This morning Colson and I delivered Reese's bows to the NICU. There were 41 bows and/or headbands! The nurses were thrilled, and it really touched my heart. I've been back once since we were there with Reese, but it was still really hard. I loved having Colson with me. His chubby grins carried me through.
I've been thinking especially about those baby girls who will receive these bows. I'm so thankful my friends participated in this! I pray these gifts will encourage and bless those NICU parents no matter what is going on with their little baby.
After we went to the NICU we picked out Reese's winter flowers. On the way to the store, I asked myself why in the world I was doing these things on the same day. I do love doing things for her, and we found the perfect ones. It's just when it sinks in what I'm actually doing, sadness overwhelms me.
This weekend we decorated our Christmas tree. Me mainly. ; ) Jason did a great job of putting it together. Great job, babe! As I was hanging all the ornaments we received last year in honor of Reese, Colson was just talking away in the den. It was such a comfort to hear his sweet voice. My heart is aching, but I have such gratitude at the same time.

As the holidays stir up a lot of emotions, I keep telling myself to take everything one day at a time. I'm also reminded of all of the people who pray for us, lift us up, and love on us. Priceless gifts from the One who is still carrying us through each day. Thank you!
...according to Your love remember me,
for You, LORD, are good.
Psalm 35:7