Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Fall Weekend

Where does the time go? Even when the days are long time seems to fly by. It's almost November!

My parents came up for the Razorback game, and of course we had to go to the Backwoods Barn. Colson had not been yet. ; )

I don't like catfish, but they have lots of other goodies to eat. Zach tried fried shrimp for the first time. He's kind of picky, so I'm happy for him to try anything new. He ate three of them then told my mom, "I don't like that." Ha!

I also painted Reese's pumpkin.

My parents kept the boys Saturday night so Jason and I could go out to eat. We are so used to yelling over Zach just to talk to one another at home it's nice to eat and talk together in peace. ; ) Thanks, Mom and Dad! Zach and Colson loved every second with ya'll.

Jason taught Z how to use the remote. He knows more than I do about it!

All ready for church

With the days getting dark earlier I feel like it's time for bed at 7:30. Am I the only one? This is not good because the time change hasn't even happened yet. I like sunshine. ; )

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.

Psalm 118:1


  1. I am ready for bed as soon as it is dark outside. Unfortunately, my kids are not! :)

    Loved the pictures. You have a beautiful family.


  2. I should go to bed when my son does, which is not too long after it gets dark, but I don't and always pay for it the next morning! This is kind of a silly question, but do you use a tanning bed? Your skin is such a gorgeous dark color! I am going to pretty jealous if you don't, espcially since I'm not using a tanning bed anymore and am already starting to turn pale, yuck:)!

  3. Pretty pictures & pumpkin! I will look at the clock and it will be 7:30 now and I feel like it's midnight!

  4. I was just telling someone today how the time change is already affecting me and it hasn't even happened yet! You are not alone ;)
    Reese's pumpkin is adorable!

  5. Look at that pumpkin I LOVE IT!! Is it red? Or should I ask LOL....I love how you stenciled her initial on there! PERFECT JUST LIKE SHE IS!!

    I love the pic of you Z and Jason and the matching polo shirts they are sportin' how cute!

    Colson is growing up so fast, oh my goodness everytime I see a pic he gets more presh and more tan what great genes he has :)

    Love his little church outfit and yay for grandparents to watch the kiddos so ya'll can have some adult conversation....

    Girl I feel ya on the time change I feel like I should be going to bed now and it is 7:00 LOL


  6. Glad you had a evening out, if Colson keeps growing it will not be long before he is big enough to run and play with Z, so cute, both of them!!

  7. I feel that way when I wake Hadley up for school & it's still dark outside! :-(

  8. Oh such a gorgeous family you have! I love Reese's punkin', good job dear!! :)

  9. I totally understand! I'm sleepy early now too and I'm ready for the time change!!!! :) How nice for you and hubby to get a meal out by yourselves. I love Reese's pumpkin! What a special thing to do! I hope you have a wonderful week! Ohhhh and I so agree that sometimes the days are long... but they add up so quickly into a year, then ten years......oh life goes faster than we even realize!
    Blessings, Cass

  10. -the boys could not be cuter!!! They sure look like both of you!! -And yes! The days are getting shorter but since it is getting colder (here), when the days get dark earlier, it just feels cozy to me! I love getting "casual" after dinner ...meaning jammies are on early...ha! And yes! that makes for earlier bed time too,...or falling asleep in the chair watching TV!!

  11. I'm glad you had a nice weekend. Such sweet pictures. I hate the getting dark earlier too. It's hard for us to get outside after dinner now to play or take a walk.

  12. I love Reese's pumpkin!! Exciting that you were able to get in a good meal with your husband!!

  13. So glad you all had the chance to get out for a date night! Quiet moments to talk are hard to come by--believe me--I know! Your family is precious and I love seeing cute pics of Colson! He is ADORABLE!!

  14. Awwwwww, I love Reese’s pumpkin!!! And YAY for a dinner out with the hubby!!! :)

  15. I am ready for bed sooner lately too! I LOVE the last picture of Colson! He is so cute!

  16. I can't believe it's almost November. That means I have to start thinking about Christmas shopping - full force. Heaven help.

    As always, your fam is beautiful!

  17. I just LOVE Reese's pumpkin! And I love that Colson has been to a catfish buffet. Hysterical!

  18. i love your blog!! your family is just precious..found you through kelly's korner!

  19. Katie,
    Thank you for visiting me! I hope you received my email. Your children are adorable and Reese's pumpkin is precious.

  20. Love the pumpkin! I mISS YOU!!!!

  21. The Pumpkin is adorable and so are Zach and Colson.
    Colson is getting so big. It is amazing how fast time is going!!!

  22. I love reading your blog and just had to say that Colson is starting to look more and more like Zach everyday! You and your family are so beautiful, inside and out.
    I also love Reese's pumpkin. So cute!!

  23. Hey Katie - I just sent you an email through the email on your page. Is that still a correct email for you?


  24. Caedmon does the same thing Zach did with the shrimp - eat something, then decide he doesn't like it. How in the world does that happen?

    I cannot get over how much Colson looks like Zach! They are both handsome boys.

    Love, love, love Reese's pumpkin!


Thanks for your comments!