What a perfect day for a giveaway! Not only can we celebrate those sweet moms who have a baby (or babies) in Heaven, I am honoring Reese's seven months with Jesus.
Lisa would like to give away ONE of these amazing necklaces to a mom who has a child in Heaven. It's called "Marked by Love." Isn't it beautiful? Get excited and blessed!

Lisa sent me one as a gift, and I will cherish it always. I love wearing jewelry that reminds me of Reese. ; ) So special. Thank you, Lisa!
Rules to enter ~
1. Please leave a comment telling me your precious child's name and something special about her or him.
2. You may also enter if you would like to give this necklace as a gift to a friend who has lost a baby. Please leave this child's name in your comment.
3. Include your email.
4. This giveaway will end Tuesday, March 16 at 1 pm.
That's all! Easy. ; )
I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.
Isaiah 49:16

Can I enter for my sweet friends who just lost their beautiful baby boy, Austin. He went to play with angels on February 6, 2010. I think this necklace would mean the world to his mom Kellie.
Hey Katie! You know my baby's name- Brayden :) But I think if I won this I would actually like to give it to my friend Rebecca, who has lost 2 sweet babies. Molly and Micah.
Oh my word I would just love that necklace!! As you know, our sweet Emma Joy went to heaven all too soon. She had the sweetest little nose and has stirred a passion in me that I pray I will never lose.
Thanks for the opportunity Katie! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!! Love you!
I would love to enter for my best friend who lost her baby girl at full term about 1 1/2 years ago. It was devastating, but she now has a beautiful happy healthy 6month old baby boy. I know it would be so special to her. Her name is Makenna. Thanks for this giveaway :)
I have three children, and would put their names on the back (Owen, Hudson, Arden. Each one of my children is a miracle from God, and I survived three high risk pregnancies to deliver them. Each pregnancy involved fertility treatments/procedures/drugs, plus a combination of hospital stays, extended bedrest, premature delivery, placenta previa, and NICU after delivery. God has blessed me so much to have three miracles, and I am grateful to God and the doctors that they were all able to enter the world healthy.
I found your blog on a mutual friend's blog and have been so touched by your openness and honesty over loosing Reese. My first son, Ryan, was born October 17, 2007 and lived for about ten minutes. My husband and I were blessed with those short moments to tell him how much we loved him before he went to be with his Father who loves him EVEN MORE.
Thank you for sharing your pain, your joy, and your faith with us!
Hi Katie,
My friend's name is Tish and her little angels name is Thomas. I wrote about his passing on my blog in March 2009 if you would like to read about them. It is titled "The Hearne family". This month marks the one year anniversary of Thomas going to Heaven. Tish struggles daily but like you, has used her pain to make a difference in the world.
I do not know how I made my way to your blog but I check in on you and pray for you daily. I can tell you are a beautiful woman inside and out. Thank you for sharing your story. Your darling Reese and the journey your family has taken has made a difference in my life.
My precious baby is Janie Beth. She has blessed me beyond measure. I never knew that someone so small and with me for such a short time could make such a huge impact on my life. She has brought me closer to God. She has revived my marriage. She is making me a better wife and mother and teaching me how to love without reservation. She is an amazing little girl and I will love her forever.
Anne Marie Dutcher - almost 4 months with Christ.
Alexandra always has a song in her heart and a dance in her step -- one special little girl!
What a beautiful necklace. I have lost a child due to miscarriage 5 years ago. God has blessed me dearly with his healing and grace. Our baby's name was Bailey Chandler. I was so looking forward to taking care of him, but his Father in heaven had other plans. Thank you Katie for posting this..it is a great way for us to see others who are dealing with pain and hurt and a great way for us to pray for these precious people who are dealing with a loss. I will pray for them and also for you as you continue to heal.
My angel baby's name is Raymond Dean (named after my grandfather and my husband's grandfather) was born asleep on December 21, 2007. Even at 5 1/2 months, our sweet little boy had his daddy's nose, fingers and feet. He was a beautiful little boy who is missed my his parents, and other family members but especially his older cousins. We also have two other ange babies that we did not get to meet.
I lost a sweet little baby to an ectopic pregnancy in August 2008.
Oh my goodness! My dear friend just lost her baby at 24 weeks. (On FEB. 2nd) I've been thinking of a perfect gift for her---I JUST FOUND IT! These are beautiful!
Forgot to leave her name---it was Heidi! She was just beautiful too!
Sweet Katie! These necklaces are super sweet! You know I work with moms daily who lose sweet babies but I have a friend who could not have babies, adopted a little boy and then found a couple months later that she was pregnant only to find out at 20 weeks that he was no longer living. Sweet Sidney would have been 5 this past February and my heart aches so much for my friends Christi and Charlie and Will who will always be Sidney's big brother. Christi would love this necklace.
I would love to win this for a close family friend who lost their 16 year old daughter at the beginning of this month. Trudy Catherine is her name, she was so full of spirit and is greatly missed.
My sister lost a son and his name was Jared.
Hey Katie, i love reading your always inspiring posts. Makes me cherish my little one every day. I am wanting to enter my mom for this giveaway. I have an older brother in heaven named Robert Austin. Next month he would be 27. My mom was always very open with us as kids telling us about him and sharing in tears in not being able to meet him. Can't wait to get to heaven and seen my sweet jesus and let my first interaction with my brother be in heaven. Thank you for all you share. You have really inspired me to be a more godly woman and to always cherish the present.
