Saturday, January 30, 2010

Zachy and Abba

Mandy and I met up at our parents' house with our kiddos for a few days. Zach and Abba (who is nine weeks older than Z) entertain each other so well. It's hilarious to watch them together.
My son, the instigator (I know, I know, he's tan even in the winter!)
"Got you, Abba!"
Jason bought Z and Abby Razorback Mickey and Minnie Mouse pjs. So cute!
We loved every second. Thanks, Mando and Abba!

I thought about Reese a lot how she would almost be six months old now. Sitting up with help while Z and Abby ran circles around her. She will always be missing playing with her crazy cousins. Love you, sweet pea.

My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and will prosper in what I send it to do.

Isaiah 55:11


  1. Cousins are sooo much fun!! What a special gift to spend time together!!

  2. They are too cute. Looks like they had a ton of fun together!

  3. Such fun! Those pj's are adorable - of course the kiddos are too :) I've missed "talking" to you, but as always, am praying. Hope to write soon. Love ya!

  4. What sweet pictures. And where did you get those pjs? I would love to find some for my crew. we have a Hog Pen here...maybe I'll look there.(We get pjs for Valentine's...because by then we all need new ones besides our Christmas Eve ones).

  5. Cousins are sooo fun! I have lots of great memories with mine and they end up being your best friends too! How super cute are the Razorback PJ's and mickey mouse too.... Love it!
    Oh and red bath water...Ha! Ha! You sure are using it everytime....LOL
    Funny Stuff
    Glad you had a great time
    Summer :0)

  6. my daughter and my sister's son are three months apart. and now my little guy and her second boy are two months apart. cousins who are close in age are so much fun!
    i love their pj's, and you and your sister are so pretty~

  7. Please share where the Hog jammies came from! My Zachary NEEDS some! I'm hoping they can be ordered online! Cute pictures....I need to find those bath fizzy things - looked at one store today but they didn't have them!

  8. Cousins are so much fun! It's important to give them opportunites to be together and grow in their relationships. I am so excited that Evie has so many cousins. I only had 1 and was always envious of those with BIG families full of cousins. They are so cute!!!

  9. What a great time!! And even at Grandma's the bath water is colored! I love it!

  10. OH ya'll are all so cute!

    Love the pj pics. Crazy cuzin' luvin'!!!

  11. Your family is so precious. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your lives. :)

  12. I'm not sure what struck a nerve but I'm crying after reading your post. When I read, "sweet pea," and try to wrap my mind around what you must feel during those moments...I just simply can't imagine. I'm certainly praying for you Katie. Thank you for another reminder of who God is today :)

  13. Love the pic of Z's sock cute! Glad you got to have some time with your family. Looks like you guys had lots of fun!

  14. How neat for your sister and you to have kids so close together in age. Looked like they were having a good time together. Loved the PJs.

    Hope you're doing well. Think of you often.

  15. Those 2 are too cute! Looks like they had a blast!
    I have been thinking about you and praying for you extra hard lately, it has just been heavy on my heart and I wanted you to know that you have many prayers floating up to heaven! As I was about to type that Reese is always with you, I looked down and my word verification for this post is...
    I couldn't help but smile!

  16. Love the adorable pjs! CUTE! So fun to have such close cousins!! FUNFUNFUN!!

  17. Hi Sweet Katie. Hope you are feeling well. The pics of the kids were so cute. Looks like you guys had a nice visit. We are seeing colored bath water throughout your family! :) I need to get some for my girls! Have a great day.


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