Thursday, March 31, 2011

All About Colson

I'm so excited!

1. A sneak peak of Colson's "six month" pics are on Lisa's blog. He looks so big. We had to wait until he was sitting up so she took them a few weeks ago. ; ) Lisa is always so much fun to work with.

2. Our 2010 blog book came in the mail.
This is our third book to order from blog2print. These books reveal so much of my heart and soul. I continue to be blessed that you are such a big part of our journey!
2008, 2009, & 2010
I think I've blogged a little bit more this past year.

3. I picked up Colson's frame today. It's perfect!
Emily did a wonderful job. I gave her an idea of what we wanted, and she went with it. I wish I had her creativity. ; )
Close up of name on tag

Birthday and stats at the top

Psalm 130:7 on the bottom
Colson has two more teeth coming in. He's happy then fussy happy fussy happy fussy. He is all out of sorts. Poor sweet thing.

...put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with Him is full redemption.

Psalm 130:7

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


A few pics from the boys' lives ~

Colson's first ride in a "buggy" at the gym. I can't look at this picture without laughing. The little boy beside him is three days older, and he has SEVEN teeth and is already crawling and pulling himself up! Maybe he'll teach Colson. ; )
Colson's first time in the stroller without being in his carrier. Laid back as usual.
Another first. ; )
Colson's first time in the seat, and Zach's first time loose in the cart.
I didn't even have to buy Z fruit snacks to keep him quiet. He was thrilled with his new freedom. Success!

I heart Colson's little bottom sticking up in the air.

I've never run such a tight ship in my life. We are very scheduled, and it's nice in this season of life. I finally have the boys napping in the afternoon at the same time. It's wonderful! From 2:15 - 4:30/5 our house is silent. This doesn't happen every single day, but I'm thankful when it does.
Hanging out in Zach's crib
YES, he is still in it and loves it.
Colson may be just as loud as Zach. I was trying to hide from him because when he sees me he stops talking sometimes. I love all of his baby talk. Sweet sweet sounds. ; )

But You, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts up my head.
Psalm 3:3

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Whatever You Do

So whether you eat
or drink
or whatever you do,
do it all
for the glory
of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break

I loved hearing about the designs you liked best. There were definitely some favorites. So many of you like purple!

It's good to be "back." ; )

My parents came to help kick off the boys (really Zach's) spring break. Jason and I had a date night (yea!), too. Thanks Mom and Dad. Love those!

This is what Colson looks like with his hair combed over. Don't worry, I have only done this twice in his life! Even though he looks like a sweet little boy it's just not for him right now. His hair actually doesn't stay this way because it wants to stick straight up. Ha! I like the faux hawk much better anyway.

My dad and Colson hanging out on the couch.

I love this. My dad (Pappy) was surprised he would actually sit there and play.
Z and my dad flying a kite. A perfect thing to do on a windy day.
My dad said Z hung onto the kite string for at least an hour!
We attempted to get a family picture before my parents left, but this is the best we got. Ha! This boy is glued to my hip, and I kind of like it. He is SO heavy, but maybe I'm getting used to it. ; )
This one turned out well. ; )
I made this chocolate chip cake while my parents were here, and there was not much left when they went home. Delicious! I did send some to our neighbors so I wouldn't eat any more of it.

It's so easy if you want to try!

Chocolate Chip Cake

1 box yellow cake mix
1 sm. pkg. instant chocolate pudding
4 eggs (whole)
1 cup Wesson oil
1/4 cup water8 oz. carton sour cream
1 tsp. vanilla1 cup chocolate chips (can add extra chips)
Blend together ingredients. Stir in chocolate chips by hand. Bake at 325 degrees for 50 or 60 minutes in a Bundt type pan (coat bundt pan with Pam).

I'm working on Reese's spring flowers and will share them soon. They are very similar to the ones I used last year. Very sweet and cheerful.
This is Jonah Zach's new favorite toy. He is really into "nakes" these days. He carries this snake around with him everywhere. He even takes it to the gym to share with all his friends. I'm sure they love this. ; )

The scales began falling off after he got Jonah wet. It was very traumatic. Big time drama at our house! Today I'm gluing it back together but we are missing some pieces. Wish me luck!

Happy Friday. ; )

For great is His love toward us...

Psalm 117:2

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Little Love's Designs' Winner

The Little Love's winner is #144 (!

Congrats Emily!

Thanks everyone for entering! Don't forget the coupon code. ; )
I chose this design to be donated in Reese's honor. I think the feathers did it for me.
I love it! Thanks again, Mandy.

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.

Psalm 116:7

Monday, March 21, 2011

Little Love's Designs' Giveaway

I have a treat for ya'll today!

Mandy at Little Love's Designs is offering a $20 store credit to her etsy shop. She designs and creates headbands and hair clips for newborns, teens, and adults.

Her handmade headbands are adorable, and any baby girl would look precious wearing one! Her designs are so unique. I love how sweet and dainty they are.

The winner of this giveaway will also pick out a headband to donate in Reese's honor.

There's more! I get to choose one to be donated to the NICU where Reese was taken care of, and I'll share which one later this week.