Jenny Beth at lifeonlyford.blogspot.com
Oh Katie,
This is so wonderful and precious. I wear my locket with Wyatt's picture just about everyday. The peace I feel from having a picture of him so close is undescribable. I have read through all of these comments and cannot believe the number of moms who have lost sweet children. I will pray for each and everyone of them. I do not need the necklace, but I wanted to leave you a message and say thank you to you and Lisa for this amazing gift. Love you!
My dear friend Jenny lost her son Isaiah Christopher and this would make a very special gift for her. I'd love to be able to give her something special to make her feel like Isaiah would always be remembered.
I would love this for my mom. She lost a baby boy (Nathan) just a few short hours after he was born.
I would like to enter for a distant friend, Marc and Emily, who lost their precious daughter Sophie to DIPG Brain Tumor/Cancer. They were so faithful throughout her fight, and still continue to do wonderful things in their daughter's name.
My email is: whitetictac@hotmail.com
My baby is 8 months old and her name is Durham Cameron Molony. She is the happiest baby i've ever seen. (or am i just biased? :) She smiles and claps and talks and loves attention.
Hi katie,
I love lisa's jewelry as well. We lost our precious first child Samuel on Jan.31, 2006! He was born with multi-cystic dysplastic kidneys. He lived 3 minutes on this earth though his life has changed ours forever. The Lord has blessed us know with 2 beautiful and healthy girls...but Samuel will always be our first! Time, the Lord working in our lives, and our girls have helped to heal our hearts. We look forward to the day when we will be reunited.
I would love to give this to a sweet mother names Monica who lost her precious Molly Kate on August 25, 2010, 3 months and 1 day old. Monica is in my Sunday School class and has been an inspiration to us all. She, like you, has an older little boy and is now expecting another precious angel.
Sorry,forgot my email -
(see previous comment)
I would give this to my former S-I-L who lost our sweet nephew several years back. His name was William Wyatt.
My daughter's name was Madison Elisabeth. The things special about her are too numerous to count, but I'll pick one. She loved to listen to me play the piano/organ. The first time I felt her kick was when I was playing "Holy, Holy, Holy" on the pipe organ. she kicked like crazy. Every time I sat down at the piano to play/sing, she would start kicking. Sometimes I am overcome with emotion when I sit down at the piano, because I remember how it felt...
My sweet baby Addison Grace went to be with Jesus on November 20th, 2007 and my heart still aches for her to this day. 16 months later when I had my twin girls Lily & Lucy, the FIRST thing I noticed was that Lily looks EXACTLY like Addison, so in a way, I get to watch her grow and know what she would've looked like. I believe God did that for me as a way to heal. He's so faithful. I would wear this necklace proudly and can't wait till my girls are old enough for me to tell them about their big sister! Thanks for the chance to win! I'm so proud of you and you look just beautiful! You have your glow back... ;-)
My son Jackson is my miracle baby. After years of trying to get pregnant and suffering many treatments, we were blessed with him on October 4th, 2007. He is truly a miracle and I thank God for him everyday! I love Lisa Leonard designs and think the necklace is beautiful and such a great way to honor our children. Thanks for being so open and honest with your readers Katie.
my email is jenuzmann@hotmail.com
Even though I have suffered several miscarriages, I personally have not lost a child that I held in my arms. However, I would like to enter my friend, Cindy, who lost a baby girl, Cambell on August 24, 2006. She came into this world too early, weighing only 1 lb. She lived for one hour and will always be missed.
(i just realized I am logged in under my husband's account, oops!)
i love seeing and hearing my babies names too. i have 4 babies in heaven.
i miscarried 3 and named each one: james michael (food poisoning), angel hope (don't know why), elizabeth faith (i knew something was wrong from the beginning and was waiting for her to die).
i also have a stillborn daughter. my kelsey peace was born this past august. i went into labor and went to the hospital only to find out that she had died- knot in her umbilical cord. we didn't know. it was crushing to come home with only footprints and have to tell our big kids that we wouldn't have a baby sister (here on earth at least) after all.
it's amazing to me just how much others forget and i remember. as i blog-travel :D i've discovered that all moms of babies in heaven love to have their babies names around them. their brief lives are so valuable and precious to us. these necklaces are such a wonderful way to keep their memory with us.
so many other stories are so much more in need of this necklace, i just appreciate the chance to say my babies names again.
always praying for your little one on the way.
Our first pregnancy ended with the premature birth of our son Quincy Monroe. He was named after his grandfathers. He was perfect all the way down to his little fingers and toes! We have since had six more children (including a set of twins), but he is never far from our thoughts! We remember him on his "birth" day, and his due date. Our children know him by name and picture. We long for the day when we are reunited with him in Heaven! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I have one of these with my boys names. I would love tyo have one with my sweet angels name.
Austyn Michelle
I'd like to enter for my friend Erika. She lost her baby boy at birth on March 5, 2009. I remember feeling so guilty because I had a 3 month old at the time. I think about sweet Miller every single day. I would love to surprise Erika with a cute little necklace.
My son Carter Christopher was born into the arms of Jesus on July 21, 2007 when I was 39 weeks pregnant. He is my little sunshine and has brought so much joy and strength to my life.
I had quintuplets in 2005 and 2 of them passed away within 3 days of their birth. Isaac John was the biggest of the bunch and had adorable curly hair. Matthew Daniel was the smallest of the bunch and felt the weight of the 5 because he was on the bottom of the pile. Although we have surviving "triplets", my heart longs for those 2 little boys.
