I can't believe Valentine's Day is coming up!
If you need to give your love any hints for a V-Day gift, I want to share with you a Valentine's Day Package that Misikko is doing. I tried their Hana Titanium 1.5" flat iron last year and use it all the time. Love it! Even though my hair is straight, it's kind of fluffy so the Titanium is perfect.
When Brian asked me to review the Elite 1" flat iron before Valentine's Day I was happy to try it out, too.
I was BLOWN away at the packaging and all the goodies included with the Elite flat iron.
What's included:
Rose bath petals
Blending eye brush
Hair brush
Mechanical eyelash curler
Brightening eye color
Nail files
Heat proof pouch
Hand sanitizer
Monkey plushies
Chocolate (my favorite part!)
What I was most excited to try with this very narrow flat iron was to see if it would be easier putting some waves in my hair. I've been thinking I may just need to give up this idea since I never can get it the way I want it (the few times of the year I try ; ) ). I was pleasantly surprised with how well it curled my hair.
Rose bath petals
Blending eye brush
Hair brush
Mechanical eyelash curler
Brightening eye color
Nail files
Heat proof pouch
Hand sanitizer
Monkey plushies
Chocolate (my favorite part!)
What I was most excited to try with this very narrow flat iron was to see if it would be easier putting some waves in my hair. I've been thinking I may just need to give up this idea since I never can get it the way I want it (the few times of the year I try ; ) ). I was pleasantly surprised with how well it curled my hair.
I also like that it's small and easy to travel with. It heats up within seconds, and it doesn't take long to use. Which works great for me since I'm usually running to be somewhere on time.
Misikko sells curling irons and hair dryers as well. Brian is always wonderful to work with and I'm happy to recommend Hana products to anyone.
Have a great day!
...pay close attention to My words...keep them within your heart. For they are life...
Proverbs 4:20-22
...pay close attention to My words...keep them within your heart. For they are life...
Proverbs 4:20-22

Your hair looks so pretty!!!
This comment doesn't have to do with your current post but I've been meaning to tell you how much your "Anything" post challenged and touched me. I've been reading your blog for a while now (I think I found it from Kelly's blog) and have followed your journey since sometime after Reese went to heaven. I remember my heart aching for you and your loss having no idea what was in store for me. I think it is Jesus that I found your blog and followed along on your healing process. 6 weeks ago my son was born at 22 weeks and went to be with his Savior. It has most definitely been the hardest thing I've faced but yet I can feel that He is carrying us. In some crazy way, I think He prepared me for this loss by letting me find your story (and a few other mom's who have lost babies) to let me see that He would still be there no matter what happened. Thanks for sharing Reese's story. Continuing to pray for you as you long to see your baby girl again and long for a baby girl here on this earth.
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