I am working on my blog's background, so it will come together hopefully soon! It's a process... ; )
This week has already been busy and fun! It's all about laughter, family, and friends while celebrating Jesus' birth. Some very good news is Z is sleeping again. Hope it stays this way.

My sister Mandy, Bo, and Abby

My sis-in-law Meredith and Allie

On Monday my mom invited some of her dearest friends over to her house for brunch and to see all the grandkids. Of course, Zach and Garrett (Meredith and Faber's baby boy) slept the entire time the women were here. Oh well! At least Allie, Mary, and Abby entertained everyone.

As you can see...never a dull moment.

Z and Garrett

Jenny and Benjamin came to play with us! Whatever Benjamin did, Z was close behind.

Jenny, Benjamin, Z, and me
Thanks for coming over!

Then it was gingerbread-house-making-time. I have always wanted to do this, so I was really into it! I had to watch Allie and Mary closely though because they wanted to eat all the candy. We did run out of the house's "decorations." I wonder why!?

Our gingerbread house...we were proud!
(Don't look too closely.)

Today Z and I stopped by to see Hil in her new office building. Zach really showed off for her walking all around her office. Thanks for letting us stop by, Hil!