I am excited to get his nursery going. ; )
My hot hubby putting it on the wall. I am so proud of him. ; ) I love it!
I chose this verse because it's a wonderful description of how GOD made Reese's life beautiful and is also abundantly blessing us through this little one. As a dear friend emailed, "He is not slow in keeping His promises because He who promised is faithful." I love that this is one of the first things that catches your eye when you walk into his nursery.
We are keeping the wall paint color and chair the same as we had with Reese. They are both a pretty yellow. Bright and cheerful. Zach's room is all blue and brown, so I wanted to do something different.

...Trust yourself to the GOD who made you, for He will never fail you.
1 Peter 4:19

I can't wait to see the finished nursery!
I love that your hog friend travels with you! It is amazing the things I find in my car that Rhett brought! I am sure when I take it to the car wash they are thinking "what in the world?!?".
Love that verse! PERFECT! I can't wait to see the finished nursery! I just posted pics of Kelcee's new room today....I heart it....come check it out!
I love that the hog friend travels with ya'll and it looks like Z really loves it....he is smiling from ear to ear....that is ha-larious....
Summer ;0)
oh i LOVE it! the verse is perfect...in every way...and i can't stop smiling thinking of z holding onto that deflated hog!
That is soo pretty! I love it and I love that you're incorperating Reece into his room!
I cannot read that verse without thinking of Reese - our pastor just preached on it. I can't wait to see the finished nursery - I know it will honor baby boy and Reese at the same time. Still laughing over the hog in the car - looking forward to seeing all the places he goes!
The verse is just perfect. Can't wait to see the finished room.
Who wouldn't want to ride around everywhere with a deflated hog? Ha!
That is just too funny!
Love it Katie! That verse has so many meanings and is such a great reminder! Cant wait to see the whole nursery & especially that sweet baby boy :)
I was just cracking up about the deflated hog. Too cute!!
Have a great night girl!
Praying always!
That hog friend is hilarious. Only a little boy would get attached to something such as that. Your nursery is going to be beautiful and I can't wait to see it all put together.
How beautiful! I am so exciting for you all with the upcoming arrival of this sweet baby boy! I am memorizing Ecclesiastes 3 for school and it is awesome!!
The nursery is going to be lovely! I can not wait to see it..and him! The deflated hog riding around with you is so funny! Z is too proud. Have a good evening and take care of sweet Katie.
Yesterday I was walking through the store that I work in and stopped to speak to a little boy. His mom asked him to tell me the name of the baby that was with them. Her name was 'Reese'. My heart kind of caught and I was able to just say a quick prayer for you.....
Thanks for the sneak peek!
What a beautiful and perfect verse. Can't wait to see the rest of the room. Love that the hog travels with you guys. Too cute!
love how the hog has made its home wherever you are! the verse is so perfect. it is gorgeous! i'm excited to see more pictures of the nursery.
oh my word. the hog in the back seat is cracking me up! hahahaha!
I love the lettering!
I love it!!!! So precious. Can't wait to see the rest of the room.
Z is adorable and I love the HOG!!
The hog friend is hilarious!!
The perfect verse for baby boy's nursery. :) Can't wait to see the finished product!
I am LOL at that deflated hog in the car! HAHAHA!!
So sweet Katie...I love the verse!
I think I just might hop on over to that site myself!
What a perfect verse.
I am so very happy that the Lord blessed you with another baby :)
The hog friend..lol..I have no words!
A beautiful verse, your nursery will be a lovely place.
Jason did a wonderful job putting this up. It looks perfectly straight. I think the size couldn't be better. LOVE IT and we hope you do too! Hugs, The Twins
That's a great verse! Oh, my goodness...that is so funny about the Hog thing...you'll have to keep posting pictures of him and Zach...LOL...
Perfect verse! I am so excited to see the nursery!
Haha, the hog is getting some travel in!! Too funny!
I am the recipient of the necklace that you were giving away. Thank you so much! Anna gave it to me on Monday, and I already love it. It is the perfect way to remember my sweet little Heidi. I admire your optimism as I read through your blog. I am not to that point in my loss, but I hope that it will start getting easier. Thank you for your strength.
Laura Cates
I love the scripture on the wall! I still haven't decided on what I want on Caedmon's walls, so I'm proud of you just for choosing something AND getting it up before baby boy arrives!
Isn't it funny the things we do for our kids to make them happy? Love it!
(And isn't it nice when Daddies start things like that and we get to keep them going? ;) )
I love those vinyls! If I ever have extra money laying around, those are definitely near the top of my list. The verse is so perfect too.
That is a beautiful verse! I'm sure the nursery is going to be precious!
Beautiful! I'm so thankful that God is blessing you with another one. With each pregnancy, I always think there's no way I can love another baby as much as the ones I already have! And you know what? I've been wrong every single time!!!
What a blessing each child is - and this new one is an answer to prayer. I continue to pray for you Katie!
The verse looks great!
Love that verse! Can't wait to see the entire nursery.
Z is too cute, Katie!
Absolutely perfect!
Have a blessed Easter!
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