Sunday, March 27, 2011

Whatever You Do

So whether you eat
or drink
or whatever you do,
do it all
for the glory
of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31


  1. So cute, Katie! I could just eat him up!!!

  2. He's so darn cute!

    I remember you mentioning a LONG time ago that you print your blog... who do you print it with???

    Brandi :)

  3. Thanks for the Sunday blessing! I adore the verse and the litle boy that goes along with it!

  4. He is so cute! Love the food all over the face, that's just the best :)

    Greyson does the same maneuvers in his Bumbo seat...silly boy!

  5. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!! That boy is just precious!!!!!

  6. How precious!!

    I think of you often and you are in my prayers Katie!! I admire you so much as I think you are handling everything with such grace. :-)


  7. Super cute and sweet! He is getting so big! Hope you are doing well!

  8. He's absolutely adorable and I love how you put the scripture with the pictures! Very neat!!! I love this post - it's precious. I hope he gets to read it one day if you keep your blog. I'm making my blog a memory journal for my girls.

    Smiles, Cass

  9. This post made me smile! Such a little love!

  10. AMEN!!
    What a cutie!! Oh and aren't Bumbo seats the best!!

  11. He looks just like you in the third picture!! So cute.

  12. He is soooo sweet that he makes my teeth hurt. LOL I *hope* you get this somewhat country saying. Thanks for stopping by my blog! (((HUGS))) my friend.

  13. Colson has got the best hair! He is a cutie. :)

  14. Oops! My husband used my laptop...that last comment was me, not Jared. ha!

  15. Hi katie~

    I haven't commented in a while, but I do read every post. I wanted to enter the LittleLoves giveaway, but I didn't want you to think I was just commenting to win the giveaway!! I did use your discount code and got some really dear and sweet headbands for Pennie.

    I love following along with you and your journey on this road that God has for you. You are such an encouragement to other moms who find themselves walking the road too. Keep being transparent and keep sharing your heart!

    By the way, Colson is just, well, delicious!! In a lot of his pics he looks a lot like Z!

    Take care, I'll be back!

  16. I know eveyrone has already said it a bunch of times (including myself) but you can't hear it enough... He's so cute! :)

  17. I needed this today. Thank you!!


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