Z and I had to check on our little ducks throughout the winter. ; ) I was surprised to see these brave (or crazy) ducks standing on the frozen pond.
I call these ducks our little "gossip group." They're hilarious! They are always together and run up to us like they have some juicy news to share. I've missed laughing at them.
After Bible study Tuesday Zach and I fed the ducks for the first time this year. We even saw new little baby ducks. We drove by Reese's garden first and had such a sweet moment. He said, "Reese...Heaven." My heart swelled by his tenderness. I looked backed at his peaceful little face and said, "Ah, yes Zach, Reese is in Heaven." Then just as quickly he demanded, "Feed ducks NOW." The moment had passed, and I couldn't help but smile. My boy.
It felt so good to be back...although I'm not sure what the ducks thought as they were running for their lives. ; )
Spring is coming. ; )
Reese, you would be seven months old today. We love you and miss you so much. Thank you for being our daughter and bringing so much beauty into our lives.
...He turned the curse into a blessing for you because the Lord your GOD loves you.
Deuteronomy 23:5

oh Zach is just so precious. I love how innocent and sweet he is!
Just popped on and saw your post. Oh, how much it blessed me to see you write those words...spring is coming! You are a blessing to me, Katie. And your little Zach I so precious!
Praying for you...
How precious what Z said! I betcha that did just swell your heart! What a precious little boy you have!
Hang in there sweet friend you are ALWAYS in my prayers!
How funny I just posted a pic of Kelcee today feeding the ducks too although she thought ducks like plastic dinosaurs LOL....
That pic is Ha-larious of the duckies running for there lives! We have a group we call the chasers....apparently they don't like me much and loooove to chase me....Kelcee thinks it is sooo funny me not so much....I am scared I'm gonna get pecked to death....LOL
Praying for you
Summer ;0)
Hi Katie! I am a reader from Alabama and just wanted to tell you that I think of you often. I have a sweet boy who is 6 months old today and I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you continue to feel God's presence and His loving touch. Oh, and Zach sure is a cutie!
I know those ducks have missed Zach! Ha!
Praying for you today.
wow, he's only 2 and is so tenderhearted already. He loves his little sister-- I can tell in all of your stories!
And the picture of him chasing the ducks made me laugh so hard!
love you so much! praying for you as we enter this new season...and season of life.
so bittersweet, katie! zach is adorable and i know it must be a joy to be his mommy. happy 7 months in heaven, reese!
He is getting so big and he seems to be complete boy! :)
What a joy it must have been to hear those words. I hope you are right about spring coming.
Saying a special prayer for you today.
So sweet!!!
Zach is so precious and I thank God for giving you such a sweet moment! So proud of you and where your family is going!
Have a blessed week!
Abs STILL talks about those ducks and how you threw bread at my feet so the ducks would come get it! HA!
Love you so much. Happy sweet 7 months my precious niece. Love you so!
Such a sweet moment!!!
Aren't you glad that Spring follows Winter? I love the changing seasons. So it is in our lives. I am very thankful that the Lord gives us Spring, new life, following Winter. A reminder of His love. He loves you Katie. He loves Reese too.
Your Zach is PRECIOUS!!! He is such a cutie!
thinking of you today. our daughters share a birthday. 7 mos with Jesus today.
we love to watch the geese at our house too- bet our girls are talking with the geese in heaven!
So excited for spring! Those are crazy ducks...I thought ducks left during the winter ;-). Zach is awesome! Missing Reese for you today!
I love how sweet and incredibly insightful children can be!! Zach is just too cute!!
What a sweet sweet post. I'm glad the ducks have been there at Reese's garden with you. Love you much.
Katie...you look fabulous!
Love this post about Zach and your sweet Reece.
Prayers for you!
Zach looks like he missed those guys!! He is so adorable Katie!
I cant believe it has been 7 months since Miss Reese was born. Time passes all to quickly in the relm of things, yet I know there are many days and hours that seem so long and difficult to go through, yet we do get through them. Isnt God's strength and love just amazing??!! I cannot fathom it but am so thankful for it! Reese will always be a part of you and your family and has a legacy that any mom would be proud of (as I know you are!).
Praying for you always, Katie. Love ya girl!!
My hubby has snowplow contracts so we're always a little sad to see the winter come to an end, but I'm still very glad to see the beauty and warmth of Spring! (plus we're moving to Texas - so much for the plowing...) Anyway, I keep praying for you, Katie, it's so sweet to hear how you keep Reese's memory alive. May God continue to bless you!!
Katie, I have been following your blog for a little while now, and I am sorry to say that I have never commented. I apologize for that. I think that little Reese is just the most precious little girl, and I truly mourn for your loss here on earth. I have prayed for you and your family many times, and I'm not sure why I've never commented before.
I wanted to tell you something I thought about after reading your post below about never having Reese in a family portrait. I can't remember where I saw this, but on a blog somewhere out there I saw where a family had a family portrait done and had a small butterfly Photoshopped into it, to represent the little girl they had lost. I thought that was a sweet and sentimental way to honor their baby girl, and was reminded of that by your post.
God bless you! I hope your pregnancy continues to be easy - you look fabulous!
Hi, Katie,
Just wanted to stop by and tell you that you've been on my mind quite a bit...so you've been prayed for quite a bit, too!
Hugs to you, sweet Katie!
7 months....really? Doesn't seem like that many months have passed. Imagining his sweet voice saying that makes my heart swell too.
What a beautiful little moment! Thanks for sharing!
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