So special! I actually wondered if you had one of these necklaces. I thought it would be sweet to have one with Z and R on the other side. How strange is it that I thought about this a few weeks ago and here you have posted it!I was looking at them on Etsy and saw Reese's name and thought of you! AND her precious name on one side is even better! It's simply perfect! Great giveaway!
My sweet girls name is Emma Grace...she fills my life with so much happiness and laughter. :)
laceybranum (at) gmail.com
I would love to win this!!!! Its just the sweetest thing ever.I would love something to wear with my childrens name on it
Also.I have 2 precious baby girls
Mallory Lane is 3...She is precious and so sweet, shes so smart already and has the best personality too. She just puts a smile on face every day!!
Georgia Kyle is 2...she is my other precious angel! She is a mess too!!haha..She is out going already and wantes to get into everything.she has a heart of gold...They both put a smile on my face and in my heart every single day!!!!
It would be so special to me to be ablt to wear something with their names on it everyday.......I would just love it! and it would mean so so much to me! I myself am hosting a giveaway!!!!! Head over to my blog and enter!!!! I'm picking the winner this next week.....tell your bloggy friends too! Anyone can enter!!!! Have a great weekend!
soory my email is marialanek@yahoo.com
I would give this to my daughter Jordan who lost a baby that would be 4 in May. We don't know if it was a boy or a girl because she miscarried at 8 weeks. If it were a girl, she would have had a 'J' name and if a boy, a 'P' name.
I would like to enter my friend who lost their son on October 22, 2009. He was 21 and had the H1N1 virus. He was one of 4 children and his sisters and parents miss him dearly. Isaac was such a sweet young man, one Sunday at church he noticed a man that wandered in with holes in his shoes, they were practically falling off his feet. Isaac noticed and simply took off his own shoes and gave them to this man that he had never met before. I think this necklace would remind his mom how big Isaac's heart was for other people.
I have 3 angels in Heaven. We only named two (don't know why...We still referred to our 1st lost as sweet baby).
LucaBella (1-09-2008)
James Stephen (2-2-10)
I was so excited to read your blog and "Bring the Rain" blog because we were all three expecting again after a loss and I have now lost again. James was due in early June.
i am entering for my friend, danelle, who lost her daughter, elizabeth hope, august 2006. she has since had two bouncing and healthy baby boys, but i know her heart still aches for her sweet girl. what a perfect way to honor her! my email: jahaynes13@aol.com
Hey, We lost our 3rd child on May 30, 09. Lilliana Grace was just our most precious miracle that God decided was for HIM. I carried her for 36 weeks until my water broke, I abrupted and the dr's couldn'tget to her in time before she left us. She had a heart condition and her lungs weren't developed. Because of her God has shown my family just how much GRACE he gives us daily. Her name is truly perfect for what God had for us. GRACE. It is sufficient!
My daughter's name is Riley and she is just the sweetest thing. She will be a big sister in 10 short weeks. Although we don't know the gender, she insists she is getting a baby sister although she said she would be just as happy with a baby brother. She can't wait to hold her new baby brother or sister. I was having contractions earlier this week and am dilated, so I'm hoping this little one stays in to term. I love your blog... Thanks, Jackie
Our daughter lost her Sadie Grace (born still at 37 weeks gestation) last April 29th. I would love to win this beautiful necklase to present to her on Sadie's one year birthday this April.
I hvae 4 daughters and they are all the joys of my heart! But my sister only has one. I dont know if I would keep it for myself or find a precious lady who needs a sweet reminder around her neck to remember her precious angel in heaven.
My Angel Child is Aiden Mathew, he earned his wings on Dec. 8, 2009 after living for 32 days. He was diagnosed at 18 weeks gestation with Trisomy 18 and it was a Miracle he made it that far. He will always be my own special Miracle.
If I won, I would want to give it to a friend who lost her daughter, her name was Destini.
I would love this necklace its just beautiful. My beautiful baby girl who just turned 17 months, name is Arden Bryce. She was our special surprise baby and has blessed us beyond belief. Everyday i thank god for having her in our lives.
I would like to enter for my sweet niece who lost her baby Justin when he was just 3 months old.
It would be so awesome to give this to her on Mothers Day this year!
Hi Katie,
My son's name is Will and I'm expecting a little girl right now who we'll name Lucy (I think you and I are expecting our babies at the same time this summer).
My email is:
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have a friend who has recently lost 2 children. She lost her first baby in October 2008. She went in to the hospital at 39 weeks and there was no heart beat. Her precious, full-term little girl was named Zoe. They determined the cause was a triple nuchal cord.
This same friend lost her second baby in September 2009. She was 19 weeks pregnant and her water broke. There was nothing they could do to keep the pregnancy going so she had to deliver a perfect little girl weighing less than 1 pound. Her name was Kasey.
A necklace to remember her sweet little girls by would be amazing to her! Thank you for this opportunity to enter her!
I would like mine to say Kate Olivia. This precious baby girl was conceived 11 years after being told I was finished having babies because my tubes were completely blocked. Praise God!
I love those necklaces. So nice. My angel boy's name is Joshua Derrek. He was born still at 37 weeks and looked the same as my other 3 babies. We have been missing him for 7 months. Kappy dnkwilliams@comcast.net
I would love to win this sweet necklace for my friend, Meredith, who lost her baby Mattox Breckenridge, from a heart defect after a short, but hard fought battle. I think having something for her to wear as a memento of Mattox would be very meaningful to her...
Mathias Jonathan was our first baby. I found out I was pregnant in August 2001, and I found out he had passed away on November 18. He passed at about 18 weeks gestation. My precious boy was born still on December 5, 2001. We prayed his skin wouldn't be badly damaged during birth, and he was born in his sac! His cord was malformed and twisted. I still cry for him here on earth, but I know he was created for Heaven, and in that there is NO sadness!
