Friday, July 2, 2010

Reese's Name Gallery #21

Happy July!

Suddenly I feel like the countdown is really on. Every night before I fall asleep I think about how many days we have left before Colson is born. I'm hoping it's the 8th, but I'm preparing myself for the 14th, too. I believe in my heart though he'll be here next week. ; )

I've been working through my list (I love making lists), and things are actually getting done. Yay! I'm cherishing my time alone with Zach and Jason and our time together as a family. My dad told me after looking at all my pregnancy pictures he's forgotten what I look like normally. Ha! I'm ready to find that Katie again! I hope she is around here somewhere.

I've been looking through Reese's name gallery pictures and there are still many more to share. I love each one. Thank you so much for sending pictures and letting me share them with everyone.
Marshmellow sticks
Sweet name in the sand in Siesta Key, FL
A bus in Lisbon, Portugal
I've never seen one like this in the US!
The woman who sent this to me is a teacher with a student named Reece. Reece made this for her teacher, and it reminded her of us. The woman emailed, "Your Reese is a loving teacher in her own sweet, selfless way." I agree. ; )
The woman who sent this picture to me was reading a Max Lucado book and thought of us. The name "Reece" is on the bottom left page. She sent us pictures of these pages to honor Reese.

Have a happy and safe weekend!

Yes, Lord, walking in the way of Your laws we wait for You; Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.

Isaiah 26:8


  1. WOW it's getting closer to time to meet your precious Colson pretty girl! I think you look totally amazing have the cutest baby bump so as soon as you have Colson you will be teeny tiny Katie again :0)

    Love the name gallery pics! The marsmallow sticks and the bus is my thoughtful

    Makes me smile everytime I see Reese's name :0)


  2. Funny---the 8th is my oldest daughter's birthday, and the 14th is our angel Jillian's birthday! Either dates are great!! Enjoy these last couple weeks---you look ADORABLE!!!!

  3. everytime i'm out and hear the name reese...i just smile and think of your beautiful baby girl!

  4. I always love these pictures!!!! Hope you and your family have a happy and safe 4th of July, maybe by this time next week you might have a sweet baby to hold!!!!! :)

  5. Some of these pics are some of the most wonderful ones I've seen of Reese's name gallery!

    I hope you have an independence day baby ;)

  6. Ahhh Dad. Knows just what to say and when to say it! HA! Love you. You look beautiful.

  7. It is getting close, I can't wait! I love the names of your children.....and you being a mother to be, you look amazing!

  8. I am giddy with excitement!! Colson will be in your arms so very soon!! Rejoicing with you! Happy fourth of July!

  9. These Reese Gallery photos are always so neat. I do find myself thinking of your sweet Reese when I hear the name now! :) Sounds like you are ready... I am sure the time is going to fly by. So happy for you!


  10. Hey Katie. The bus was actually in Lisbon (Portugal) but it was me (a Belgian ;) ) who took the picture there. Best of luck these last couple of days of your pregnancy. I'm excited to see pictures of the little man!

  11. hooray for our pregnancies drawing to a close! i am having a scheduled csection on the 8th if my little man jonah doesn't come before then! cant wait to see pics of colson!!
    you have a very sweet blog, can't wait to read more from you!!

  12. Katie, this is a vain comment. But I totally envy your toned arms and great butt while pregnant!!!!! You seriously are gorgeous when carrying a child. Love you and can't wait to see this precious new baby boy. Praying for you friend.


Thanks for your comments!