I am laughing at how you asked if Jason liked Colson's leg warmers. I was a little worried about it, so I hid them when they came in the mail. Ha! Thankfully, he likes them! I have already ordered more. ; )
Colson's "date night" onesie came from Target. Where else?! What a great way to send a hint to your hubs.
Jason and I did have a little date night...with our small group. ; ) So fun! Our Christmas party. We all met at a restaurant, then came to our house for desserts and a gift exchange. The gift exchange is one of my favorite things. People bring both gag and good gifts. Jason got a tacky Christmas turtleneck. Pretty sure we'll be seeing it again at next year's party.
Sweet friends
I made peanut butter candy bar brownies. So rich! Yummy.
Saturday night we took the boys to see the lights on the square. So festive! Z has talked all year about riding a camel because he remembered from last Christmas. He was so excited to ride another one.

Petting a reindeer

Colson all bundled up
Is is too early to start spring cleaning? I'm getting the itch. Maybe I'm just in denial that winter is coming and hoping we skip right to spring. ; )
Another random thing...have ya'll heard about the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger (with chocolate covered bacon)!? Crazy!
Stay warm. ; )
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true...whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
It's not too early for Spring cleaning. I've already started my January Purge where I go around the house getting rid of half of our possessions!
I've been bitting by the cleaning bug, too! I'm doing little bits of organizing and cleaning bit by bit. Just the other day, I organized the office drawers full of supplies and then wiped down the drawers. That should hold me over for a few more days.
I've got some baby legs for my 3 mo. old boy for Christmas....haven't told my husband yet! ha!
Love that red jacket you've got on in the last picture.
I saw bacon flavored popcorn at the grocery last week. Something about that just sounds disgusting!!
Was Colson taking the last pic??? Ha just kidding. THe camel is too much...so funny:) Cute pics!
I heard about the Krispy Kreme thing... SO gross! I want to know who eats that?!?!
Oooh, please post the recipe for the peanut butter candy brownies! That is sounding good to this 8-month-preggo lady! :)
LOL about the leg warmers, girl that is totally something I would do, hide them and order more then make sure the hubs liked them ha! ha! Colson looks super cute in them with his cute little chunky legs, Kelcee always had chunky legs as a baby and we called her chunky money ha! ha!
I love that Z got to ride a camel again! He looks like he is having so much fun! It is funny how they remember some things so well from like a year ago! Kelcee and I rode a camel last year at the Baltimore Zoo and girl that thing was bumpy and with my added steroid weight I was scared he was gonna sit down ha! ha!
O.K. so I love the date night shirt for a hint that you needed one maybe I should have a shirt made for Kelcee that says Mommy really wants a Pandora Bracelet for Christmas just in case he didn't get all the ads I have circled around the house LOL
Love the group pic! You look fabulous Katie....
love ya
Hey Katie-I was rereading over a Bible study I was in last summer and it made me think of you...it is called One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer...not sure if you've heard of it, but it was a great study and now that I've been reading your blog, I think it encompasses all that you've been going through this past year...check it out if you get a chance! Blessings, Stephanie
Looks like ya'll had fun! Would love the brownie recipe!!
They had the burger at our state fair this year. I did not try it but my best friend did and said it was very good.
LOVE your blog! Can you post the recipe for the peanut butter brownies? Would love to have it for Christmas cookie tins...
Looks like a great time! We had a dinner party at our house last night--and oh my! Spring cleaning! YES! I have been thinking that over the next few weeks I would clean out all my cabinets, etc.!!!
we had the krispy kreme burger at the NC State Fair this year-- SO nasty! haha. I went with a friend who ate 2 while we were there. it was quite a sight! haha. merry Christmas!
We had Krispy Kreme Cheeseburgers at our State Fair this summer. And chocolate covered bacon on a stick daybued there last summer, but was popular enough to come back this summer. :)
Can you post the recipie for the peanut butter candy bar brownies? They sound amazing!
I love Colson's date night t-shirt. CUTE.... and he is soo cute! I love the name Jingles! haha! That is great!
Oh I love these pictures...the one of J&Z riding the camel is my favorite! LOL
I have heard of the KK burger w/choc covered bacon. Insane. HA!
Just so you know, babysteals.com has a set of five babylegs for $25. I just ordered some for my daughter!
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