My little one's name is Russell and he's the happiest baby I've ever met.
What a beautiful necklace!! I would enter it for the love I have for my oldest son, Cayson Neal who at a 5 (he is now 6 1/2) was diagnosed with having narcolepsy. He is the only child in our town that has this and there is not ONE support group in the state of FL for it. We have had our challenges especially in the school system. BTW, I just love reading your blog every post...it is such an inspiration.
I would love to have this necklace in honor of my baby girl Avery Grace - she went to heaven as soon as she was born. Even though it has been 5 years, I miss her each and everyday. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
For a local blog 'friend' Lacey, who's baby boy Rowan went to heaven just last night after 10 short months of life, but who fought hard each and every one of those days...
I would like to give the necklace asks a hit to my sweet sister in law. She and my brother lost their sweet baby at 22 weeks pregnant. His name was Jaxxon Shane. They had finally gotten preg after being told it was not possible. Feb 26 marked a year since he went to heaven. My email is thayes82@yahoo.com
My sweet friend lost her son Matthew several months ago when he was one month old. He was born with a very rare heart condition with calcifications throughout his heart. But none of this was known until several weeks after birth. He had been sent home from the hospital with his parents as normal after birth and a few weeks later suffered a heart attack while at home. His mom rushed him to the hospital where he would live one more week on this Earth before leaving to be with Jesus. What a treasure this gift would be for her if chosen.
My baby Lexie is in heaven since she was 13 months old. What I would like to say about her, is that I am honored to be a mom to a perfect girl in heaven. She has changed my life and I am honored that thru her I can make a difference for others. I will raise my baby in eternity and that is how I get thru.
I am entering on behalf of a friend who lost her baby, Jimmy, to SIDS.
Hi Katie-
I've been reading your blog since last summer. You have such amazing strength and grace. I couldn't imagine what you we've been through. My baby didn't have a name yet. I have two children and one in heaven. I lost him/her at 9 weeks. The thought never crossed my mind, especially after two health births. It is amazing all of the thoughts and dreams I had for him/her at only 9 weeks. I know we will meet again some day. This necklace would be a great way to remeber my baby I haven't got to meet. Thank for sharing your story and healing with us.
Our daughter is Meredith Kate. She arrived after 3.5 years of unexplained, secondary infertility, a miscarriage halfway through our period of infertility, bedrest for previa @ 28 weeks, an emergency csection due to a second bleed the night before my amnio, a true knotted cord, and a brief NICU stay.
I would love to win and wear a Lisa chain. What a great way to keep her close to my heart! :D
I would like to enter one of the Pastors of our church and his sweet wife. Their names are Jerrod and Jen Rumley and they lost their little boy, Tyler James Rumley. I have watched them continue to persevere and serve our church body in the midst of their DEEP pain. I have seen them cling to the promises of our Savior and faithfully trust in the hope they have in Him.
Jen has continued to faithfully serve in the children's ministry and has to continually see the children that her little boy would have grown up with and walk by the classes that he would have been in.
Their lives are a living testimony to the existence of a God who is close to the broken-hearted and equips His children with the strength they need.
I soooo appreciate this sweet family.
Our daughter Catriana Quinn was stillborn at 41w in 2007. She was 12lbs, 8oz and 25 inches...and I had her vaginally :)
choofymama at gmail dot com
One of our twins at age 3, Joel, had a very short cancer battle and went to live with Jesus 1/23/07.
Anything to bring remembrance of him is so sweet to my heart!!!
Love you Katie!
My dear friend is pregnant right now with a little boy. They tried for 2 and 1/2 years to get pregnant with him. When they went in for the ultrasound at 20weeks, they found out that he has trisomy 18. There is no chance for survival outside of the womb. She does not know how long she will be pregnant before she delivers and says goodbye to him as most abort when they find this information out. She has decided to set an example for what she believes and carry him as long as possible. I know she would love a necklace like this to remember him by and to help share his story. Thanks. And I continue to pray for you as well.
Thanks, Anna
I'd like to enter for my sister, Evelyn, who lost her son, Austin Wade. He was delivered still born at almost 23 weeks. The hardest thing for her was that the hospital would not issue a certificate of birth b/c he was not born alive. She just wanted his life to be acknowledged. Austin would have been 7 years old this year. He was the youngest of 3. She was too scared to try another pregancy after such a devastating loss. I can still see a hint of sadness in her eyes when she sees mama's with their babies.
Although I would love this with my childrens names, I think this would be sweet for a dear friend who lost her baby at 18 months
I am entering this contest for my friend/coworker who lost her baby over a year ago. He lived for almost 2 weeks and his name is Carter (I will have to find out his middle name if I win for her). I know she loves your blog and it helped her in the healing process.
I would like to give this necklace to a friend who lost her son, David Edward. He was the happiest boy I ever met.
Our Abbey Marie is our miracle baby. She is two and a half years in the making with one loss thrown in there. She really is the answer to our prayers and more than we could EVER have asked for. She is God's plan made tangible in my life.
(forgot my email addy!)
Does it have to be a baby? My friend lost her 21 yer old daughter last week. It was very sudden & they still really don't know why. Her name was Britan Leigh. If it only includes women who've lost babies then I would give it to a friend who lost her baby last month. Adyson Lea was her name.
i'll play!
my baby boys fought like crazy to stay here...they fought all the way to the end and i'm so proud of them. my sweet blake and ethan...
email: dbutterfly200@gmail.com
I love her work! My babies names are Bryston and Peanut and my email is jenn_624@hotmail.com.
