I have been working hard on Reese's fall flowers. I wanted something festive and beautiful with berries and flowers, and I'm pleased with how they turned out.
A close family friend of ours went to Heaven recently, and I've been thinking a lot of how David is with Reese. He was a young father with two children Zach and Colson's ages.
Heaven just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter.
This is one of my favorite beach pics of Zach. ; ) He has been such a riot lately...
*My parents were here for the Razorback game last weekend, and Zach started calling my mom "Buns." Her grandmother name is Bunny, but for some reason he shortened it. He walked around the house saying, "Bun? Buns?" It was so funny. We'll see if it sticks. ; )
*In school he learns a Bible verse each week (well, tries to at least!). Yesterday in the car Z and I were saying Ephesians 6:1, "Children, obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right." He was so precious saying it. Music to my ears! Then he says, "I don't like that part. I don't like that part." I said, "What part?"
He said, "Obey your parents."
What in the world!? It was kind of funny and not so much at the same time. Jason and I are really working a lot with him about instant obedience and saying all the "magic" words. I guess sometimes it's just hard for a little guy.
*This morning I took the boys to Walmart. While we were shopping an employee opened a ladder right beside us, making a very loud noise. Zach turned to her and said, "That hurt my ears, LADY!" She smiled and said, "I'm sorry," and he said, "That's ok!" Then as we were leaving the aisle he said (just to make a point I guess), "That hurt my ears again!" I don't think she heard that time thank goodness.
Zach talks from the minute he wakes up from the minute he falls asleep at night. At.the.top.of.his.lungs. It's just the way he talks. I have no idea where he gets this from. ; ) Jason and I barely get a word in.
Thankfully, Colson has some time while Z naps to talk to me.
I treasure this time with my baby boy.
I love my kids. ; )
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27