So many of my posts lately have been so random. ; ) Here's another one! I just like "recording" what my boys are into at this phase of life.
Like how Colson says "Santa Cause!" Or how he says, "Ah" before everything. I have no idea why! Like, "Ah, Mommy?" "Ah, cookie?" "Ah, tree." He's in such a smiley phase.
Zach ate three oranges the other night at dinner. I didn't realize it but Colson took this picture at the grocery store with my phone. I can't keep enough oranges at our house!
This picture makes me laugh because there was a random Santa in front of Walmart the other day but all Colson was interested in was the dog. See him on the left? He looks thrilled!

Cold weather makes me think of homemade bread so I made some. I love it but it's a bit "doughy." I was a little happy with the flour I think!
Yesterday it was 20 something degrees, but Z wanted to wear shorts and a t-shirt. My hot natured little love.
The boys love watching for Jason to come home. It's an event!
This picture makes me laugh because there was a random Santa in front of Walmart the other day but all Colson was interested in was the dog. See him on the left? He looks thrilled!
Cold weather makes me think of homemade bread so I made some. I love it but it's a bit "doughy." I was a little happy with the flour I think!
Yesterday it was 20 something degrees, but Z wanted to wear shorts and a t-shirt. My hot natured little love.
The boys love watching for Jason to come home. It's an event!
I am loving instagram. I was never good at twitter, but I love sharing pics throughout our day.
This morning the LORD put it on my heart to share some resources I've found over the past 3 years that have really helped me after losing Reese. I'm working on a list so if you have any you would like to share please let me know!
The Christmas parties are crankin' up! I've decided that GOD allowed Jesus' birthday to be celebrated in the winter because He knew we would especially need something BIG to give us joy and hope during this season.
Tonight Zach told me I was Santa Claus. Hmm. Can't believe Christmas is two weeks from today!
Tonight Zach told me I was Santa Claus. Hmm. Can't believe Christmas is two weeks from today! are very precious to GOD.
Daniel 10:11
Would love your resources for my sister in law. Her sweet son went to heaven a little over a year ago.
Thank you!
Katie - I love your sweet posts and how real you are with everyday life. Zach reminds me so much of my jayden - loves to wear shorts no matter how cold it is outside! My boys are really into apples lately - I can't keep enough of them in the house! Blessings to you this Christmas season! Thanks for sharing your heart with all of us :)
Just seeing your boys sweet faces this morning made me smile :). Grady wandered over while I was reading and he just cracked up at the dog riding with Santa!
Love to you all! xoxox
I love seeing all your randoms :)
I don't know if you have heard of them but there is a great organization that I found earlier this year and it's actually local to the area I moved to so I have been able to go to some fundraisers. The parents are sweet people who I am blessed to have in my life. It's called Ian's Elephants. I have a new found love for Elephants :) Check them out on facebook!
Pictures of your sweet boys always make me smile!!!! :)
my boys want to wear shorts and t-shirts all the time too! Silly boys! And oranges... girl, I have to buy the CASE of cuties every 2 weeks. It's ridiculous. But atleast they're getting lots of vitamin C though, right? ;)
I will look forward to your post on those resources that have helped you since Reese flew to Heaven....we just experienced our 6th baby flying away to Jesus. I had another second trimester miscarriage two weeks ago and am now recovering. So, I look forward to what has helped you.
Your boys are just cuter than snuff!! That's what I tell my gals all the time, I know, it hardly makes sense!!
Take care!!
I'm gonna eat colson up. When will I see you again?
-Threads of Hope, Pieces of Joy was an incredible Bible Study on miscarriage/infant loss that I did with a group after Rebekah went to Heaven
-Any book by Nancy Guthrie
-I joined the nationwide grief Christian grief group, Grief Share, that was very helpful
-Heaven by Randy Alcorn
-Anything by Angie Smith or Steven Curtis Chapman on loss
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