I have an angel baby in heaven Gabrielle Elizabeth..............I was the only one that got to hold her when she was alive for 15 hours.
Something I think is special about her birth date is she was born on Labor Day 9-2-91.
Yes the grief still over takes me sometimes.
My heart breaks for each of these women... God wrap them in Your loving arms.
I'd like to enter for a friend, who lost her son Matthew, just an hour or so after he was born.
Beautiful necklace...
I would like to enter for my sweet friend who lost her precious daughter a couple of years ago. The sweet baby girls name is Emma Suzanne. What a blessing you are to so many!
I would love to give the necklace to my friend Christina. Her son Zachary just celebrated his birthday in Heaven.
Harper Antonia became our angel on April 14, 2009 after we had the pleasure of having her for a full 40 weeks and making room for her in our heart, minds, home, and memories. She looks just like her daddy. It's amazing really just how much she does.
We lost our son Tytus Ray at 18 weeks due to Turner's Syndrome. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him and thank God for the short time we had.
Although I also lost a baby girl named Reese, I am entering for a friend, Traci who lost her amazing son Thomas Richard. Since his passing, she has created a memorial and scholarship in his name. I so admire her strength and courage!
Ashleyrichey(at)gmail(dot) com
Oh, what a great giveaway and I have one of her necklaces, but would love another...love her stuff.
My twin girls are Kaylin and Mara...and why do I love them...Kaylin has a great laugh, which is so wonderful to hear and Mara has this smile that is so big, she just lights up when I come into the room.
I would like to enter in honor of sweet Harper Antonia who was born sleeping April 14, 2009. Today is her 11 month birthday. She is the daughter of my dear friends Kerri and Jason.
My baby girl, Mylie Ann, died unexpectedly at 5 months of age at our childcare provider's home. She was healthy and thriving. Her smile would light up a room and brought great joy to our family. We continue to struggle greatly with this awful grief and devastation.
After she died, a friend gave me a locket w/ pics of Mylie. However, my older toddler accidently grabbed it off me and lost it at a local grocery store. I felt like I lost a piece of Mylie when I lost that necklace.
I think that I would benefit from receiving this necklace to remember Mylie by everyday. It's strange how a piece of jewerly can be helpful in bringing up conversations to others who are so uncomfortable with the topic of the death of a child.
Thank you for listening and the consideration.
Mylie's mom forever, Laura
I would love to give this as a gift to my dear friend Cheralyn. Her precious daughter Juliet went to be with the Lord at 39 weeks. So devastating so I know this necklace would help her feel close to her Juliet as you do with your sweet Reese. Thank you for doing this for moms whose babies are in heaven!
Forgot to leave my email on the other comment- richandmax@prodigy.net
I would like to enter for my mom. My brother, Joseph, passed away a couple of years ago and I know she would be so blessed and honored to wear this necklace. What an inspiration you are, Katie.
I would like to comment fro my friend whose baby died last March after a courageous battle. Just a few days ago her little sister was born. I was already planning on placing a "Lisa" order and getting a necklace that included all three of her children's names.
My cousin and his wife just lost their precious baby girl, Hayden, on Friday, March 12th. I would love to be able to give this to her mommy! I didn't get to meet Hayden but I'm sure she is a beautiful little one.
I have an adorable son Carter and one unnamed, but very loved angel baby! Carter is so special to us, he is our world, he loves trucks and monkeys! Of all the words in the English language monkey was one of the first and still remains the most clear :)
Hi friend.....my sweet Tyler James is with Jesus with your Reese and I am so glad they are there together. Tyler's smile was one that lit up the room and his eyes pierced down to your soul. My favorite thing that I miss so much is squeezing his chubby little legs. Love you girl and thank you for allowing Lisa to give a away such a sweet gift.
My SIL Chanda had a baby boy (my nephew) who lived eight hours. His name was Luke Joseph and he was a sweet blessing. I am sure she would love a necklace like that. When you post the winner will you post if there is a way to purchase one? Thanks!
I forgot to mut m email. :)
P.S. I stumbled upon your blog and have enjoyed reading about your sweet Reece and how the Lord is working. May He continue to be your strong tower.
My sweet boys name is Jaxxon Shane he went to heaven much to soon on 2/26/2009 he had my nose and looked just like his daddy! I would love to have this necklace to remember him by!
hi Katie,
My sweet angels names are Sydney, Peyton and Cooper! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
I am entering for my best friend Sherri. Her little girl Avery Mae went to heaven July 2009. This is such a neat way to remember how Avery has touched so many in her short time on earth.
My email is johnsonsmn@gmail.com
What a beautiful giveaway. I would like to enter on behalf of my sweet friend who lost her daughter, Yessenia, at birth in April 2009.
My heart goes out to you. We have twins, Molly and Maddie in heaven waiting for us.
What a precious and meaningful giveaway! I would be honored to give this as a gift to a dear friend of mine, Carolyn. She too is currently pregnant with her third child. However, her sweet little boy, Patrick, was born asleep last year. This necklace would not only be a beautiful way to keep Patrick close to her heart at all times - but it can serve as a reminder of our friendship.
Thank you to both Katie and Lisa!
bsadler (AT) wideopenwest (DOT) com
Katie - these necklaces are so special!
Our Angel's name is Nicholas and he is special for so many reasons. He has brought such a strong, beautiful type of love to our family.
Thanks, Katie!
