Sunday, May 15, 2011

Butterfly Release

I recently became involved in a wonderful group called SHARE. This group is for parents who have lost children, and everyone has been so encouraging and sweet.

We attended their 8th annual Butterfly Release a few nights ago.

On the way there we drove straight into a severe storm. I was so disappointed because I just didn't think we were going to make it. Also how do you release butterflies in the rain? Of all nights.

We pulled over at a gas station for a few minutes and the storm let up a bit. I was so determined to go, but I didn't know how it was going to work. Z was so excited about the butterflies, too. He really wanted a green one. ; )

The release did happen, and it even stopped raining for awhile. There were several other families there, and it was nice to know although I may not know their stories we have a common bond.
When I gave Z his little envelope he said (very loudly), "Is it green?!" He is really into green these days.
I have never done anything like this and was amazed at how a live butterfly could be inside the envelope.
Z was so proud.
We were outside for about ten minutes and guess what GOD did? He painted a rainbow in the sky just for us. It was absolutely beautiful. Just like Him to do.
Z really is very gentle but his poor butterfly! He loves to hold any bug he sees and of course doesn't understand that really doesn't work well. It would fly then he would want to hold it then it would fly some more (I'm sure trying to get away). ; )

It was a very special night. I love that Z could be involved, and I'm thankful for events like this that we can do as a family to honor Reese.

Through the praise of children and infants You have established a stronghold against Your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 

Psalm 8:2


  1. Precious. Just precious. Love my Reese. Love you!

  2. That is beautiful. I have heard of the butterfly releases before. The rainbow was the perfect ending.

  3. so sweet!! That is a GREAT family activity to involve Reese! Andn how about that Rainbow...perfect!!!

  4. So sweet. I love that God put that rainbow there for you! :-) I am sure Reese was smiling.


  5. That is so special! We had a butterfly release at our wedding and I too was so worried that it wouldn't be warm enough for them to fly! They didn't all fly, but God made some fly and everyone loved it! :)

  6. He DOES care about the littlest things...a rainbow is so perfect. What a precious way to remember Reese. :)

  7. What a special evening!! I got chills reading about it. I love that you got a message from Resse and the good Lord in the form of a rainbow!! Perfect!!

  8. Your butterfly release reminded me of a triplet mom who lost all three and now makes preemie clothing for NICU's and also does butterfly releases for families who have lost a baby She raises the cocoons and then takes a picture of that person's butterfly.

    Love the rainbow and that Zach couls also be involved - although his butterfly may not share those sentiments :)

  9. So beautiful, Katie. Isn't God amazing? He quieted the storm and gave you the promise of the rainbow. The verse you posted is so powerful! AMEN!

    Blessings to you...may Jesus continue to bring you His comfort & peace.

  10. Wow, what a sweet gesture for your sweet Reese!! And the rainbow, amazing!!! Z is getting so big, sweet big brother!!!

  11. Awww i love this! I didn't know the butterflies were live either.....The rainbow gave me chills. I can't even express how awesome and perfect that is. I know it soothed your heart. What a precious gift from God and Reese. (((HUGS)))

  12. This story gave me chills. So sweet and perfect. Just like God. :)

  13. This is so sweet, and that rainbow had such a special meaning! It makes me think of the song, "If I Die Young," by The Band Perry. "Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother..." Reese was shining down on you!!!


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