you and Jason!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Your post gave me chills! We serve an awesome and mighty God!!! We are so excited for you and your family! I will be praying for you and your little blessing!!! I cant wait to watch as you expand your family again and watch how God blesses your family!!
I'm so happy for you, Katie.
I will keep you guys in my prayers.
Praise the Lord!
Oh Katie!! I am just so, so excited for you and your family. I have and will continue to pray for you daily....I know this journey will be a roller coaster- I have been there. But ohhh, when you hold that baby in your arms....I can't even describe it!
Andrew and I are so excited for you and can't wait to meet this little one. YOu are in our prayers.
Thank you Jesus, for this family I have prayed and hoped!
Congratulations. Your pregnancy gives hope to those of us who have lost a baby. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Congratulations! What a blessing! I am praying for you and your family. What a mighty God we serve.
Congratulations! So happy for you guys! Glory hallelujiah!
This is so exciting! Congratulations!!! Shannon's little one will have a cousin close in much fun! Wishing you the best!!!
i have read your blog ever since you had reese...i pray for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you.
I have never written a comment on here before but have read about you and your dear family for a while now!! I have tears of joy right now for you!!! I was hoping that by the end of your message that you would say you were expecting. Reese and your family have taught me so much and brought me closer to the Lord in so many ways!!! I can't wait to continue to see the joys He presents through your lives!!!
Wow! Congrats! You dont know me, but I started following your blog from Kelly's Korner after Reese was born (and we're FB buddies! hehe). I've just been attached to your blog since! Your little boy is so cute & you're such a strong, inspiring woman! I'm very excited to continue reading about the new blessing coming your way!
I have been following your blog for quite some time now...I found yours through a friend of mine who also lost her little girl. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness! I will be praying for you and your new little one!
Congrats! Congrats!
God is good!
Will always keep you and your family in our prayers!!
YEAH! I will be praying for you!:)
Congratulations!!!!! I am crying tears of joy.
Praising God I AM!!!! SO SO happy for you! Praying for you all the same. Your story..Reese's story continues to touch so many lives and will have an impact on this little one's life too. Such a blessing. Congratulations!
Hallelujah! Yes, tears of joy and excitement for you!! congratulations!!!
Congratulations Katie! I love your blog, and it's amazing how close you can feel to someone by reading posts from their heart. Prayers will continue for your and your growing family!
Oh Katie, I am so happy for ya'll!! Praising the Lord and praying so hard for your sweet family during this time!! You are loved!!
That is so wonderful! I am so happy for you and I will be praying for you every day!
Congratulations!!! I'll be praying for you & your family as you prepare to meet a new member!
Katie, I don't know if I've ever commented before, but I found your blog through Kelly's a while ago and have followed your journey for a long time. This is the best news! Congratulations! Our GOD is an awesome GOD! May he continue to bless you and ride this amazing journey of new life! Continued prayers and blessings to your entire family!
Amen!!! God is Good!!! Katie~I am crying tears of joy for you and your sweet family....I will continue to wrap all of you in prayer through this joyous time!!!!
Congrats Katie!!! What great news, Praise to our madnificent, wonderful, glorious King!! May the Lord bless this pregnancy and watch over you, keeping you and this sweet blessing safe. SO happy for you and your family!!!
Congratulations!! My prayers will be with yours!!
I have never commented before on you blog - but I have been following your story since it was posted at Kelly's Korner (I think that is where I first found you!). I do have tears in my eyes and I am so excited for you and your family and friends. I look forward to following your pregnancy and celebrating a healthy birth over the internet with you! xoxo
I am a lurker too but my goodness I just got chills reading your post. Congrats and many wishes for a healthy pregnancy.
Your post is so true. I lost a baby at 18 weeks. As I sit here holding my third baby it still amazes that he is here safely.
What wonderful news!
So happy for you and your family.
Wow!! I am soooo excited for you and your family!! I have been reading your blog for a while now and have followed your story. My girlfriend had a similar experience and got pregnant very soon after her baby passed. God is so good. Many blessings to you!!
Congratulations!!! So happy to hear of your blessings! There will be many prayers lifting you up and keeping you safe until that little precious one is born.
Praise be to Our Heavenly Father!! What amazing news! My eyes filled with tears praying a prayer of not only protection over you and your precious baby but also a prayer of thanksgiving......what a mighty God we serve!!!
I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! This just made my day, reminder call about my dentist appointment on Wednesday and all!!!
What a beautiful post! Brought tears to my eyes. I'm soooo happy for you! Congratulations and I continue to pray for you!!! God is good!!!!!!
Oh, Katie! How amazing. Oh how I have prayed this for you! Praise God. You have such an amazing soul. :-) I am SO SO happy for you. It's crazy I actually started crying after I read this...Wow.
I am so happy for you Katie! That is just wonderful news and I rejoice with you for the blessing! How exciting - new life!!! I love you friend and am truly so so happy!
Crying, crying. Woo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joy comes in the morning!
Love you, Kristin
(weird family coinc, my word verification is Abott)
I am so happy for you and Jason!! Congrats and best wishes!!!
Congratulations! I've never commented on your blog until now. I am in awe of your faith and so so happy for you and your family that you'll be having another little one. My prayers continue to be with you.
I read your blog often and have been so waiting to hear this announcement!! Congratulations and I will be praying along with you for the day you get to bring your baby home.
Many Blessings.
Praise God! I'm so happy for you!
I rarely comment but pray for you and your family and follow your story daily. You will continue to be in my prayers.
God Bless!
I am crying (happy) tears for you right now!! Congratulations Katie!! God is so good!! I will continue to pray for you!!
I am so happy for you! That is very exciting - I will be praying for a healthy and happy pregnancy.
God bless!
I am SOOOOOOO VERY happy for you! How are you feeling? I can't wait to hear all about your journey. Congratulations.
Congratulations Katie!!!!! We will be praying you through this pregnancy and I am SO happy for you guys.
I don't even know you but I seriously just got tears in my eyes reading this! I prayed for you ever since Reese was first born and have often prayed and thought of you and your family since. I am so, so happy for you and I will continue to pray that God will bless this pregnancy.
Praise God, for He is good! His love endures forever! :) YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Soooo happy for you!. God is good. I'll keep you in my prayers.
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