I'd like to enter for my friend who lost her baby girl at 25 weeks. Her name is Macy. My email is lwells@smail.anc.edu
Hi Katie,
What a sweet giveaway.
My daughter's name is Rebekah Joy and her brief life brought much joy to our lives! She had the sweetest swirl of brown hair and a precious little pudge nose.
Thank you for allowing me to share this memory.
I'm touched by all the comments. I would like to enter Susan Averitt for her little girl, Cameron Averitt Bobbitt.
Hi Katie! My daughters name was Mary Reyna and she passed away July 31st, 2009. After three other miscarriages, we got pregnant with her. Everything was perfect until we went for our regular appointment at 21 weeks. I was dilated but after two weeks on bedrest, I developed an infection that was hurting me. So, she then came into our lives. She was beautiful in every way. Her daddy and I miss her every day.
I would like to enter for my friend and co-worker Nikole. She lost her baby girl, Shelby, after only a few hours life. Nikole had incomptent cervix and her water broke at 23 weeks.
Thank so you much for doing this giveaway - How sweet!
One of my high school friends' one year old was just accidentally hit by a tractor that his dad was driving and tragically, he passed away almost instantly. This was Thursday. Even if I don't win the necklace, please, please pray for them. They are very strong Christians and their faith is carrying them through. They have four other children. His name was Paxton.
Seeing all of these babies names just tugs at my heart. We have three babies in Heaven (miscarriages). God's peace is unbelievable.
I would so love to enter to give this necklace to my best friend who lost her precious baby girl, Molly Anne Mutz. My friend, Rebecca Rainey Mutz, and her husband had their precious Molly with them for only 7 short days before they had to decide to remove the life support. Molly has changed so many lives in the short time she was here. I'd LOVE to give this to Rebecca as a gift for Molly's birthday! She also lost another child, Micah, in the womb last year.
I want to enter my friend Stacy who lost her baby boy Trevor Mark in January after carrying him for 17 weeks and 2 days. She would love this necklace with her babies name on it!
I don't normally enter things like this, but today is my sweet baby Fletcher's fifth birthday - he was born on March 14, 2005 and passed away fourteen days later. We have been deeply blessed to have two healthy boys since then, as well as a number of precious foster children. God has been so good to us!
Hi sweet friend! As you know, we lost our sweet Ella Grace at her birth due to my uterus rupturing. She was full term. We miss her so much everyday! What she gave us was the promise that we will see her again. God is good!
So sad to even be one who can be a part of this club.....March 20th will mark 2 years since our baby girl Leah Faith was born into heaven.....Leah is my third daughter, so wanted, so loved, so missed, so perfect in the arms of Jesus until I can one day join her and hold her again!
I would like to enter this on behalf of my friend Ava, who lost her daughter the 1st of March, although Avery was on the earth 5 days, she touched so many lives. . . and brought back together a family that had been torn apart for 2 yrs. . . . God sends answers to prayers in all forms, she was a beautiful 5lb 5 oz baby girl.
Such a lovely gesture for you to do. . .
God Bless!
Good morning - I am a long time follower of your blog and first time commenter. I just love reading your posts, especially the ones about Reese. Thank you for sharing her story with us and for showing us her sweet life beyond her earthly boundaries. I would like to honor the 4 babies I lost before I had my AMAZING son Jonathan (who is now 22 and thriving, thank Jesus!). I would also like to honor the memory of my nephew Kevin Reirden who died at 22 from a motorcycle accident (2 weeks before my wedding). He 29th birthday would be today if her were still here. Miss you Kevin - and give baby Reese some kisses and hugs if you see here up there :)
Thanks so much for this wonderful give away! God Bless you :)
Diane Taylor from Baltimore MD
I have two sweeties ...Sidney and Riley :-) bggianakos@yahoo.com
Hi Katie! I have three wonderful step-children who are just wonderful little people. They are so caring and loving! I would also love to have one of these necklaces (and have dropped many-a-hint to my hubby!) to commemorate the two miscarriages I've had, who we didn't get the chance to name. Love your site!
While I would love to have this beautiful necklace for myself. My precious Trevor Mark went to wait for me in Heaven on January 4, 2010. I would like to give it as a gift to my friend whose baby Jaxxon Shane went to be with Jesus February 26, 2009. Thanks for your blog. Your words are such an encouragment to me and so many others. Thanks for the giveaway too.
Hey Katie,
I would like to enter this for my sister..she lost her 10 month old son last year & it has been a hard year for her. But through it all we have all been able to see Gods love which some would not have been able to see any other way & for that I thankful for Gods mercy!
Oh my e-mail is stacyhagins@yahoo.com
I have an internet friend, Lacey, who just lost her baby boy on Friday night. His name was Rowan and he was a gift to all of us! Thank you for doing this for all the special mommies and babies!
Andrew, the son of my dearest friend Sherry, died shortly before I met her back in 1985. He was just a few months old. The knowledge that Jesus was holding him in His arms until she could once again got her through those darkest days. I'd love to honor our friendship and Andrews life with this gift for her.
one of my dear friends list twins about 18 months ago. I know her family remembers them everyday. Her daughter even has two little bears that are named after them that she plays with every day. It's like she is playing with her little brother and sister. Their names are Sophie and Stevie.
I how I LOVE this necklace!
I have a Son Garrett who is 3 and is my joy and laughter. He is constantly making us laugh and just a true joy.
I also have a
daughter whose name is Reese, She is 13 months old and my ray of sunshine. She was born 1 month early on Dec. 8th 2009 and stayed in NICU for 3 of the longest weeks of my life due to breathing and eating problems. She is now healthy and full of energy...she keeps us busy!
