GOD gave my Dad a special gift the other day while he was at work. He went to check on a patient whose last name was "Reece,"

and as he left the patient's room he immediately noticed the name of the person next door. Someone with the last name "Rowe." Isn't this wild?

Other than the spelling of Reese, what a "coincidence" that my Dad would walk by two rooms side by side that said Reece Rowe...out of 250!

Amazing! So GOD to be in the details of my dad's day to remind him of one of his precious granddaughters. It's nothing for Him.
Today I am six months pregnant. Doesn't even seem possible! Whatever stomach I started out with Colson was from Reese, so I had a bit of a head start. Other than my first ultrasound, the little guy has always measured one week ahead, and my doctor thinks he is going to be a big baby. Love it. ; )
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26

WOW that is amazing.
I love this story!I can't believe your dad thought to take pics....he's getting the blogger mind! See you REAL SOON!!!! squeal
that is amazing!
What a sweet reminder in the middle of a work day. I just love this! I am sure that it made your dad's day. :)
Amazing - love it!!!
Katie - that is amazing! Your Dad is fabulous for taking pictures. I am impressed! 6 months aleady - it sure is going quickly!
That's awesome! I hope you have a wonderful day!
LOVE IT!!! So fun to see little reminders from God in our daily walks! :-)
That is so GOD to bring those two people next to each other...and so sweet of your Dad to take pictures.
Thinking of you, Katie, and praying that you continue to have a healthy pregnancy with Colson.
I love how God is showing Himself to all who miss Sweet Reese. Thank you for giving us a glimpse.
what a wonderful little blessing. Really amazing!
The beauty of the Lord!
what a gift indeed! love you dear.
Gave me chills! I had a similar thing happen to me the other day and I just KNEW it was GOD, not coincidence! So special!
That's amazing! I love little signs from God like that - just kind of reminds you that everything has a purpose.
Love this and I love that your Dad took pics for you!
I don't know about you, but your pregnancy is flying by for me! LOL
Praise God for a healthy baby boy. :)
Katie- This is truly amazing! While I do not comment on your blog often, I want you to know that I have been reading about your newest journey and have you and your family in my prayers constantly. I love seeing Reese's name galleries, and often times have been out and wished I had my camera because I've seen her name! Here in Burbank (ca) we have a 'Reese Pl' street and everyday when I drive by it I think of her!
Anyway, sorry for the long comment. Hope you have a great day :) XOXO, Annemarie
Ooh!!! I love it!
wow what an amazing surprise from your angel! Im so glad your father noticed as well!! The photos are awesome!
SO precious & SO GOD! I love it. I love HIM for being in every tiny little detail of our lives. He blows my mind all the time. Only 3 months before mister man makes his debut! Cant wait to see what a beautiful boy he's going to be! Of course he will be beautiful, just look at his brother & sister! :) I think of & pray for you often! - annie
Oh Katie, what an amazing gift from above! Isn't it amazing how God comforts?!?! I will always thank him for the nurse that delivered Ryan, her name was Jessica- my first name and her husbands is Ryan James-just like my sweet boy in heaven! Hugs to you!
Jessica Blocker
God works and blesses us in the most unconventional ways!!! I love it! God Bless you Katie!
Priceless~ I love moments like that. I wanna see some cute preggo pics! :) and I have been MIA for a bit but wanted to let you know that I just LOVE the name Colson! I just love it!
This is just wonderful!
That is amazing and how sweet of your dad to take pics
Summer :0)
That is so cool! Love it!
Reese wanted to get Grandpa's attention that day for sure!!! Love it!
WOW.... that is incredible!!!!!! :)
I read your blog for the first time last week and then heard the song "When I think about Angels" by Jamie O'Neal and though of Reese :)
that is beyond amazing!
Our God is good, that's for sure!
this gives me chills! what a sweet blessing for your dad (and you)!!! happy 6 months! and you look amazing... i remember thinking "she looks tiny!" as i looked at your easter pics.
Hi Katie. That is truly amazing! What a wonderful moment your Dad must have had. I am so glad he took pictures, too. You were able to share the moment. How wonderful. Hope you are feeling well. Have a great evening.
you need to read a book called "when god winks at you" it is all about these "God winks" it really is a awesome books makes you stop and look at the little things like the names on the hospital door, maybe a rainbow in the sky it is God winking at you to let you know everything is ok! We love this book around our house and we love the God winks we get to let us know she is ok!
That is just too sweet. Love it, love Him, and love you ;)
praying ~ kelley
Nothing is a coincidence! That is such an amazing thing!
God is so Amazing. What a beautiful site your Dad got to see! So good that he snapped pictures! xoxo
That is AMAZING! It gave me chill bumps. I love it.
Glad you both were able to be blessed yesterday with God's love. How neat!
AMAZING! Love this.
Katie, my sister is a friend of your sister in the Dallas area (Jenny Williams). I have been following your blog ever since Jenny ask that I pray for you (I'm also childhood friends with Julee B. Turner) after Reece's birth. There is also another blog that I some how stumbled on and follow. Katie's journey is different but similar to yours. You to remind me very much of eachother in your faith in the Lord and your valliant effort to move forward while embracing the past. Thought you might want to check out her blog... http://themcclenahans.blogspot.com/Praying for a safe delivery and a very healthy baby.... one that even sleeps good too! I have 3 boys and although they are not as fun to dress.... they are such a blessing and joyful mess! Hugs, KMO
That is amazing and agreed upon that it was no accident. Your daddy probably needed that for whatever reason yesterday - his heart was meant to receive that message. Reminds me of Beth Moore's recent hospital stay where her nurse's names were written on the board in her room for that day. They were "Mercy & Grace".
I love it! God is just amazing the smallest of details! I miss seeing your cute parents, now that our Baylor days are long gone, I don't get to see them like I did when they'd come visit and they would take us to Marble Slab...your mom's favorite (at the time), I'm sure she still loves it! :) Love you girl!
That's such an amazing story! I love hearing how God works in such interesting ways...
I've been praying for you...
What a sweet blessing from the Lord! I love the little gifts God gives to us, exactly when we need them! Your dad needed that reminder and so did you! I haven't followed your blog long, but stayed up one night late reading from way back! Since then, you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Amazing story that gave me chills!
God works in mysterious ways!!!
I send you a big hug!!!!
That is amazing. What a wonderful gift! I *love* that he took those pictures for you... so sweet!! :)
That is Amazing! What a sweet man your Dad is!!! :)
That is so incredible :) I enjoy reading your blog...you are such an amazing woman. I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby Colson.
Several years ago at Christmas, I was really struggling with a situation. I was at a mall with my eldest daughter and a Hispanic man came up and started talking to me. I am a blonde, she is a blonde - why would he expect us to know Spanish? But I do! We were talking and all of a sudden I wondered if he were a Christian. He immediately said, 'Jesus is coming soon. We don't know when, but we must be ready.' Then he literally was gone.
I told my daughter he had to have been an angel. God knew I needed a touch from Him. He knows I have a heart for Hispanics. I felt that was His way of showing me that He loves me. He loves you too. What a neat 'God thing' to show you He cares!
my heart is heavy for you missing reese and not understanding why you have to put flowers up every season. sooo heavy and I am so sorry. I will pray for God to give you and me both understanding.
I think that is so crazy about the two patients names right there together! and I am very impressed that he took pics.
can't wait for colson! Loved the bedding if I didn't comment on the last post, I was going to but then sometimes I get side tracked. Or maybe I did and it is in those moments where I forget I KNOW my brain shrunk during my pregnancies.
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