Isn't this sunshine wonderful!? I'm loving every second of this warm weather. ; )
I couldn't have mixed two more opposite things into our Easter weekend, but I had to take advantage of spending time with my mom and one of her close friends.
Kelley, my mom and I put together Reese's spring flowers for her marker and also shopped for Colson's bedding last Friday. The theme of the day was "no stress," and there wasn't any. ; ) Honoring Reese's life and death and celebrating Colson's life. How appropriate since Easter is about celebrating Jesus's death and His resurrection. Making all things new.
I'll post Reese's spring flowers soon. ; ) They're pink and beautiful!
These are the fabric samples for Colson's bedding. We are using the same skirt from Zach's crib (but not his bumpers because he still sleeps in his crib and cuddles with them). We are also using the soft yellow material we ordered for Reese's bedding as the inside of his bumpers. I found the striped material at a local interior fabric store and love it! So...we'll see how it all comes together. Can't wait!
I also wanted a tiny bit of animal print in Colson's room, so we are having a pillow made in leopard print for his chair. ; )
Three Easter egg hunts and many chocolate/candy highs later (for Zach not me), we don't know who our son has turned into. He was a wild man.
Friday night ~
Gran, Jason, me, Bunny, Pappy and G-Daddy
Zach is front and center planning his route
A LR church did a helicopter drop of 7,000 Easter eggs! They landed on the football field of Jason's and my high school alma mater.
I told Jason, "How strange is it that we are standing on this same football field with our son twelve years later?" Jason was the quarterback of our HS team, and I was a cheerleader (although I cheered my heart out for him I had no idea what was going on in the game!). Fun times. Just took me back to those days for a brief second before the helicopter excitement began.
Getting ready for the egg drop
Zach loved every second. He is still talking about how the helicopter "drop eggs."
Some of his Easter "loot"
Jason, Cam (G-Dad), Z and Allen (Pappy)
Pappy, Z and to another egg hunt Saturday morning. This hunt was at Jenny and Todd's church. Todd is the children's minister and did a fabulous job!
Jenny & I with our boys Benjamin & Zach

I also met a "blog friend" Katie. She is such a sweetheart.
Z & Benjamin on the hunt
Zach and Reese's Easter buckets
My parents' bucket for Z is the sports one with Donald duck...he's quite the hit at our house now. ; )
Before the Easter service ~
This is such a sweet picture of my parents with Zach (he can be so serious sometimes).
My men in their spring colors and me in black (it's the best I could do with this belly)
I love my Dad's lush gardens in the background.

Easter service at church...Zach looks a little scared standing there between us. ; )

Me & my love
A big crew from Jason's family ~
Gran, G-Daddy, Andy, me, Jason, Zach, Tracy, Lyndsey, Papa & Gigi
One more hunt Sunday at two of Zach's great-grandparents' house (he is so blessed to have four great-grandparents living)

"I do it!"
Zach is really getting into saying, "Cheese!"
Z with Gran & G-Dad
Z with Papa & Gigi
Z's basket from Gran and G-Dad...he sure knows how to shake those eggs to see if they have candy in them. ; )
Colson's Easter basket from Gran and G-Dad
I love seeing his name!

This precious lamb is from my mom. She said, "I saw it in the store then thought about it all night long, so I knew Colson had to have it!"
Last spring I was dreaming of Zach and Reese's coordinating Easter outfits. Now I'm thinking of my two little men and how cute they will be next Easter. Thank you for thinking of us and praying us through another "big" holiday without our daughter.
I pray this Easter you were filled with the hope and joy only Christ can give.
He is risen!
Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him...
1 Peter 1:8