Thank you so much, Mandy! That was very thoughtful of you.

Mandy is also providing a coupon code that applies this week until Sunday, March 27th. This coupon is good for 20% off your total purchase, and the code is Katie20.

How to enter:
1. Visit Little Love's Designs online and leave a comment telling me your favorite piece.
2. "Like" Little Love's Designs on facebook and leave a separate comment letting me know.
Please include your email address if this is the best way for me to contact you. ; )
This giveaway ends Wednesday, March 23rd at 8 pm.

Thanks for entering!

...the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10

Saturday, March 19, 2011


If this doesn't make you smile,
nothing will. ; )

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Picky Sticky Winner!

The Picky Sticky winner is #129 (from
I will email you with the details. ; )
Thanks for entering! one can take anything from My hand. I act, and who can reverse it?

Isaiah 43:13

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First & Last

Sunday was a big day. It was Colson's first time in the church nursery!

Yes, we are those parents. And I'm completely ok with that. ; )

Zach must have told Colson not to smile, but he was very excited. He did great, too.

Yesterday we had a little visiter come over to play. ; )

The four month gap is closing a little bit for these two. Westin is all over the place, and Colson is content to play and watch. No surprise there. ; ) Thanks for coming, West!

I love how these two sit by each other and interact. Zach hands Colson his toys if they get too far away. When Colson falls to the side, Z is quick to push him back up. Sometimes he just pushes his head, but at least he is trying!

Today was our last Bible study time for Breaking Free. There is a poem called "A Healing Captive" in the back of the book, and these words spoke so clearly to me this morning,

O, GOD, Who lifts the grieving head,
Blow away the ashes
But let Your gentle hand upon my brow
Be my only crown of beauty.
Comfort me so deeply,
My Healer,
That I seek no other comfort.

This study has been wonderful. I've been so encouraged meeting with other women each week to study GOD's word together. In the last lesson Beth writes, "Never forget, there is only one Stronghold that frees when it binds." I love this!

Don't forget to sign up for the Picky Sticky give away. ; )

But as for me, GOD's presence is my good.

Psalm 73:28

Sunday, March 13, 2011

8 Months & Giveaway!

Happy 8 months, Colson!
Every month I feel like I just typed the month's previous post. I was never sad like this as Zach grew because I knew we would have more children (it was also exciting to see our firstborn experience and accomplish new things). As much as I love every new stage Colson reaches, it pains my heart as well!
Colson, you are so happy you wiggle with joy. You have almost fallen off the changing table while I'm standing beside you and you've also come close to jumping out of my arms a few times. You just can't contain your enthusiasm for life. ; )
You adore your big brother, and he is constantly giving you hugs. On your head. At least we have moved past the "poking your eye" phase...for now. ; )
You love to sit by Zach on the couch (wedged between pillows) and play with your toys. You love to watch people. You love attention and just want anyone to smile and talk to you. You love to be held, and I have learned to do a lot of things with one arm because you are in the other (which is getting difficult because you are so heavy!).
I think I have a heart breaker on my hands. How in the world am I going to keep the girls away (from Zach, too)? Ha!
I'm thinking another giveaway by Picky Sticky would be fun. I'll be sad when I don't have these monthly stickers to record Colson's growth.

Leave a comment to win a Gift Voucher for $15 on a set of Picky Stickys.

Don't forget to leave your email address if this is the best way for me to contact you.

I'll announce the winner Thursday night. Good luck!

I praise GOD for what He has promised. Yes, I praise the LORD for what He has promised.

Psalm 56:10

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bath & Body

Thank you for your sweet words and prayers. I feel very loved and know I'm not alone. Today has been a better day. It's overwhelming when I think about living the rest of my life with this heaviness and pain, but I can't carry burdens that are not even here yet (and I really don't want to!). The LORD constantly reminds me to just think about today. He's so faithful.

I love bathtime pictures. They are so cute and fun. ; )

Colson likes to take a bath, but he slides all over the place. Makes me so nervous!

Sweet face
I can't tell who he looks like anymore. Just himself. ; )

Love those rolls!

Love his cheeks, too. ; )

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Little Things

I feel like I am in a very unfamiliar stage of grief. When Reese's 18 month birthday came I began to feel the dust settle from what we have been through and face daily. As I look at my family with our wonderful precious boys, I deeply grieve the little girl in the middle. It's so hard to let my heart share both joy and pain. It's a huge battle that neither wins.

This time has taken me by surprise, but grief just does that. I miss Reese so much and feel raw again. Right when I feel like I can't take it, it hurts too badly, it's too heavy a burden to bear, I pick myself up and take the next step. Depending on GOD's mercy and grace that only He can give me for that day.

I'm trying to see what the LORD has for me here. In this place. I don't want to miss it, I just wish I could learn without so many tears.

This does make me smile. I know it's silly, but I like little things like this. I had a Pottery Barn gift card, and I wanted to use it on something I would buy at some point anyway. This monkey stood out to me because we think Colson kind of looks like a baby gorilla. Maybe it's just the hair. ; )

I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches from secret places, so that you may know that I, the you by your name.

Isaiah 45:3