Such a perfect day.
I've been thinking about and planning Reese's birthday for months, and Jason and I decided to spend it with our families (since I especially didn't know how I would be). We truly wanted to celebrate Reese on her special day. She also shares a birthday with my mom, so the day was extra sweet.
The days leading up to Reese's birthday were like a shadow cast over my heart. I fought bitterness as I bought flowers for her marker and plants for our families on Tuesday. Part of me wanted to beat the ground with the roses as hard as I could I was so upset. Thankfully feelings like this always pass. The struggle between staying in my pain too long and choosing to look for God's truth.
We gave everyone a plant to remember this day.
Our families went to Reese's garden Wednesday morning, and I placed 100 beautiful tiny white roses in her vase. My dad shared some words from his heart, and we released 100 balloons.
My dad spoke about celebrating our Creator, the child and the chosen. I loved everything he said, but a few words stood out to me.
He said the Creator "loved Reese then (before time began), He was with her during her life on earth and He is with her even as we gather here to celebrate her birthday."
"She came in a hurry, as if she had some place important to go. We knew her all too briefly, but God had known her since the beginning of time. He also knew His plan for her life - a plan we would not have chosen but perhaps some day, we'll begin to understand."
He said such precious things to Zach and Colson they will one day understand. "Colson, you live because Reese went to be with God in Heaven. And while you are special and unique in your own way, your life gives us all hope that through you and through all of us, Reese lives on."
Jason's dad prayed and we released ninety-nine pink, white, and cream balloons, and a red one marking Reese's first birthday. Her red balloon stood out until all of them almost disappeared. It was amazing how far we could see them in the sky.
We spent the rest of the day together. I love our families!
That night it was all about the cakes. ; ) My mom's delicious strawberry cake.
Reese's cake
Her one little candle sure pulls at my heart strings. Zach blew out her candle after we sang "Happy Birthday."
Our parents gave us this garden stone to remind us of everything GOD is. We love it. Thank you!

They brought Reese pink roses. Beautiful!
Cute trouble
Cute drama
Family time
Sweet day. Sweet families. Sweet girl.
Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. The sound of weeping and crying will be heard in it no more. Never again will there be in it, an infant who lives but a few days...
Isaiah 65:17, 19-20
What a beautiful tribute to a precious life, who changed so many lives that she (you and Jason) can never imagine!!
Hugs to you!!
Sounds like you have a great family. Praying for you guys and I am sure Reese was smiling down on you guys as you enjoyed and celebrated her Birthday!
You had a beautiful tribute to Reese. The garden stone is perfect.
This is so sweet. I don't really know what else to say.
Katie - Sometimes I think the days leading up to that anniversary are more poignant than the day itself.
You are blessed to be part of such a sweet family. Sara Grove sings a neat song about 'Generations'. What a heritage.
"Cute Drama"...enough said!
Loved every second of being there with you. It was a perfect day. Dad was amazing and I loved that he said she came in a hurry like she had somewhere to go too.
Love you so much sweet sister!!! Not a day goes by that I don't think about Reese and smile.
What a beautiful tribute to lives lost and lives living. I am truly sorry for you and your family's loss, Katie, but am so happy for all of you that you have Colsen. The garden stone is beautiful and such a sweet reminder. I am sending lots of love, hugs and prayers to all of you during your time of rememberance and need. Love the birthday cakes and happy belated birthday to your beautiful mom as well! xoxoxo
Praising God with you for your sweet baby girl. Your celebration of her 1 year birthday was beautiful. Thank you for sharing the day with each of us. May God continue to comfort your heart.
I love the Garden stone. How simple, yet true. He is the Great I Am.
Awesome - you have amazing families. Your dad's speech must have just been incredible!
I love the way that ya'll celebrated Reese's 1st Birthday!
I'm so glad to have followed your story and see God at work with your family over the past year. I am so sorry for the loss of sweet Reese. I am so overjoyed for your new family of 5! What a sweet memorial you all did. It is absolutely beautiful in words and pictures. (Though I haven't commented alot) I have always read and followed your story, cried for you in happy and sad tears, and prayed over your first year.
What a wonderful tribute to Reese! I knew you would make her first birthday in heaven amazing and you did! I love the idea of 100 mini roses and 100 balloons! If I lived closer I would have brought 100 more to release with you, Reese has a special place in my heart as well! When you wrote about what the red balloon stood for, I totally thought that in your last post that's why I commented on the red one and I noticed how well it stood out amongst the others....just like Reese stood out here on Earth....she made such an impact on so many of our lives....
I am so sorry you have to go through all of this pain, but you are so strong and so brave through it all!
