Colson is giving us some smiles! I love it. I know some people say it's just gas, but I think they are little surprise gifts from GOD. ; )
It's so real to me now that Colson is here how I'm a mom to three children. Two in our home. One in Heaven. So many thoughts and emotions bumping around in my heart.
I have such joy over Colson. I love to hold him. Look at him. Taking in what Jason and I have waited so long for. I'm trying to be patient with Zach as he adjusts and encourage him throughout the day when he pushes my limits. He's going to be such a wonderful big brother. All the while my feelings for Reese are so close to the surface. How next month is her one year birthday and the day she went home to Jesus.
I want her 1st birthday to be special, and I hope the things I'm planning for her celebration honor her little (yet big!) life.
The new man in my life ; )
From the third night we brought him home, Colson has been sleeping so well. What a blessing! I prayed hard about this . ; ) When he is awake during the day he is content, too.
I'm treasuring the very few calm moments of our day when I'm alone with the boys. Yesterday I got them dressed, ready, out the door and into the car all by myself! We went to the bank and the post office (drive throughs), but it was a big accomplishment for me. ; )
My mom left Sunday, and Jason's mom came yesterday. Praise the Lord for a wonderful Mom and mil! They do laundry, iron, go grocery shopping, cook, play with Z, hold Colson, the list goes on. ; )
My chunky monkey
This morning Zach said, "I want to pet Colson." Cute! He's so gentle one minute and rough the next. We survived a nose bite this morning. Zach was being so sweet with Colson patting him on the head and giving him Eskimo kisses, then he leaned down to kiss him (or so I thought), looked up at me and said, "I bit him on the nose." Poor Colson.
One day at a time, right?
The Lord your GOD is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love...
Zephaniah 3:17