Zach started Pre-K today!
This is the day we've talked about, been excited about, geared ourselves up for. It's here. ; )

He walked right in and hardly looked back. I knew he would love it!
What I did not expect is my emotional reaction. Ahhh! It started when I bought his school supplies last week. Then in the car this morning I could barely say anything because my eyes filled with tears. What in the world has happened to me?
I'm SO excited for him and all that he will learn and do this year. I know GOD has great plans, but this new adventure has definitely pulled on my heartstrings.
I can't wait to pick him up and hear all about his day!
This is the day we've talked about, been excited about, geared ourselves up for. It's here. ; )

He walked right in and hardly looked back. I knew he would love it!
What I did not expect is my emotional reaction. Ahhh! It started when I bought his school supplies last week. Then in the car this morning I could barely say anything because my eyes filled with tears. What in the world has happened to me?
I'm SO excited for him and all that he will learn and do this year. I know GOD has great plans, but this new adventure has definitely pulled on my heartstrings.
I can't wait to pick him up and hear all about his day!
Draw near to GOD, and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8
This post made ME cry! Such a fun age but it still seems like he should be crawling around! What a cutie and such a great cousin to Dubs and Reagan.
My oldest started kindergarten is week! I had a good friend tell me a year ago (like Z is now) to go ahead and process those feelings. Don't hold them in. When he does go to K, it will be much easier for your emotions :). And start praying now about his K teacher. Your boys are adorable!
Fun day!! We will call and see how it went tonight! He is so cute.
OK girl you sound just like I did when Kelcee started Kindergarten on Friday, I lingered in the classroom until the teachers said to the three of us mommy's left, it's time to go momma's, and Kelcee said Mommy are you going to go lol, and as soon as I walked the halls my friend and I filled our eyes with tears and we cried. Then I saw our Sunday School teacher and she prayed for me for the day and then I sat in my van and guess what I cried lol! I was like what in the world happened to me, and I was so excited to hear about her day and she had so much fun and learned and told a story of the gingerbread man and has gotten smiley faces all week, so girl it will get easier, I promise! Love you and um can I say can Z get any cuter! Red is his color for sure, and I am loving his North Face back pack with the strap in the front..oooh where did you get it? I may have to get one for K for next year, we got hers at LL Bean this year. I love the sign and Z standing beside and Colson well I could just gobble him up! You look beautiful as always friend
sums precious, Katie! He looks like such a big boy in his Polo shirt, cargo shorts, and backpack. And what is it about the car? I watched mine through the rearview mirror on Monday morning, and I just cried and cried when I really stopped to think and ponder how incredibly grown up he's becoming. I still look at him and remember what he looked like a five days is he already five YEARS old? I hope he has a great day, and I hope tomorrow is easier on your heart than today. :)
I can't believe how grown up both your boys look! *tear!* Graham starts 4th grade on Monday and Grady won't start pre-k until the following week. Thank goodness that they are spread out. It's give my heart a break!
Lots of love to all of you! xoxox
Z is so handsome!! Hoping it was a great day for all of you!
You were like me...the emotions just came out of no where!! I felt like my heart was so confused on Monday. :)
Awe!! We are going to MDO one more year & then I'm going to teach next year. So we'll be at the same place! Hopefully, this will make the transition a little easier. They grow up too fast:( Luckily, it gives you more one on one time with little bit:)
I am the same way. I was that way when my big boys started school and still as they are about to start 4th grade and 1st grade, I am emotional. I will tear up when I walk away from dropping them off at the classrooms and cry a bit in the car. Thank goodness I have Carter home with me(except for his preschool only two days a week)!!!
Have you heard that question about your kids starting school? "Will you be a Kleenex or a confetti mom?" I don't think I will ever be a confetti mom. =)
Btw, Zach looks adorable! I bet his teacher will love him!!!! He seems like such a fun and smart boy!!
Katie, I have followed your blog now for about 3 years. I don't post often but I just had to when I read this. I sure know how you felt this morning. I can remember like it was yesterday that my son started he just started his last semester of college...the time does fly. Your boys are absolutely adorable and I love he picture with you and the so sweet. I admire you in so many ways for so many things. Blessings to you. Debbie Campbell Decatur, IL
The day my oldest son started kindergarten we got up and took a very early morning walk together in the neighborhood. He's in 4th grade this year, but I remember every detail of that morning. I held his hand as we walked, and I just cried and cried. He kept asking me why I was crying, and I just could not stop! And here's the clencher, wait for it....WE HOMESCHOOL!!! Crazy that he wasn't going anywhere, but I still cried like that! Ha, ha!!
On a completely different note, you probably hear this all the time. I LOVE your arms!! If I were going to change one thing about my body I think it would be to make my arms look like yours! I know that I could do it, but who has time?! Certainly not me! I'm too busy crying about my kids growing up and starting school while I plan their lessons! Ha, ha!!
Love you blog! Keep on blogging!
They grow up so fast. Love all the great pictures.
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