Next we met my parents in Budapest and spent a few days there. This is where our cruise began. It was beautiful!
The first day there we slept until 2 in the afternoon. I would have slept longer if Jason hadn't woken me up. Our bodies were so confused about the time. It didn't take long though to adjust.
This water park was so neat! There were sensors that allowed you to walk inside without getting wet.
Chain Bridge
Cute parents
Parliament (I couldn't pick just one picture of it!)

This is one of my favorite pictures of the entire trip. The second day in Budapest there was a car race and air show. Can you BELIEVE how close that plane wing is to the water?
We even found coke icees. Good times. ; )
Eating some authentic Hungarian food at Khely Vendeglo
On the cruise we were part of a running group Marathon Adventures. I was a little nervous about this since I hadn't run in awhile, but it was great. Everyone was very laid back, and it was all about having fun. We ran a little, biked a little, and even did an amazing race in Austria!
Our first run was five miles one morning in Budapest. This is my dad with Mila the group's travel agent. She is the sweetest thing!
We ran around Margitsziget Island and ended at the Nike Center where the Hungarian athletes train for the Olympics.
I really enjoyed Budapest. We did some sight-seeing, some shopping, and Jason and I even tried out the Turkish public baths. Very interesting! Yes, we wore our bathing suits. ; )
Next stop is Bratislava and Vienna!
But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart...
Matthew 15:18