Saturday, March 31, 2012

Shoes shoes

These are Jason's tennis shoes. This picture is still missing a few more pairs. Crazy!
These are mine.
I have one older pair of tennis shoes to get dirty, one pair for running, one pair for tennis, and another pair for trails/hiking.

I just had to poke a little fun at my sweet husband. It's getting out. of. control. ; ) We all have our things, right?

He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings.

Psalm 91:4

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pink Tulip

Aren't these tulips beautiful? They are at the entrance of our church, and I love seeing them every year when the weather gets warmer. When I saw this pink one among the others, I hopped right out of my car and took a picture.

Things like this remind me of Reese. Sweet. Perfect. Breathtaking.
I love spring!

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

Matthew 6:34

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cutie Pies

But I have trusted in Your faithful love;
my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance.
I will sing to the LORD
because He has treated me generously.

Psalm 13:5-6

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Birthday Party

*Zach's train set is Thomas the train. We love it at our house! I like that there are so many tracks and additions to the set.
Yesterday we went to Kohen's birthday party at Zach's favorite bounce house place. Colson loved it, too. He's growing up way too fast.
Titus & Z
The theme was Octonauts. Aren't these cupcakes cute?
Sweet friends

Fun weekend!

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will
       counsel you and watch over you. 

Psalm 32:8                                                         

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Rain

We've been doing a lot of this...
 because it's been doing a lot of this!
 Thankfully the boys aren't going stir crazy since we were out of town earlier this week. They've actually liked being inside.
 This morning we went to Sam's. They had all sorts of goodies to taste, and both boys liked the chocolate covered pomegranates. It's probably because I told them they were like M&M's. ; )
Gotta love balloons. Life. Savers. I may or may not have untied them from the freezer door out of desperation.

I can't believe it's Friday!

You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.

Psalm 16:2

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fun Trip

The boys and I loved getting away for a few days. Colson stayed with Jason's parents because he will not sleep anywhere but a crib. Thanks Gran and G-Daddy! He is one spoiled little guy.
My niece Allie made these sweet cards to welcome us. They were hanging from ribbons off the stair banister. ; )
Z & Garrett
Before church
One of my dear dear friends Caroline came to visit. Oh my goodness she is one of the funniest people I know. She lives about an hour away from Meredith, and it always means so much when she comes to see me. Caroline was a Tri Delt with me at Baylor. Talking with her just takes me back to those wonderful crazy days! How was that 10 years ago?!

Silly boy
Me, Mere & Mom

Monday morning I spoke at my sister in law's sister's church. Ha! They were a sweet group of women, and of course it's always special when I can share about Reese's life. The LORD amazes me at His goodness. He's so faithfully working even still!
Love those smiles. Z is already ready to go back to play. I'm so glad he adores his cousins!

We are enjoying the rain and the rest of our spring break. The boys and I went to Walmart this morning, and it was just wild. I parked in a pond and my umbrella was broken, so we looked like a three ring circus getting out of the car and walking into the store. ; )

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you...

Ephesians 1:18

Monday, March 19, 2012


It's spring break! 

Zach, my mom and I have been in Texas the past few days. This morning I spoke at a MOPS group. We stayed with my brother and sister-in-law, and I loved every second. Z played and played and played with his cousins. So sweet. 
Zach, Allie, Mary & Garrett

I'll share more about our trip soon!

All the paths of the LORD are lovingkindness and truth... 

Psalm 25:10

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bath Paints

Shannon told me about this bath time shaving cream paint, and it looked like so much fun. I knew the boys would love it!
 It was very easy to make. All you do is mix food coloring with shaving cream.
 Colson painted the side of the tub, and Z mainly painted him. ; )
We'll definitely do it again!

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. 

Genesis 9:13

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Picky Sticky Winner

Thank you all so much for entering.
Ya'll will not believe this, but the number generator picked #1!

Congrats, Daphne! 
I will email you with the details. ; )

Good night, ya'll.

Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil... 

Psalm 141:4

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

20 Months & Giveaway

Colson, you are twenty months old today!
 You are talking up a storm. Most of the time we have no idea what you're saying, but you sure are cute! I think you may have a bit of a bossy streak like your big brother.

We call you a bull because you are SO strong and tough.

You love to eat ice.
 Your favorite little spot is right by the fireplace.
 You drink milk from a sippy cup. Yea! No more bottles. Your doctor will be so proud of us. Ha!
You have the cheesiest smile that makes my day.
 Zach is still the only one who can make you laugh like this.
We love you, Cols. You're a dream!