I loved seeing your Easter weekend in pictures. It looks like you and your family had a *wonderful* celebration! Beautiful family photos!
What a WONDERFUL Easter weekend!! So glad you guys had so much fun!! You look great!!
It was soo great meeting you! Saw the pictures from Fellowship also. I was at the 9:30 service, weird. Anyway, you are amazing! Hope your week goes wonderfully!
I'm just gonna say it--you should be a maternity model. Seriously. Too cute. I love the serious face Z makes in some of the pictures! Little man...
You are so beautiful in these pictures, Katie!! Love seeing all the fam!!!I prayed for you this weekend and am SO glad you had a good time with your family.
What amazing Easter pictures! You look stunning my friend! I think you're the prettiest pregnant lady I have ever seen! You are just glowing! I love your dress! Z is so cute! I heart all the Easter baskets....Reese's is just so cute and girly love it! Z's bucket is just presh and I love Colson's name and basket! What a cute stuffed animal from your mom....
Love the bedding! I am all in to animal prints right now so I'm thinking the pillow for the chair will really make the room pop....YAY I can't wait to see everything come together....
Glad you had an amazing weekend, I was so overwhelmed with emotion yesterday that Jesus laid down his life for us and now he is RISEN.....
Summer :0)
Katie - you look SOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful in all of your pictures!
I'm glad you had a good Easter. I know it was a bittersweet day but I pray it was more sweet than bitter.
What beautiful pictures. All of them are great! Love Zach and Reese's buckets, too cute. Colson, what a beautiful name. Have a happy week!!!!!!
looks like such an eventful holiday! The egg drop looks like SO much fun!!
That looks like a super fun Easter weekend. What blessings!
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Love the bedding too:)
Can't wait to see the bedding complete and how perfect that you are using fabrics from both siblings! That is very special!
Your dad's gardens= amazing! I dream to have gardens like that one day!
Beautiful Photos!
I love all your Easter pics and I love the bedding!!! So perfect!!!! Miss you.
the bedding looks amazing!!
praying for you always :)
zach is entirely too precious!!
Wow! I've been following your blog for the last few months (I found you through Kelly) and I had no idea you were from Little Rock! I live in LR and I was at the helicopter egg drop at the AR Baptist School too with my son! AND I go to fellowship although I went to the Saturday night service...weird!
I've enjoyed reading your blog and I'm so happy for your new little one. I pray that God blesses your sweet family!
I bet there was lots of sweetness to go around!! You look absolutely beautiful! Colson and Zach will look so handsome next year. Celebrating Reese's life with you!!
Love the pictures! I cant wait to see Reese's spring flowers - so sweet!
I love Colson's bedding - I am sure it will turn out great!! Zach looked so adorable in all of the Easter pictures - and I was wondering - did you get that dress at Ann Taylor Loft? I have the same one & wore it on Easter too! With a pink sweater though to brighten it up :) and it is still a little chilly in mn!
I was thinking and praying for you over Easter, the holidays are never easy. Your sweet girl will always be a part of your family and always missed.
Love ya girl! Have a great night!
It looks like you all had a great time! Zach is so adorable and you are SO pretty!!
Thank you for sharing your Easter pictures. They were so beautiful, Katie!
so fun! I love the fabric you picked out-- it's SOOOO cute! Glad yall had a good Easter!
You guys had a very busy Easter weekend! I heard about the egg drop - what a neat idea!!
Love all of the pics and you look fabulous in your black. :)
Why am I not surprised that Jason was the QB and you were a cheerleader!? :)
Thanks for sharing the pictures. I love seeing all that fun stuff that you did this weekend.
Praying the power of His resurrection sustains you in the coming season!
Love the pictures!! You look great!! So glad you had a great weekend!!
The bedding will be amazing...can't wait to see the finshed product.
I am so glad your Easter was great. I loved all the pictures. Your family is just beautful!
I LOVE your Easter pictures.
Aww...I actually got a little choked up at the high school football memories -- some of the most fun times were spirit weeks and football games! You and Jason really are the perfect example of high school sweethearts! Praise the Lord your marriage is centered on Him and much stronger than the usual stereotype. :-) How odd to think of 7,000 eggs being dropped on "our" field!
Zach and Elijah have the same shoes. :-) And you are a gorgeous Momma!
I left a little gift for you on my blog.
Many prayers for your family as always, I know some days are harder than others!You are always in my prayers none the less! I love all the pictures and Z man looks like he had a blast..I mean an egg drop..I would, too!! So cool! You look beautiful by the way! I just love the name Colson! And those colors are PERFECT for his nursery!
You look beautiful in all the pictures! I love the fabric you've chosen for Colson's bedding. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Love all your look beautiful! Glad you had such a wonderful Easter weekend! I'm also glad that my bunny picture on my post from the other day made you laugh! :)
a few things:
1. i can't wait to see reese's spring flower arrangment! i know it will be stunning.
2. i love how you are celebrating reese and colson... what a beautiful testimony to the Lord who gives and takes away.
3. colson's bedding is going to be fantastic! love the fabric selections!
4. the helicopter egg drop sounds like the coolest egg hunt ever. how fun.
5. you are gorgeous. you look so adorable in every outfit sporting your bump!
6. i'm so happy the Lord blessed your family with a beautiful easter weekend!
sorry this list is so long... i have too much to say!
Katie! I love baby Colson's bedding. It is precious! And everyboy needs a little animal print in there.
Yes, our Easter buckets are Whimsy Tin. I love Jaime! She is great!! We both live here in Benton.
You are so tiny and cute! :)
Every single picture was beautiful!!!!!!! Love your sweet family and love you!!! :)
HI, wow I had no idea you lived in this area. We were going to go to the helicopter drop, but something came up. I know a few people who go to FBC. I wonder if they know you. maybe I'll run into u someday since we both live here.
your faith amazes me.
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