I have the BEST intentions to post but it just hasn't happened lately. Instagram is too easy to post little snapshots of our lives. ; ) My poor blog. ; (
Did this month fly by or what? I really feel like we squeezed everything out of it we could. It's almost 2015!
The boys have been SO excited about every little thing. The advent calendar, the elf, presents under the tree with their names on them...you just felt the "magic" of Christmas at our house.
We celebrated early with my side of the family. I LOVED doing this! A focused weekend of just being together instead of running around from place to place.
The whole crew!
"Christmas" morning
Happy kid
My Dad made a hayride for the kids. He had as much fun driving his new tractor to a neighborhood party as the kids did riding. ; )
Hot chocolate and cookies please!
Of course the firetruck was a hit.
Colson took his time decorating his gingerbread man. ; )
This is the first back of the card...

"Christmas" morning
Happy kid
My Dad made a hayride for the kids. He had as much fun driving his new tractor to a neighborhood party as the kids did riding. ; )
Hot chocolate and cookies please!
Of course the firetruck was a hit.
Colson took his time decorating his gingerbread man. ; )
Kids' room
The front of our Christmas cardThis is the first back of the card...

but this is what we finally decided on. I LOVE the angel wings.
I always incorporate Reese into our family pictures, but this year I had no idea what to do. I literally grabbed the angel wings on our way out the door, and it may be my favorite idea yet.
I hope your holiday has been full of celebration and memories!
And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You.
Psalm 39:7
I always incorporate Reese into our family pictures, but this year I had no idea what to do. I literally grabbed the angel wings on our way out the door, and it may be my favorite idea yet.
I hope your holiday has been full of celebration and memories!
And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You.
Psalm 39:7