I'm so THANKFUL you're in our crazy family.

We only have a few more Picky Sticky giveaways! I know you're excited. They have some new stickers, too. So cute.

Leave a comment to win a Gift Voucher for $15 on a set of Picky Stickys.

Don't forget to leave your email address
 if this is the best way for me to contact you.

I'll pick the winner Thursday night!

LORD, be gracious to us! We wait for You. Be our strength every morning...

Isaiah 33:2

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend Fun

We had a fun laid back weekend. Friday night we ate dinner with our friends Candy, Kyle, JJ and Cari. It was wild with six boys running around! Love these friends.
Colson, Kohen, Zach, Jack, Will, & Wyatt
Yesterday afternoon I took the boys to sweet Cilla's birthday party. Rebekah did a fabulous job with everything. It was such a beautiful day the boys loved playing outside, too. When it was time for dessert I asked Z if he wanted a cake pop, cake, a mini cupcake, or a big cupcake. He told me he wanted a cookie! Oh my goodness.
This afternoon I played my very first tennis match. This is my partner Renata. I was a nervous WRECK all day, but ahh we won. ; ) I'm wiped out from all the nervous energy. Ha!
My baby is turning into a little boy! I love that he still likes his bouncer. Too funny.

Hope your week is starting out just right. Love this hour change. ; )

So we make it our goal to please Him...

2 Corinthians 5:9

Friday, March 9, 2012

6 Words

Yes, I absolutely threw that bottle away! Ya'll are too funny.

I was reading in a magazine recently and came across something I just loved. People described themselves in six words. These are a few of my favorites. I laughed out loud when I read them. ; )

"Old too soon. Smart too late."

"Was hot. Raised kids. Lost cool."

"Might as well eat that cookie."

"Still fit into high school earrings."

"Best move ever? I married her."

"Sorry I'm not married yet, mom."

So I've been thinking what I would say about myself at this time of my life. You can say a lot in six little words! This is when I wish I was really funny or creative. ; ) I did think of a few...

Following Jesus is always worth it.

High school sweetheart is still mine. 

Small details make a full life.

Try it! I would love to hear what you come up with. Have a good weekend!

His love is perfected in us.

1 John 4:12

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Random Wednesday

1. A few of you have asked me about Jason's exercise schedule. I asked him to do a guest post, but he just laughed at me. I was serious, too! Anyway, I will share my thoughts of course. ; )

When he was training for the NYC marathon, he followed a strict six month training schedule from Runner's World. He woke up in the wee hours of the morning because he didn't want his running to take too much time away from us.

Since the fall he's had a base of 12 to 18 miles which helped him be prepared for LR. Hope this helps answer a few questions!
 2. Twitter sent me an email saying it misses me. Ha! I really did have good intentions, but I felt a little more distracted with it than I needed to be. I hope to come back! We all have our things. ; )

3. Two of our couple friends are moving to our neighborhood. I'm SO excited!

4. Zach and Colson have really started playing well together. There are days when all I feel like I do is referee, but it's getting so much better! Z can be a little too rough, but Colson is a tough cookie. I love watching them together.

5. I'm already getting excited about Easter egg hunts. ; )

6. In the last lesson of my James study Melissa Moore writes, "No one is like Jesus." I love that.

7. This is what happens to a bottle if it's been left behind the crib for 2 1/2 months. Just in case you wanted to know. ; )
Not that Colson still drinks from a bottle or anything.

Happy Wednesday!

See, we count as blessed those who have endured...the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

James 5:11

Monday, March 5, 2012

Little Rock Marathon

Happy Monday, ya'll!

Yesterday Jason and my dad ran the LR marathon. So proud of them! I originally registered for the 5K, but we didn't realize it was on Saturday so I switched to the 10K. I hadn't run 6 miles in a long time, but I really enjoyed it. Everyone ran the first 5 miles together, and I like running with a lot of people around me. ; )
 After I finished the race my mom, the boys, and Jason's parents made a few stops along the course to cheer for my dad and Jason.
 The boys loved being outside. It was a beautiful day!
Hottie. ; )
 Dad (in the bright yellow) finishing strong. ; )
 Let's talk about the marathon medal. It's HUGE! The zero in the middle even spins. Crazy. I think that's one reason so many people run it.
Fun family times

I love the beginning of a new week. My James Bible study ends tomorrow, and I just don't know what I will do. It's a wonderful study if you are looking. ; )

 You are familiar with all my ways. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay Your hand upon me. 

Psalm 139:3, 5