My precious Kennedy was such a blessing to me. I had just lost a baby by miscarriage and 2 months later realized I was pregnant with her. I would wear the necklace for my child that is with the Lord. Because no matter that I never saw him or her...that was still my baby and always will be.
I would like to enter for my friend Whitney who lost her precious little boy Patrick last July. He was 3 years old.
I would like to enter for my friend Julie who just lost her precious Josie Estelle this past Saturday. She was due 5 days after me in the middle of April.
My dear friend, Patty, lost her beautiful son, William Thomas about 18 months ago. When ever I see her, I amazed with how strong she is . Thanks for thinking so much of others as you grieve the loss of your dear Reese.
Hi Katie -
I would give this to my mom. My parents lost my oldest brother (he was 6 yrs old) 15 days before I was born 32 years ago.
His name: Jose Antonio
Thank you for your ministry. I've never commented before but I read your blog all the time.
my email: enriquea@uci.edu
My son's name is Hayden and he is my world! Fortunately, I've not had to experience the loss of a child nor have my friends. Your strength and faith in God is very inspiring.
Katie - you are so sweet! My angels are Devin and Elizabeth. My son and daughter...twins I lost at 22 weeks on 1.15.04. I can't believe it's been 6 years.
Remembering your precious Reese...
My aunt and uncle JUST lost their tiny daughter at ~5 months. Her name was Callison "Callie" Anne. I was telling my mom today that I would like us to go together and get her one of these.
Callie and I share a middle name AND the same initials.
My email is corrieanneb@juno.com
one of my dear friends list twins about 18 months ago. I know her family remembers them everyday. Her daughter even has two little bears that are named after them that she plays with every day. It's like she is playing with her little brother and sister. Their names are Sophie and Stevie.
oops, forgot my email address...
Thanks for this opportunity
I would love to win this necklace for my niece "in-law". She and my nephew lost their first baby, Wesley Hunter Miller...a full term stillborn. If Hunter had been born 20 minutes earlier, it would have been on the 10 year anniversary of my brother Wes' death. Hunter would have been his first grand-son. We like to believe that Wes was the first to hold Hunter when he got to heaven. Thanks so much !
I would like to enter for my sweet aunt, Suzanne, who couldn't wait to be a mother. She had Meredith Claire and she lived three mo. at Arkansas Children's with a rare lung disorder before they let her go to Jesus. The next year the unthinkable happened and Rachel Nicole was born with the same disorder. She lived one month at Children's. What a wonderful way to remember such sweet babies.
sorry i forgot my email address. isaacandash@cox.net
one of my dear friends list twins about 18 months ago. I know her family remembers them everyday. Her daughter even has two little bears that are named after them that she plays with every day. It's like she is playing with her little brother and sister. Their names are Sofie (correcting spelling) and Stevie.
oops, forgot my email address...
Thanks for this opportunity
Cooper Clynt, who's been with Jesus now longer than he was with us. Something special about him?? There will never be another him. Just like all of our children, they are so special and unique and such gifts from God!
I would like to enter for my sweet friend, Samantha. She and her husband lost their baby, Ben, at full term last April.
We lost my little niece in 2006. She was loved and I miss her everyday. Her name is Jordyn.
My baby Cash. He is doing something amazing and different everyday. Lately he's been making faces at us and thinks it's hilarious when we make them back.I would love to win this although all these losses in the comments makes my heart hurt and I would love it just as much if it went to one of them!
What a sweet gievaway! I would love to enter on behalf of a friend that lost one of her twin daughters three years ago at birth-Marylou.
I love Lisa Leonard's jewelry!!! My e-mail is kendrick1@conwaycorp.net. If I could get two names on there, I would put both my kiddos....Connor Preston and Avery Kate. But if I win, I would really like to give it to someone who has lost a baby...so if I win....let's chat about someone who would love that.
I am entering for a friend, Beth, who lost her sweet baby boy Jack to CDH. He lived 6 short weeks, but was so precious. They now have an organization in honor of Jack that helps family's with the costs while staying in Little Rock at the ACH.
We lost our babe before we even knew their gender a little over a month ago. Though they were still in the very early stages of developing in utero, they were loved immensely and being grieved for.
sandygalpin at gmail.com
My sweet babies names are Vail, Katy, and Micah. They are all unique in their own special way and so so loved.
Sorry, forgot my email.
so cute
I would get my sweet angel baby, Logan's name on it. He has lived for 5 beautiful months. He is twin brother to Cooper, and big brother to their little sister, Libbie.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
oops, forgot my email....
Mama to one beautiful Angel, Leah Faith.....
tmjdavis (at) pacbell (dot) net
Arabelle Elyssa is my precious angel's name. She was on this earh for 6 weeks, but touched our lives eternally. She was born with a broken heart, but helped to mend the most broken around us. What a special way to pay tribute to her!
Hi, Katie. I have 3 babies in heaven. Samuel 10/31/06, Isaiah 3/18/07, and Joshua 5/26/09. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these beautiful necklaces!
Love, Jennifer
I would like to enter for my mother she lost a daughter about 38 years ago and I know it is still hard on her sometimes. She is such a strong women my sisters name was Michelle Lynn. Thank you!
