Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. Your sweet comments and emails. Each one of them has touched my life in a special way, and please know I truly take every word to heart. As I'm discovering, grief is such an unknown path, and your positive words mean a lot.
Some days I'm upset because life seems too "normal," then the next day I think everyone has forgotten about Reese and our pain. I can go from being so thankful for what we do have to feeling guilty over others' losses in their lives. I know I've missed out on so much of my friends' and families' lives these past seven months, but I also don't feel I have that much to give.
Balance. Boundaries. Learning more about myself and life than I ever wanted to. Seeing GOD's sufficient hand through it all - on good and hard days.
This verse popped out from the page the other day, "...encouraging you...this is the true grace of GOD. Take your stand in it!" 1 Peter 5:12
Today I'm taking the stand in believing our baby boy will be healthy, whole, and complete. The further along I get the more anxious I am becoming.
Thank you for encouraging me in the true grace of GOD.
More beautiful and creative pictures for Reese's name gallery ~
A high school friend made this. Isn't it precious?

Alphabet spaghettios
It looks like our schedules are matching up today and we're both online at the same time :) Just want you to know, I'm claiming it with you and praying it for you - daily, faithfully, and continually! Love ya! And oh, by the way... :)!!!!
Just precious! I love the one your friend made and how cute is the ABC spagetti O's....I love them all!
You are sooo strong Katie and never far from my thoughts and prayers....always in them
Summer :0)
P.S. Oh yes Buzz was super cute on DDS last night....
Thanks for your sweet comment
Hi sweet Katie. The name gallery is so sweet. I always love those. You, Reese and the rest of your family are not ever far from my mind. I still think about you often and am so excited for your new arrival. I know it is hard once something has happened to think it could happen again. We all feel that way sometimes. Just know the chances of something like that happening again have to be so slim. I am certain you are taking supreme care with yourself and things will be just fine. Keep your sweet head up.
Hello, I read about your blog from a friends blog and had to visit. We have so much in common its crazy. I too lost my daughter but in August 2008, then we decided to try again and was blessed with a baby boy in July 2009. I also have all boys no girls and our timing with our loss and our new baby is so much alike only a year apart.
I love the idea of her name gallery, i wish I had been more creative with my sweet Alyssa.
email me if you ever want to talk.
Much love, Chelsie
These photos are always so precious! The verse that popped off the page for you... from 1 Peter... oh my! I am loving it too! I *must* use it in a piece of art!! Thank you for the inspiration! :)
Hi Katie!
I stumbled across this blog the other day and thought of you. You may have already discovered it, but I thought I'd share. Her words reminded me of yours... so beautiful and honest and full of pain, faith and hope. She is a pretty talented photographer, so you'll have to weed through her work stuff to read the story (if you're interested):
You are never far from my thoughts and prayers. I am sure it is hard to balance everything, but you do an amazing job. The name gallery is beautiful...
lovin' you from Little Rock today.
Ephesians 3:20-21
I always love to see how creative everyone is when they spell out Reese's name. :-)
I thought about you over the weekend when we had unseasonably warm weather here in Nebraska. I wondered how Reese's crepe myrtle trees are doing. I then saw your post on how much snow you had in your area and figured it probably isn't quite spring yet! I am excited for you to see them blooming in the spring. (They do bloom, don't they? :0) What a wonderful reminder of her precious life.
You're in my thoughts and prayers.
We'll never forget precious Reese and the impact she has had on many hearts!! You are forever in my thoughts and prayers! The name gallery is very creative today!
So beautiful, as always! I cannot wait until July so I can make my Reese name for you! :)
It is so wonderful. You are so strong and beautiful. I am thankful to have you as my blog friend.
As usual, these are absolutely precious! Such creative photos.
Enjoy your spring break with your little guy...he is a cutie!
Praying for you every day, Katie...
Loved the pictures...they were so creative.
I am always thinking about you, Reese, and your family. I am always keeping you in my prayers.
Hope you enjoy spring break!
Love the name gallery...those are all so precious. Even though you may not "feel" like you've had much to give, you in FACT have! Be certain that your blog has helped and encouraged many people, including me!
Be Blessed!
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