Thank you for all of your prayers for the
Stamps! Please check in with Kelly for updates on Harper. It's amazing what the LORD continues to do in this sweet family. What amazing grace He has for His children!
Zach is changing and growing up in some many ways! I'm trying to remember all the details along the way...
He has been saying Momma, Dada, and Ba-Ba for awhile now, and has just started saying something like No-no. It's cute for now...until he starts to mimic me saying "No!"
He just started callling Dada from his crib in the morning. This is wonderful because he normally wakes up with a bang crying and screaming. I guess this means that Jason should always get him in the mornings!
He has also become such a big helper. He opens and closes EVERYTHING (drawers, cabinets, doors), so you better watch out if you are near him in an open doorway because you will get shut in with the door. He also loves to help me with the laundry. He picks up all the socks that I drop and hands them to me. It's so cute!
Another big thing that keeps him occupied these days is emptying all of our bathroom drawers and throwing everything in the bathtub. It's entertaining for me to watch, too.
I caught him with the toothpaste.
He loves to sit in his room and go through all his books. I try and try to read to him, but all he wants to do is turn the pages, through the book down, and get off my lap! I guess he'd rather "read" alone. ; )
Zach loves to play in the kids' gym while I exercise. We both get a good work out!

He didn't know quite how to get off this wedge, so he scooted back cautiously. Smart boy!

Whew! He made it. I love watching his mind think and grow.