FOUR to be exact in less than two years. This used to be a joke between Jason and me...not anymore!
If you're interested, this is the story of my roller coaster ride that began Wednesday, May 20th. Hopefully this will give you all some clarity. I'm sure I'll leave a few things out, but at least you'll see from my viewpoint what I went through.
Wednesday, May 20th ~ dull headache
Thursday, May 21st ~ on and off dull headache all day
Jason's 30th birthday was May 25th, so I planned with Shannon for Zach to spend the night with Cody and her so I could surprise Jason. I wanted to take him out to eat and also have a fun night out to ourselves.
I barely made it home from taking Z to S and C's Thursday night. I began running into counters, being very clumsy, and just didn't have motor control over my limbs. I told Jason a few times, "Something is just not right." He offered to take me to the hospital a few times, but I didn't think I had reached that point yet.
We went to Shogun's for dinner with me fumbling around trying to eat. I was just thankful to be sitting down! On the way home I called my Dad, and he thought it was the medicine I had taken for my headache. I do have a tendency to forget to read the medicine bottle labels on how many pills I should take!
Friday, May 22nd ~ I woke up with no feeling or movement in my right arm, and I could barely move.
I called my sis in law Meredith who immediately called her hubs (my brother). They suggested I go to my OB doc first (since at this point I was 6 months pregnant). My Dad also called to check on me. I simply said, "Something is wrong."
I called my OB, and they told me to come in ASAP. Shannon brought Z over to watch him at our house (THANK YOU!!!), and Jason came home to take me to see the OB doc who was working (he just happened to be my OB's husband, so this worked well for me). ; ) It's not like I cared at this point!
I struggle to the car, Jason drives us to the OB's office, and he immediately sees me. After he examines me he refers me to a neurologist at a local ER. Jason and I haul it to the ER where they meet us at the car with a gurney. We have never been seen so quickly in an ER!
At this point, my head is about to explode, and my right arm is still useless. I braved through several questions, tests, and an MRI (with a mask). Jason and I are still not yet really worried. He has called our parents who were waiting to see what's best for them to do. Thank you, Jesus, for our parents!!
Still Friday, May 22nd ~We begin to worry. The ER doc came in and told us she had seen activity on my MRI that lead her her believe that I was eclamptic. She said she was admitting me immediately, and I wasn't going to be leaving until Reese was born.
Jason and I just looked at each other, and I had my Breakdown #1. I was thinking, "ARE YOU CRAZY? I have an 18 month old. Who will take care of him? I have looked forward to this summer all winter and spring! We have plans. I have so much to do! I have to spend time alone with him before he has a baby sister..." So many things like this ran through my mind.
I called my Mom, and she loses it while saying, "It's going to be ok. Trish and I will take care of Zach. Don't worry." My Mom never cries, so I knew she was really upset.
A little while later the ER doc comes back in to say that my OB has requested I be medflighted to UAMS in LR because there was a maternal expert that could also work with us while we were there since I was pregnant.
I really was ok at this point. I know it was the prayers beginning! I think Jason was worried enough for both of us, too, bless his heart. I sure have brought some drama to his life. ; ) A few friends had also come by to pray with us, Jason's parents had made it to Fayetteville to help with Zach and check on us, and my parents were ready to meet us in LR at UAMS.
Friday night, May 22nd ~ A helicopter flies me from Washington Regional to UAMS. Jason, Zach, and his parents drive to LR. My parents meet me at UAMS where I am taken to the ICU for further testing. It was a very late night.
Saturday, May 23rd ~ I am in and out most of the day, but when I saw my parents, Faber, Meredith, and Mandy crying by my bed I absolutely knew this was serious and something was wrong. I didn't know what though, and I was in so much pain I didn't care if GOD took me to Heaven!
Sunday, May 24th - Wednesday, May 27th
Dr. Keyrouz was my neurology doctor, and he was wonderful! I also had an infectious disease doctor, ob doctor, and countless nurses check on me all week. We found out that I was only the second or third pregnant woman they had ever seen with my condition. I was determined to have Encephalomyelitis.
This means that my brain swelled from a virus causing my severe headache and immoble right arm. Thankfully, throughout the week my headache improves, and I begin moving my right arm.
Thursday, May 28th - Saturday, May 30th
I turn a corner and actually began to feel the meds work. There was so much they could not give me because of Reese so I did not feel that much relief and begged for meds most of the time.
Since the Saturday I was admitted my Mom stayed every night with me! Jason, my Dad, Jason's fam, and several friends visited us in the hospital every day all week. Some I remember, and some I don't, but I am still so grateful they took the time to come. I think what kept them laughing was how stubborn, sassy, and bossy I had gotten to be with the doctors and nurses.
Saturday, May 30th ~ Saturday, June 6th
I came to my parents' house last Saturday! What a great wonderful hard day. I was so happy to be out of the hospital bed and somewhere familiar. I hadn't been outside in over a week so it was a bit overwhelming at times.
Zach goes to Destin with Jason's fam, so their fun was just beginning. They had a wonderful week from what I've heard! I'm so glad.
Yesterday I went to see Dr. Keyrouz again for a check-up. He said it was still early, but I had made good strides. He also took out my PICC line. He seemed pleased with my progress, and I go back to see him in several months for (hopefully) the last time.
Our plan is to go to our "real" home tomorrow. Jason has kept busy working in the LR office a few days this week, but he's ready to get home. Zach also gets back tonight, and I am SO ready to see that little guy!
My Mom, Dad, and Jason have nursed me back to health all week in LR. I've gone from having a very small appetite, not walking on my own, and sleeping most of the day to eating much better, walking around by myself, and sleeping only at night. Slow but certain progress!
Sweet stories continue to unfold each day. I actually remember telling Jason, "Happy Birthday!" on his actual birthday. I had wanted to remember so badly, so I know that only the LORD could have done that...especially since I was so out of it, and I don't remember anything else about that day!
Bless your heart for staying with me this long! Again, this may not all be entirely correct, but I lived it so it's what I remember and the best way I know how to explain. Shannon has plenty of daily updates on her blog while I was in the hospital if you are interested in reading more details. Some aren't pretty!
Thank you again and again for carrying me through this ordeal with your prayers. I know GOD has a reason whether He ever reveals it to me or not. I know He is good. I know I have amazing family and friends. I know He used modern medicine to save my life. I know I'm ready to get back to feeling like myself!