What a wonderful weekend! Hillary's shower was yesterday, and I loved every second. Sadie is one blessed little girl to have Hil as her mom.

Jenny's little boy will be here soon, too. She had no idea when I took this pic. ; ) I can't wait to meet Luke!
We missed you, Suzanne!
Laura is also pregnant, so it's a fun time to see so many friends prege. These girls are a huge part of my heart. I only wish I could see them more!
The moms
We missed Halita's smiling face, and I know she was there with us.
Hillary received a lot of sweet gifts, and I'm so excited for her. I hope Sadie is sassy like her mama, too. ; )
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again,
and you...will be rebuilt.
Jeremiah 31:3,4