Love the pics of Z and his cousin in the bucket that is to funny!!
The cakes look really yummy, although I cried when I saw Reese's and the one candle....
And then I had to laugh when I saw ya'lls family time hahahahaha because my friend it totally looks like our family time even my mom (mi-mi) has a laptop and we all sit around and um have family time haha
Summer :0)
What a great day. Thank you for sharing all of it...even the bitterness. For those of us who have never gone through what you have it is easy to think that those feelings aren't there anymore. Thank you for the reminder to be tender toward those who still hurt.
Praying for you still.
Oh, Katie.... Reese's day couldn't have been more beautiful!!!! :)
I'm so glad you got to spend this week and today with your family. I've been thinking about Reese and all of you guys a lot this week. I know God knew what he was doing when he put Reese in your family. You've honored her and Him throughout it all.
Beautiful Katie. God bless you and your family as you make your way. Hugs from Ohio!
How perfect! What a beautiful way to show your love for her, what a tribute to her. You are amazing! Thank you! Happy Birthday to your sweet Mom! The cakes were so amazing! I love what your Dad said, brought tears to my eyes! So moving, I see where you get your way with words!!
what a perfect way to celebrate her life!
I came across your blog today and it is precious!
This is amazing Katie! I don't even have words! You are so strong and so faithful. I am so glad to hear the week was so special and your families were there celebrating. Your dad's words are so touching and such a reminder of why/how your newest little man is here. I never really thought of it like that and it just hit me. Continuing to pray for your family!!
What a wonderful celebration of your daughter. You look like you have an amazing family, you are lucky! Your words about hitting the ground with the roses stuck out to me, I'm having such a hard time fighting anger right now about my sister's first baby who was stillborn just a week ago. I appreciate your words, they do help me to feel better about my loss too! Happy birthday to Reese!
My journey started tonight looking at different blogs in an effort to get ideas for starting my own. I just randomly clicked on yours. My laptop at my side and my new daughter sleeping in my lap, I begin to scroll through your posts. With tears streaming down my face, I read about your precious daughter. I just can't imagine what you have been through. You have such strength and faith. Happy Birthday Reese! Congratulations on your new baby. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.
I love how yall celebrated. What a special day and tribute to Reese.
I am so glad you were able to celebrate Reese with family and they joined with you in heart to remember your sweet baby girl! You are blessed! Because of our great Jesus he gives us a peace that passes our understanding of the journey we are on and he gives us a trust in Him that allows us to wait patiently until one day we will see our little ones again!!
Like you, we need to keep celebrating birthdays, they are still apart of our family, Joel's bd is Sept 13th, teh buildup until the day is heavier thatn the actual day it seems, grace, grace, wonderful grace.......we need it every hour, minute, breath.....and He gives it!
The one candle ... what can I say? I prayed for you just now.
So beautiful. What a great day. Praying for you and your family.
Katie I have been reading yor blog for over a year now, but have never commented. My husband and 4 little boys
have prayed for your family so often. I think you are an amazing example of Gods love and grace. Hold your precious boys tight and cling to your beautiful daughters legacy.
Thanks for sharing your bittersweet day with us. God Bless You!
Your posts are extraordinary! Even through the sadness the light, love, and hope of our savior shines through! Reese would be so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your heart Katie!
So grateful to hear that Reese's day brought you peace and that you were surrounded by family. Your faith continues to inspire me. I lost Gavin about 16 months before you lost Reese and each day continues to be such a struggle. May God continue to bless you and your sweet family.
Forever missing Gavin 4/7-5/3/08
I am so thankful for your families being with you on Reese's birthday.
Your dads words bought tears to my eyes.
What a beautiful day you had for sweet Reese. I just love all the details that you put in to that day.
My heart broke when I saw Reeses' cake.
You have been a blessing to me through your blog. Eventhough we have never met personally, I have been so touched by your posts. You have shared with the blogging community all your true feelings. Thanks for being so real!
You are so blessed to have such a wonderful and close knit family.
Wow, Katie. Looks like you planned and shared a beautiful birthday party for Reese. Thank you for being so honest and for sharing so much of your life. You are an amazing woman and have a beautiful family. You are special to the Lord and I know He is holding Reese and taking such good care of her. May God continue to bless you all. Colson is such a cutie - can't believe he's a month old already!
Beautiful. You are blessed to have such a close family around you.
Oh katie. I thought of you guys often over the past couple weeks. So glad you were able to celebrate Reese in such a special way. We do balloons every year, too, on coopers birthday. God is so faithful. That is how i feel right now, as we just celebrated what would have been his 5th birthday. So thankful that your family knows and sees God in that same way!
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