A few warm days lately have teased me too much! So much for spring, but I'm still holding out hope it's coming soon.
Jason and Z tried to take a little ride, but the snow in their faces hurt too much.

Z still had a good time throwing snowballs at us. Can you believe how deep this snow is!?

Z looks like he is going to wipe off his car and go somewhere. So serious. ; )

A little snowy picture someone sent us for Reese's name gallery. Warms my heart on this cold day.
As the rain and the snow come down from Heaven, and do not return to it
without watering the earth...so is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:10-11
I know! Can you believe snow in March??? especially in Texas? We woke up so surprised this morning. Bring on the sunshine - I don't think I'll be complaining about the heat this summer. Love seeing the great pictures of Zach! Miss you friend.
Can you believe all this snow! We are staying inside where it is warm. Hope you are doing the same!
I cannot believe all the snow you guys are getting! Wow that's alot of snow! We have been lucky enough to catch a break and have temps in the upper 70's!
Enjoy the snow....Z looks like he is having a great time!
I love Reese's name in the snow! I like the way it is crackled from the ice and looks like a true snow princess name! LOVE IT!
Summer :0)
I cannot believe all this snow.
Back when we lived in MI, we had a lot of snow in late April. I don't forget because it was when my husband and our neighbor decided to shelf the snow away on the driveway and he ended with an herniated disc, which led him to a surgery a few weeks later.
Crazy weather!!!
surely you have to be joking! We went to the beach yesterday and I got sun burnt! I hope it warms up soon for you!
Wow, that is a lot of snow!
We have friends up your area that told us about this snow. Unbelievable. I didn't realize that you guys got that much snow.
Love the pictures, Katie!
holy moley - i can't get over all this snow!!! may spring show it's face soon at your house!
i want snow!!!
love all the pics!
We got lots of snow too, but its melting quick today, thankfully. I am ready for some 90* temps.....
When you have time, I need your address, I want to send you all one of Caleb and Daniel's CD's.
Still praying for you....
Can't believe you guys got a foot of snow up there and all we had was rain. Crazy!
Cute pics of your boys. :)
Have a great day, girl.
WoW! I cant believe it is snowing in March! Hope you guys get some Spring weather soon!!! Zach is too cute!!
I so...cannot believe you got all that snow. It was 75 degrees here over the weekend. Zach looks like he enjoyed the snow though.
Oh my goodness...that is some crazy weather, indeed! I hope it warms up for you guys soon...
Those pictures of Zach are so cute! I like the ones in the previous post too in his little hat.
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