I wanted to enter for my best friend who lost her sweet baby at birth to Trisomy 18, Sweet Anna. It is quite a similar story to Angie Smith's sweet Audrey. Anna went to heaven 5yrs ago and the pain is still so raw with her momma. Thanks so much
I would like to enter for an old friend who just lost her little boy this evening. I think this would mean so much to her at this difficult time. He was only 3 days old. Kingston Ryan
My middle child, Natalie Grace Hill, is four years old. She is precious in so many ways. I love her individuality. She doesn't mind standing alone, and she doesn't bend her opinion just to fit in with what others are saying/doing. As she has grown, I have come to love her name more and more. I see that God knew who she would be when He gave us her name. "Natalie" means birthday of the Savior. She is completely IN LOVE with nativities, and she has been since she was a tiny baby. "Grace" just sounded beautiful to us, but she truly does have extraordinary grace for those around her (especially me). She is patient while I homeschool big sister. She is patient while I tend to baby brother. She has grace for her me, her mama, and she forgives my shortcomings. I just thought I would enter so that I could share about my sweet girl.
I would like to enter for my friend who lost her daughter, Gracie at the age of 4 on April 1, 2007. She would love this. My email is arp333@Hotmail.com.
I love your blog. I think I found you through Kelly's. I love your honesty, your hope, your faith.
My sweet baby girl's name is Rylie Jo. She is my daily reminder that God is faithful in our lives. We were told that we wouldnt be able to concieve. She is more than we could have imagined!
This is a wonderful idea. I would love to win this necklace for my sister-n-law. My niece Harley Grace was born on Dec. 21, 2008 and was in the arms of Jesus.
This would be so special in honor of our sweet daughter, Elizabeth Grace, who was born silently on April 25, 2006 when I was 35 weeks pregnant. I have since had another beautiful daughter and I look forward to sharing all about our sweet Elizabeth with her.
I want to enter on behalf of my cousin, Tammy and her husband, David, who lost their first baby boy, Hunter Matthew in December of 2003. I know she would love to have this to remind her daily of her sweet Hunter.
I would love to enter for my friend who lost her sweet baby boy soon after birth in Nov '08. Thank you so much for a giveaway that can be such a blessing! :)
Hi Katie. I check your website daily through a friend of mine, Rebecca Butcher's website. We lost a baby girl back in 2004 with Hypo Plastic Left Heart Syndrome so anything with hearts on it means the world to me. Maddison went to be with the Lord on December 10, 2004. Her 19 day stay on this earth made such a huge impact on a lot of people. Exactly 1 year a day to Maddison's birthday we were blessed with a sweet, precious baby boy named Peyton. Peyton's heart is perfect and constantly asks "when can i go see Maddison is Heaven Mommy?" I would love to have this necklace for myself so I can tell others about how much my sweet baby girl made an impact on me and so many others. Thanks again.
Hello Katie!! I just found your blog, and I have been praying for you and your precious family!! I would like to enter for your giveaway! my daughters name is Mary Christine, and she is 5, she is the light of my life, she is named after my mom, who went to be with her best friend jesus in october! the necklace would be a reminder of my momma and my baby girl!
Hi Katie! My baby is due pretty soon...his name will be Carter Nicholas. :)
Katie -- I found your blog through friends of friends of friends. :) Your story is very touching and inspirational. My son, William, will be a year old in a week. He is truly the light of my life and my husband and I are so very blessed to have him. Hearing your story has inspired me to truly appreciate every moment with William that God has given me.
Hey Katie. I have four sweet babies who are home with Jesus. My sweet Lilly was born prematurely at 24 weeks. I miscarried twice after her. And my sweet Abby was born stillborn. I would love this special necklace as my heart has been marked by love. thank you
You are so sweet to be doing this giveaway, and what a great way to remember those little angels!!! My little angels name is Molly and she went to heaven on my birthday June 24, 2007. My email is kisercourtney@ymail.com
Hi Katie,
How thoughtful of you to host this giveaway. God is truly working through your blog. As you know my sweet Ryan James went to Heaven 5 weeks ago. He continues to touch my life everyday in the fact that he has drawn me closer to God than I ever was before. For that I rejoice and give thanks. Jessica
I love her necklaces - I would love to have one with my kids names or initials on it, with room to add for the one coming in July - we have the same due date as you :-)
Our Angel Baby got his wings on April 15, 2009 when he was born still. He was so tiny but is responsible for so many huge things in my life. I have a greater appreciation for my life and everyone in it and my relationship and Faith in God have grown so much. It's amazing how such an incredible loss can have such an awesome impact on life, love, faith and family. Maeson will be forever missed, and he is in our hearts for eternity!
I would like to enter for a fellow police officer's wife who lost her husband in the line of duty last week. His funeral was yesterday and I think this necklace would be a wonderful reminder of their love. His name was Thomas Paul.
I forgot to leave my e-mail.
For my cousin Shannen who lost her precious son Brady James in August. She was 39 weeks and he just stopped kicking...the miss him every day.
My dear friend, Joan, lost her son Nick last year. He was 18. He was a very special boy and touched any lives. He is missed.
I know the contest is over but still wanted to share with you my sweet little girl.
I have one son, had two miscarriages and was elated to be expecting again, especially because I have some serious medical issues.
Well everything seemed to be going okay, except that I had severe morning sickness, but I kept telling myself that was good ;)
Well then things started looking strange on the US, they couldn't find all the limbs and they saw some abnormality.
They then told us that the baby would have a chromosonal abonormality, before we could find out which one, the baby a girl, Lillith passed away as I was beginning my second trimister.
They later found out that she had complete Trisomy 8 which is always fatal.
It does bring me some comfort to know that God, never meant for her to have an earthly life, and that she is waiting on us, but it still really stinks sometimes :(
I hope Reese and Lily are friends :)
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