Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hope Mom Groups

I'm excited to share something today! I'm partnering with Hope Mommies ministry and leading a Hope Group October 1 - November 26th.

"Hope Mommies wants to help you develop deep friendships with other moms who understand loss, and also tackle the hard questions that arise out of grief about death, GOD and life here on Earth away from our beloved babies. Hope Groups are a unique way to do just that. For eight weeks, you will be dialoguing with fellow Hope Moms about life after loss. You and 9 other ladies will be able to share your stories, questions, fears and joys on a weekly basis in a safe, online forum that is facilitated by a Hope Group Leader."
If you or someone you know is a Hope Mom, I encourage you to check out the groups. For more information go HERE.

Now in this hope we were saved, yet hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience.

Romans 8:24


Mandy said...

What a blessing you will be to so many Hope Moms!!! Love you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I've been looking for a way to connect with others that understand loss since losing our baby last December but haven't had much luck so I signed up. Thanks also for sharing your story of Reese.

belle said...

Is this an online webinar type thing? I couldn't figure it out from the website but it sure looks inviting. I am desperately needing to connect with other moms like me!

Katie said...

Belle, I think most groups will have a private fb group.

belle said...

Do you know if there is anything not on FB? A) FB crashes my computer -ha! B) This side of my life is hidden from my "real life." .... in fact, I was quite shocked that you were able to find my other blog! I thought they were hidden from each other. :O It's totally fine that you did as I'm sure the details of my writing class were of interest to you- hahaha, but I do try to hide so FB isn't an option for me right now. Hmmmm, back to the drawing board. The Lord always provides for our needs and I know He has a plan! Thanks for catching up with me with an answer.

Katie said...

Belle ~ Please email Erin at Hope Moms and ask her. Her address is erin@hopemommies.org.

I know there was some interest in maybe a group doing live conferencing?

I know it's so important connecting with other hope moms so I hope just the perfect thing works out!

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